Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭
I have noticed a lot of MOSH auctions lately. His store has over 300 items. Has he decided to get out of sportscards? Is it the top of the market? Who knows, except him. A friend received an email about about his sales. Nothing like a big marketing blitz. Very sad.
<< <i>I just got an email stating that MOSH and The Football Card Store have teamed up.
Steve >>
just received the same e-mail....they have been working together for quite awhile, tho
My Auctions
They are selling off their extras..I've seen the list, and there were over 4,000 football "extras" alone...
Our very own, Jeremy of The Football Card Store, has been tapped to run the sales dept. for MOSH. An excellent choice, as he knows the football market very well and has a stellar track record of delivering quality products.
If you're looking for football from 1935-2005, definitely keep an eye on their store and auctions...Some of their extras are top notch PSA 9's and 10's...
according to my values and my needs. Nothing holds dominion over me, I stand alone as the ruler of my life.