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T206 opened Cigarette boxes!

I notice this piedmont box sold On ebay. However I don't think im educated in this field to purchase yet. I do want to own an opened piedmont box to be specific on the brands. I'd like to get one in nice condition opened or good eye appeal. However I have no idea of the rarity. I was wondering how rare these are? Also is it hard to get one in a nice condition? Is it way more expensive to get one in a great condition?

I passed on this one because the whole box is not photographed. Also Im unsure of where these value. How often they sell ? This sold for $50-$60 today.

Here are the photos. Nice eye appeal just don't know how brittle the box is. Also I think the color could be darker in certain places. the back is hard to tell through the picture. I wonder if these come on the market often or not. I just don't know thier market.


  • make sure the factory number on the pack corresponds to one of the factories that had baseball cards in the packs.
  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,598 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'll guarantee you there was no card in that pack. Nothing pre-WW2 about cards or memorabilia on ebay gets by these hard-core pre-WW2 collectors. They are on every auction like white on rice. And yes, these packs do show up on ebay on a regular basis and the sellers know there are no cards in the packs but usually won't admit that.
  • I'm specifically looking for opened cigarette boxes. I'm not looking to find cards. I'm looking for used cigarette boxes. It's good to know that you see them from time to time on ebay.
  • Still looking for info. Are these really hard to come by? values?

  • I couldn't tell ya, but have you checked with the folks at the Old Cardboard forum?
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