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Where do you buy cards from?

I am debating closing my ebay store and wondered are there other places people buy from? Feel free to comment.


  • lostdart58lostdart58 Posts: 2,938 ✭✭✭
    90% from ebay

    5% from private websites

    5% from fellow CU members
    Collector of:Baseball
    1955 Bowman Raw complete with 90% Ex-NR or better

    Now seeking 1949 Eureka Sportstamps...NM condition
    Working on '78 Autographed set now 99.9% complete -
    Working on '89 Topps autoed set now complete

  • 262Runner262Runner Posts: 606 ✭✭✭

    80% Ebay

    10% Local shops - Mostly modern, the need to open packs happens way to often.

    5% shows - Probably would be more, however, the good shows are NOT in Central, CA

    3% Naxcom - would buy more but prices are crazy most of the time. Deals can be had if you are patient and make reasonable offers.

    2% Private Websites. Same as Naxcom. Most sellers will be fair if a reasonable offer is made.

    Leaving ebay could work if you can drive enough business to your site. You will probably need to list every week on ebay in order to achieve that.

    Good luck to you.


    Collecting all cards - Gus Zernial
    Post Cereal both raw and PSA Graded (1961-1963)

  • ArnyVeeArnyVee Posts: 4,245 ✭✭
    My percentages are very similar to Jami's.....

    eBay - 95%
    Fellow CU Members - 3%
    Naxcom - 1%
    Private sites - 1%

    .....almost every purchase is through eBay for me. Of the 96% eBay purchases, I pick up probably 7-10% through eBay stores and the other 90-93% are through auction listings.
    * '72 BASEBALL #15 100%
    * T. PEREZ BASIC #4 100%
    * L. TIANT BASIC #1
    * DRYSDALE BASIC #4 100%
    * '65 DISNEYLAND #2
    * '78 ELVIS PRESLEY #6
    * '78 THREE'S COMPANY #1


  • GriffinsGriffins Posts: 6,076 ✭✭✭
    EBay 40%
    Auction Houses 40%
    Dealer Sites 5%
    Other collectors 14%
    Shows 1%

    edited because I forgot about shows.

    Always looking for Topps Salesman Samples, pre '51 unopened packs, E90-2, E91a, N690 Kalamazoo Bats, and T204 Square Frame Ramly's

  • MorrellManMorrellMan Posts: 3,241 ✭✭✭
    ebay and auction houses = at least 90%, w/about 80% ebay, 20% auction houses
    Remaining 10% from board members (80%), shows (10%), websites (10%)
    Mark (amerbbcards)

    "All evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
  • JasP24JasP24 Posts: 4,645 ✭✭✭
    Ebay -80%
    Fellow Set Registry/CU collectors--10%
    Private website--5%
    auction houses--3%
    Naxcom--1% (about a card a year)
    shows--1% (rarely find anything I need)
    Other auction sites--0%

    I'm here to question, not to inspire or build up. To live how I want, as I see fit,
    according to my values and my needs. Nothing holds dominion over me, I stand alone as the ruler of my life.
  • aro13aro13 Posts: 1,961 ✭✭✭
    EBay 70%
    Auction Houses 10%
    Other collectors 15%
    Shows 5%
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "Leaving ebay could work if you can drive enough business to your site.
    You will probably need to list every week on ebay in order to achieve that."


    These comments ONLY relate to the Card Category.

    While eBay buyers have fled by the millions, and few new
    ones have filled the gap, eBay remains the ONLY viable

    I am deep into the experimentation phase of alternate venues.
    Thus far, there have been ZERO sales on any of my "alternates."
    eBay sales continue slow/steady, but are not improving.

    eBay auctions no longer perform anywhere near the way they
    did even in 2005. If eBay fully deploys and promotes the "My
    Collectibles" concept, we will likley see a traffic boost.

    Sports Card listings are way down on eBay. Prices are depressed
    on all but the most sought after items.

    It costs a small fortune to professionally roll-out, promote and
    operate "your own" web-site. For most people, this is the wrong
    road to start down --- especially with the holidays approaching.
    Time is better spent stocking eBay stores and pricing right.

    The folks who post here are not a good sampling of "where
    folks buy." They are far too sophisticated, and they know
    about non-eBay venues that most eBay buyers have never
    even heard of.

    There are excellent ways to reduce eBay selling fees and to
    drive people to your eBay stores. The smart folks will now be
    concentrating on driving buyers into their eBay stores, NOT to
    some deserted public/private site.

    eBay may be the evil empire, but they are the only REAL game in
    town and will remain that way for a loooooooooong time.


    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • There are currently 1181 PSA graded card on auctions.yahoo.com - I have never bought from here but i do check in from time to time to see whats for sale. I only mention it because no one else has. I believe you can LIST YOUR AUCTIONS FOR FREE. I have not checked into it to see if it is governed at all - just FYI
  • dizzyfoxxdizzyfoxx Posts: 9,823 ✭✭✭
    I don't. I use to. But not anymore.image
    image...There's always time for coin collecting. image
  • tkd7tkd7 Posts: 1,799 ✭✭
    Ebay -85%
    Private website--5%
    auction houses--4%
    Other outlets 2%
  • sagardsagard Posts: 1,901 ✭✭✭

    << <i>There are currently 1181 PSA graded card on auctions.yahoo.com - I have never bought from here but i do check in from time to time to see whats for sale. I only mention it because no one else has. I believe you can LIST YOUR AUCTIONS FOR FREE. I have not checked into it to see if it is governed at all - just FYI >>

    I tested Yahoo when they returned to free listings. I had over 400 PSA graded items priced at the same level as my Ebay store. I did not find a single buyer via Yahoo. One person bid, but didn't pay. The Ebay Store was a consistant seller.

  • SDavidSDavid Posts: 1,584 ✭✭
    I'm starting to wonder how these dealer web-sites stay in business, especially the ones selling singles (I gotta think the wax busters on the board are spending a substantial % at one dealer site in particular).

    For me, it's probably 85/15 ebay and shows.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "I tested Yahoo when they returned to free listings.
    I had over 400 PSA graded items priced at the same
    level as my Ebay store. I did not find a single buyer via
    Yahoo. One person bid, but didn't pay. The Ebay Store
    was a consistent seller."


    There will be exceptions to this, obvioulsy. But, not many.

    While PSA listings are way down on eBay, and way up on
    alternate sites, the buying dynamics will hardly change at

    Many sellers have convinced themselves that loading alternate
    sites with cards is going to translate into sales. It just does not
    work like that. Buyers call the shots in ALL retail markets. The
    buyers are pre-sold to show up at eBay. The search engines
    are SEO-gamed to send buyers to eBay.

    If the alternate sites suddenly had 50% of the cards, they would
    still only have X% of buyers. (I use X because I cannot prove what
    I believe to be the real number; 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%).

    Increased inventory does not drive buyers into a new venue.
    Sellers who keep relying on this faulty theory are going to be
    very let down when reality bites.

    In retail, the venue draws the crowd. There is no exception to this rule
    taught in any business school in America. When the crowd is
    conditioned to the venue, they are considered "pre-sold" or
    "pre-disposed." NONE of the alternate venues have come close
    to "pre-disposing" ANYBODY. Wishful thinking does not change
    that. Billions of bucks have been spent in the past decade to
    place eBay at the top-of-mind in online consumers. (That abstract figure
    does not include earned media, and the other forces that have caused
    eBay to become part of the lexicon that means "online buying.")

    I work with a bunch of really smart online sellers. Not one of them
    is even thinking about alternate venues. All of their energy goes
    into making their eBay stores work better and more profitably.

    eBay stores are the most economical and BEST method of selling
    stuff that currently exists. That may not be true ten-years from now,
    but it is going to be true for a long time. Trying to be a pioneer in
    the forefront of establishing new venues is not a winning strategy
    for retailers.

    Show me the sales at the other venues. No one can do that because
    the sales are miniscule compared to eBay. Why would I want to spend
    my time listing stuff on sites that nobody is ever going to see? I
    want to sell stuff and I need buyers to make that happen. ONLY eBay
    can deliver those buyers, currently.

    Even though eBay has managed to chase millions of buyers away due
    to frauds and rip-offs, their site is still the ONLY place that large numbers
    of the remaining buyers are shopping.

    I am on the "other venues," and they DO NOT WORK! I have no axe
    to grind in favor of eBay. I am ONLY telling the truth about what the
    current circumstances are. You are wasting your valuable time if you
    are loading product into the alternates.

    Free listings and free stores do not mean jack when there are NO BUYERS.


    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • alnavmanalnavman Posts: 4,129 ✭✭✭
    usually ebay, but have had several of the forum members help me with my registry sets.....if I had to break it down as far as what I currently own I would say:

    ebay - 85%
    forum members - 5%
    auction houses - 5%
    shows 5% (and this is just due to my having bought stuff years ago that I still have)...now I usually only buy my supplies at shows.
  • I am a little suprised at the poll; I would think more members would use naxcom and other sites too; Storm you make some good points, Do you believe ebay is "the card market". I have several problems with ebay; some are: very inconsistant pricing from auctions, Raw cards bring terrible $, bidders generally do not like reserve auctions so how do I handle consignments? Store items, even when I am loaded up with high end inventory generally sit and get very little activity, and hits, I use best offers and get joke offers, if any. I use research to price my items, so I am hoping that is not the problem (but it may be) who knows? I agree that ebay is the best venue, and stores that get traffic are the best bang for the buck; I would think that advanced collectors, such as the ones on this board, would look beyond ebay, that was why I posted the poll. I like the thread and am curious to more opinions. keep them coming.

  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "I have several problems with ebay; some are: very inconsistant pricing from auctions, Raw cards bring terrible $, bidders generally do not like reserve auctions so how do I handle consignments? Store items, even when I am loaded up with high end inventory generally sit and get very little activity, and hits, I use best offers and get joke offers, if any."


    Auctions no longer work like they used to. MANY
    folks that were active in 2004 and 2005 have
    stopped buying cards. Auctions are best only
    used on scarifice items to drive traffic; loss leader
    style. Highly-prized items still do fairly well at auction,
    but even there the competition is lighter than it

    When I do auctions, I start them at the lowest price
    I am willing to take. These days, that price is usually
    all that I am going to get. Raw cards have been
    working well as traffic builders at one of my stores.
    I start a lot that should retail for $5 or $10 at 1-cent;
    it is shocking how many of those lookers have come
    into the store and bought graded cards and auto
    items. Such auctions should be set for 10-days
    because they are really ONLY the road map to your

    FP is now the preferred format among many buyers.
    If that was not so, we would not see a full 85%+
    of listings in stores, and 30%+ of CORE in FP.

    If reserves are meeting resistance, try FP w/BO.
    I do not like BO. I prefer FP and a gradual lowering
    of the price.

    All store owners need to find new ways to drive
    folks into those stores. It can be done, but it is
    not free. If your store is paying for itself, there
    is no reason to think of closing it. You will do much
    worse at ANY other site, and making your own site
    is a HUGE project if you do it correctly and professionally.

    The BIN tab on the search pages now includes many
    store items, so that may start to show up in sales pretty soon.

    August is always a bad month. The holidays are on
    the way. Sales will improve and you will have some
    extra cash to help make your decisions in January
    and February.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
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