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Cards Sticking Together

This may have been discussed previously, but is there a method that will prevent cards in unopened packs from sticking together. I'm cracking a box of 2001 Topps, and have found that the cards are sticking together in the packs upon opening. Any help would really be great - thanks.


  • I have heard that putting them in the freezer works, but I have never tried it myself. I have always worried about condensate on the cards/packs when I would go to take them out, so I have always been too afraid to try.

  • I just tried the freezer method on a couple of 93 Stadium Club update sets that are stuck like a brick together and only one card off the back budged, and it took part of the gloss off the card on top of it. Any other ideas out there, or did I do something wrong? They were completely frozen when I took them out, and let them thaw before attempting to take apart.
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