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PCGS About To Add The Cherrypicker Variety Attribution List - REALLY. Announced pre-ANA. Problem Is

an extra $15 for it (just like for Vams now). On the plus side, you'll now be able to get them done under ANY (i.e. walk-thru, express, regular, OR economy) service level. Was also told that you'll now be able to mix Vams & FS# varieties on the same submission form (we'll see about THAT one but I hope so!). Mint Error service will now be reserved for TRUE mint errors & NOT varieties. Hopefully the registry set(s) will be following VERY shortly as well.

This was all told to me yesterday first by Aricelli & then confirmed by a lady manager (donna? karen?) I honestly forget her name right now - I just woke up. Reason I was informed was because Aricelli called me to tell me that the mint error submission I sent in that got logged in 8/14 would now require an extra $15 to add the FS#'s to the holder. She said the new policy went into effect pre-ANA. I said OK.

When I got back to a computer to see that there was NOTHING about this on their website I called & insisted on speaking with a manager that assured me that, YES, this service WAS announced pre-ANA but has NOT yet been implemented and that my submission SHOULD NOT have been "upcharged" $15 per coin. She also assured me that NO submissions would be upcharged RETROACTIVELY when the change goes live - which she led me to believe would be VERY soon.

p.s. they're supposedly ALSO going to be adding Sheldon #'s, Overton #'s, Newcombe #'s, etc. at the same time.


  • RBinTexRBinTex Posts: 4,328
    FYI: Here's the FIRST newly attributed FS-018 Buffalo Nickel:


    Check out the PCGS No. in the pop report - the first & only thus far.
  • STONESTONE Posts: 15,275

    Sweet Coin RB. Congrats on the a first attributed coin.
  • SteveSteve Posts: 3,312 ✭✭✭
    Has (will) PCGS identify EXACTLY what is meant by "error coin" verses what is meant by "variety coin"? How all this fits in with the PCGS Set Registries as they will be "updated" very shortly. I assume you know little more than I do right now, but I'm anxious to know and I bet a lot of other people here are interested to know also.
  • RBinTexRBinTex Posts: 4,328
    Yes Steve, the intent is that "mint error" service will now be for actual errors (ONLY), e.g. broadstruck, off-center, unplated, brockage, mated pairs, etc., etc., etc..... image
  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,701 ✭✭✭✭✭

    This will not only help collectors but be a big boost to the market.
    Tempus fugit.
  • seanqseanq Posts: 8,694 ✭✭✭✭✭

    The 1935 DDR Buffalo above has its own coin number, so shouldn't that still be eligible for a standard submission? Is the $15 extra just to get the FS number on the holder instead of the more generic "Doubled Die Reverse"?

    For the FS varieties which used to be sent in under Mint Error service, I think this is a great idea and long overdue. But other than the 1941 cent DDO (where PCGS won't differentiate between dies 1 and 2), I don't know why I'd pay the extra $15 for a FS variety PCGS already recognizes.

    Sean Reynolds
    Incomplete planchets wanted, especially Lincoln Cents & type coins.

    "Keep in mind that most of what passes as numismatic information is no more than tested opinion at best, and marketing blather at worst. However, I try to choose my words carefully, since I know that you guys are always watching." - Joe O'Connor
  • RBinTexRBinTex Posts: 4,328
    "The 1935 DDR Buffalo above has its own coin number, so shouldn't that still be eligible for a standard submission? Is the $15 extra just to get the FS number on the holder instead of the more generic "Doubled Die Reverse"?

    For the FS varieties which used to be sent in under Mint Error service, I think this is a great idea and long overdue. But other than the 1941 cent DDO (where PCGS won't differentiate between dies 1 and 2), I don't know why I'd pay the extra $15 for a FS variety PCGS already recognizes."


    The "own coin #" is not the relavant issue here (just like for Vams RIGHT NOW).

    They have decided that ALL varieties that are not in the current pop report (& that they will NOW attribute) will require the extra $15 for variety attribution. Period.

    So to more directly answer your top question, YES, the extra $15 is to get the FS# on the holder ALONG WITH the new PCGS # (which presumably will be needed shortly in a registry set).

    & YES, this PARTICULAR variety (i.e. FS-018 buffalo 5c) might be an exception to REQUIRING a "Cherrypicker PCGS No." to enter into a Cherrypicker Registry set - just like many Morgans now - e.g. the 1888-O Doubled Die Obverse in the reg. pop report & "Vam-4 Hot Lips" in the Vam registry (just to name one of MANY).

    So, yes, it might be a waste of money to pay $15 (plus shipping to/from PCGS) to attribute an FS#'d coin that already has a counterpart in the regular pop report (as reality/history has shown thus far with the low number of Morgans - attributed w/the Vam# - in a similar situation) unless you REALLY just want it (the FS#) on the holder.

    In the specific case of the 41DDO's (i.e. FS-018 & FS-018.1): depending on the grade, I think it very well might be worth the little extra - IMHO. image
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