Off-Topic: Comments on an IBM Thinkpad T30 Please

Does anyone here own an IBM Thinkpad T30? I am considering picking a used one up from ebay and would greatly appreciate any comments. Thank you.
/s/ JackWESQ
/s/ JackWESQ

Late 60's and early to mid 70's non-sports
I did not buy the extended warranty.
Three-trips back to the repair-yard in the first year.
All free repairs of serious/expensive problems.
Not too deep into year two, it stopped working again.
Called them up. They wanted $999.95 to check-it-out.
That money would have gone toward repairs, with no
promise of a cap. I told them "NO!"
I took it apart. My friend got most of the stuff off the HD
and onto my desk-top.
I threw the corpse into the trash can.
While the thing was working, it was the best computer
that I had ever used. Very easy to fall in love with.
I would probably buy a Vaio or a Compaq instead. But, if I bought
another TP, I would definitely buy the extended warranty.
I would not buy a used computer for more than ten-cents
on the dollar.
<< <i>I would not buy a used computer for more than ten-cents
on the dollar.
storm >>
This is some great advice. When you buy a used computer you are just taking over someone else's problems.
However, you can pickup a new Dell laptop for $600 or so. There's no reason to buy a used computer these days unless you collect them.