1984 Nestle Proofs & Oddball Mattingly Rookies

What is the story behind the black and white 1984 Nestle cards? I have a couple of the Mattingly's and a Strawberry. The Mattinglys are stamped with sample and test symbols. One of them is sample 2 and the other is sample 3. I've been told that there are 4 different versions. Does anyone know what the other two samples look like? Also, does anyone happen to have or have seen the fake Greensboro Hornets Mattingly card, or even his high school card? From what I'm told, all of these cards are fake, but I'm still curious about and their origins. Any help would be appreciated.
Can you scan the pics of the samples you have (if it is no trouble, of course).
BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee