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O'Connell and Son Ink Cards?

Does anyone know *anything* about these cards? They're known as "O'Connell and Son Ink 1984-1989" and there's a Will Clark in the set. I've only been able to track down images of two cards from the entire set, both from this Nellie Fox site. (I hope he doesn't mind...)

image - image

I attempted to email the person who manages the site, though I'm not sure I had the right address.

So, does anyone know more about these cards or how they were distributed? Here's a link to the checklist, if anyone's interested. It's an interesting combination of HoFers and late 80s stars (Ruth, Gehrig, Paige, Benito Santiago, Will Clark, Chris Short (?), Greg Gross (?).

It seems like a very interesting set, and I'd love to know more...

I'd love to see a scan of the Will Clark card, if anyone knows of one.




  • carew4mecarew4me Posts: 3,473 ✭✭✭✭
    I do not know how they were distributed.

    here are the Rod Carew's:


    Loves me some shiny!
  • The editor of SCD produced these... TS O'Connell... he will be happy to talk with you. Just call Krause and ask for him. Nice fella.
    Always collecting vintage basketball and any ABA memorabilia.
  • ajwajw Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭
    Thanks for the scans! Are they yours? If so, can I ask how you tracked them down (and what you paid)?
  • Carew29Carew29 Posts: 4,025 ✭✭

    The baseball card size Carew's go for a couple of bucks on ebay. The 5x7 for around $8, the 8x10 a little more.
  • carew4mecarew4me Posts: 3,473 ✭✭✭✭
    sounds right.

    the 8x10 are very tuff to find

    Loves me some shiny!
  • ajwajw Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭
    Jeez...there are a bunch on eBay right now. No Will Clark, but hopefully it'll show up someday soon. I thought I searched a week ago or so and didn't see a single listing. Maybe I spelled it wrong.

    Anyway, thanks for the info guys. That's why I love this board...someone knows something about everything!

    A few more questions: how's the quality of the cards? Are they on regular card stock? Are they licensed?
  • carew4mecarew4me Posts: 3,473 ✭✭✭✭
    not licensed. great card stock.

    PSA will grade these

    Loves me some shiny!
  • I was under the impression that PSA will not grade anything that isn't licensed. That has been an issue I have been dealing with with several other issues....interesting


    Looking for 81-84 Topps Stickers in PSA 9 or better, 81 Topps Scratch offs, 83 Topps Fold outs in PSA 8 or better, 83 Fleer Stamps and 81/86 Fleer Star Stickers in PSA 9 or better.

  • carew4mecarew4me Posts: 3,473 ✭✭✭✭
    Someone else told me that they are licensed, so I could be wrong.

    PSA graded the two normal size issues on my last batch of Carew's (15,73).

    RedRomad275: I will be listing a nice CENTERED 69 rose Deckle Edge in PSA 8 on eBay soon.

    Loves me some shiny!
  • Carew29Carew29 Posts: 4,025 ✭✭

    Dammit they better be since they just graded yours!!!!!!! Plus i just sent mine in!!image
  • MorrellManMorrellMan Posts: 3,241 ✭✭✭
    I've had these forever - I think I bought them from an ad in SCD about 22 years ago:

    I also have a '52 Mantle rookie, but that one's in my office.



    Mark (amerbbcards)

    "All evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
  • ajwajw Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭
    Well, I finally found the Will Clark card. It only cost me a few dollars (though my snipe was set much higher). I also snagged a few Willie Mays cards from the same seller. The seller, BTW, is from Wisconsin, which makes sense, as Krause Publications is also in Wisconsin.


    The seller had quite a few cards, and seems to be breaking up a set. The images on the cards can really be...um...interesting, I guess. Like this one, for example:


    I can't imagine Nolan was real happy when he saw that one (assuming he ever has, of course).

    One last question: do we know if PSA really does grade these? I ask out of curiosity more than anything else. I suspect it would be tough, as the dimensions seem to vary quite a bit from card to card. I also wonder if they're authorized cards, as I don't see any sort of MLBPA or other markings on the cards.

    Anyway, thanks for the info on the set, guys.

  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>The editor of SCD produced these... TS O'Connell... he will be happy to talk with you. Just call Krause and ask for him. Nice fella. >>

    I'm thinking that TS is the actual artist.

    His work is just ok - and I'm not criticizing - it's better than I could do.

  • ajwajw Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭
    Ok. Now that I have my Will Clark O'Connell and Son Ink card, how do I organize it? The Beckett.com list says lumps all the cards together, labeling them as "1984-1989 O'Connell and Sons Ink." Now, I'm sure it's not from 84 or 85, and probably not 86, but how do I know the year of issue?

  • AkbarCloneAkbarClone Posts: 2,476 ✭✭✭
    I saw a Will Clark colletor's website where he cataloged the O'Connell and Son Ink card #208 as "1986".
    I collect Vintage Cards, Commemorative Sets, and way too many vintage and modern player collections in Baseball (180 players), Football (175 players), and Basketball (87 players). Also have a Dallas Cowboy team collection.
  • ajwajw Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I saw a Will Clark colletor's website where he cataloged the O'Connell and Son Ink card #208 as "1986". >>

    Really? Any chance you still have a link? I'm interested for a number of reasons...
  • AkbarCloneAkbarClone Posts: 2,476 ✭✭✭
    I collect Vintage Cards, Commemorative Sets, and way too many vintage and modern player collections in Baseball (180 players), Football (175 players), and Basketball (87 players). Also have a Dallas Cowboy team collection.
  • ajwajw Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭
    I was just contacted by a seller who is selling off a large run of O'Connell & Son Ink cards. I may buy the remaining Giants cards, but if anyone is interested in his list, let me know.

    Here's his list (sorry for the poor formatting):
    1 Williams, Ted Red Sox
    3 Koufax, Sandy Dodgers
    4 Kaline, Al Tigers
    5 Ford, Whitey Yankees
    10 Yastrzemski, Carl Red Sox
    14 McCovey, Willie Giants
    15 Carew, Rod Angels
    16 Gibson, Bob Cardinals
    17 Yount, Robin Brewers
    18 Carlton, Steve Phillies
    20 Mays, Willie Giants
    21 Jackson, Reggie Angels
    22 Mathews, Eddie Braves
    23 Murray, Eddie Orioles
    24 Bench, Johnny Reds
    26 Stargell, Willie Pirates
    27 Henderson, Rickey Athletics
    28 Maris, Roger Yankees
    29 Strawberry, Darryl Mets
    29 Strawberry, Darryl Mets
    30 Rose, Pete Reds
    31 Rice, Jim Red Sox
    32 Munson, Thurman Yankees
    33 Robinson, Brooks Orioles
    34 Valenzuela, Fernando Dodgers
    35 Oliva, Tony Twins
    36 Aaron, Henry Braves
    37 Morgan, Joe Reds
    38 Hrbek, Kent Twins
    39 Berra, Yogi Yankees
    40 Musial, Stan Cardinals
    41 Mathews, Gary Phillies
    42 Doby, Larry Reds
    43 Garvey, Steve Dodgers
    44 Bob Horner Braves
    45 Guidry, Ron Yankees
    48 Reese, Pee Wee Dodgers
    49 Shantz, Bobby Athletics
    50 Dimaggio, Joe Yankees
    51 Slaughter, Enos Cardinals
    52 Carter, Gary Expos
    53 Feller, Bob Indians
    54 Rizzuto, Phil Yankees
    55 Consepsion, Dave Reds
    56 Kittle, Ron White Sox
    57 Evans, Dwight Red Sox
    58 Mize, Johnny Yankees
    61 Lynn, Fred Angels
    62 Williams, Billy Cubs
    63 Winfield, Dave Yankees
    64 Roberts, Robin Phillies
    65 Martin, Billy Yankees
    66 Snider, Duke Dodgers
    67 Aparicio, Luis White Sox
    68 Vernon, Mickey Senators
    70 Robinson, Frank Reds
    71 Madlock, Bill Pirates
    72 Fingers, Rollie Brewers
    73 Carew, Rod Twins
    75 Brock, Lou Cardinals
    79 Harrelson, Bud Mets
    81 Johnson, Walter Senators
    83 Grove, Lefty Red Sox
    84 Whitaker, Lou Tigers
    89 Bunning, Jim Phillies
    90 Ruth, Babe Yankees
    91 Paige, Satchel Cardinals
    92 Spahn, Warren Braves
    94 Wynn, Early Indians
    95 Jackson, Reggie Yankees
    96 Gehringer, Charlie Tigers
    97 Robinson, Jackie Dodgers
    98 Gehrig, Lou Yankees
    99 Aaron, Hank Braves
    101 Koufax, Sandy Dodgers
    104 Strawberry, Darryl Mets
    105 Seaver, Tom Mets
    106 Klem, Bill Umpire
    107 Gooden, Dwight Mets
    110 Wagner, Honus Pirates
    112 Bruton, Billy Braves
    113 Hodges, Gil Dodgers
    114 Power, Vic Athletics
    116 Lopez, Al White Sox
    117 Bridges, Rocky Dodgers
    118 Gilliam, Junior Dodgers
    119 Mathewson, Christy Giants
    120 Greenberg, Hank Tigers
    121 Mathews, Eddie Braves
    122 Mungo, Van Lingle Dodgers
    123 Simpson, Suitcase Athletics
    124 Yastrzemski, Carl Red Sox
    126 Dean, Dizzy Cardinals
    127 Olivo, Chi Chi
    128 VanderMeer, Johnny Reds
    130 Hubbell, Carl Giants
    131 Mays, Willie Giants
    132 Stargell, Willie Pirates
    133 Jethroe, Sam Braves
    135 Robinson, Jackie Dodgers
    136 Berra, Yogi Yankees
    137 Alexander, Grover Phillies
    138 Morgan, Joe Reds
    139 Foster, Rube Red Sox
    142 Fox, Jimmy Red Sox
    143 Martin, Pepper Cardinals
    144 Aaron, Henry Braves
    145 Blue, Vida Athletics
    146 Furillo, Carl Dodgers
    148 Dyer, Eddie Cardinals
    149 Stengel, Casey Yankees
    151 Hodges, Gil Mets
    152 Mossi, Don Tigers
    153 Swoboda, Ron Mets
    154 Wilhelm, Hoyt White Sox
    155 Roush, Ed Reds
    156 Lolich, Mickey Tigers
    157 Palmer, Jim Orioles
    158 Munson, Thurman Yankees
    159 Zimmer, Don
    160 Aaron, Henry Braves
    161 Bench, Johnny Reds
    162 Cepeda, Orlando Giants
    164 Seaver, Tom Mets
    165 Mays, Willie Giants
    166 Riddle, Elmer Reds
    167 Oliva, Tony Twins
    168 Flick, Elmer Indians
    169 Flood, Curt Cardinals
    170 Yastrzemski, Carl Red Sox
    171 Keller, King Kong Yankees
    172 Mathewson, Christy Giants
    174 Gehrig, Lou Yankees
    175 McGraw, John Giants
    177 Waner, Paul Pirates
    178 Blass, Steve Pirates
    179 Wagner, Honus Pirates
    180 Barry, Jack Athletics
    182 Murtaugh, Danny Pirates
    183 Edwards, John Reds
    186 Grote, Jerry Mets
    187 Durocher, Leo Cubs
    188 Fingers, Rollie Brewers
    189 Parker, Wes Dodgers
    190 Rudi, Joe Athletics
    191 Veeck, Bill
    192 Fidrych, Mark Tigers
    193 Foster, George Reds
    194 Wynn, Early Indians
    195 Howard, Frank Senators
    196 Nettle, Graig Yankees
    197 Pizarro, Juan White Sox
    198 Cruz, Jose Astros
    199 Jackson, Joe White Sox
    201 Klein, Chuck Phillies
    203 Allen, Richie Phillies
    204 Jackson, Bo Royals
    205 Mitchell, Kevin Giants
    206 Wynn, Doby, Smith Indians
    209 Fielder, Cecil Tigers
    210 Richardson, Bobby Yankees
    212 Stengel, Casey Mets
    213 Kluszewski, Ted White Sox
    214 Perry, Gaylord Giants
    215 VanderMeer, Johnny Reds
    216 Mays, Willie Giants
    217 Goslin, Goose Yankees
    218 Shantz, Bobby Athletics
    219 Pendleton, Terry Braves
    223 Ainge, Danny Blue Jays
    224 Friend, Bob Pirates
    225 Hershiser, Orel Dodgers
    226 Boggs, Wade Red Sox
    228 Musial, Stan Cardinals
    229 Short, Chris Phillies
    230 Bench, Johnny Reds
    236 Gross, Greg Phillies
    238 Santiago, Benito Padres
    239 Gooden, Dwight Mets
    240 Strawberry, Darryl Mets
    241 Campanella, Roy Dodgers
    244 Ryan, Nolan Astros
    none Erskine, Carl
    none Haas, Mule
    Fifth Series Checklist ( 145-180 )
    First Series Checklist ( 1-36 )
    Fourth Series Checklist ( 109-144 )
    Second Series Checklist ( 37-72 )
    Sixth Series Checklist ( 181-201 )
    Third Series Checklist ( 73-108 )
  • AkbarCloneAkbarClone Posts: 2,476 ✭✭✭
    Can you send me a PM with his contact info? I need 12-14 cards to finish my needs for the set.
    I collect Vintage Cards, Commemorative Sets, and way too many vintage and modern player collections in Baseball (180 players), Football (175 players), and Basketball (87 players). Also have a Dallas Cowboy team collection.
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