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Update-keez is winner #2, ziggy29 got it right-2222 Post Giveaway Contest - It is an 1863 3 cent pat

MrSpudMrSpud Posts: 4,498 ✭✭✭
I just had MrsSpud pick a number out of a hat to pick the 2nd winner. The winner is keez. Congratulations on winning the packet of silver powder image . Please PM me your address so I know where to send it.

Ziggy29 got it right, it is an 1863 three cent Pattern

SUNDAY 8/13/06 CLUES - Noone got it right yet so I decided to give 2 clues.
1)The last two digits of date along with the digit that is the denomination are only 2 different digits and one digit is half of the other.
2)The coin pictured could have been but wasn't

In honor of my 2222 post I am going to have a contest for 2 prizes. In the picture below I have edited out the last 2 digits of the date. The first person to guess the date and denomination will win their choice of either a 1921-D Morgan (One with some die breaks, not sure which VAM yet) or a packet of silver powder equal to one dollar in the year it was exchanged for a silver certificate. The other prize winner will be chosen randomly from all the entries and will win whatever prize is left. Please, only one guess per day. If noone guesses the date/denomination by tomorrow afternoon, I'll give a clue. Then each day, if noone guesses it I'll give another clue. I will pick the random winner when someone guesses the date/denomination. Good luck image


Here's a picture of the silver packet


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