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1839 Treaty of London Britania Medal

The Belgian state existed since 1830, but it was not internationally recognized until 1839, in the TREATY OF LONDON.

In 1831 Dutch troops invaded (10 days campaign); French troops entered the country to secure Belgian independence. International diplomacy set in, and both armies left the country (Treaty of 18 Articles, London 1831). In 1831/1839 the neighbouring powers (Britain, France, the Netherlands, Prussia) agreed to recognize Belgium, and imposed on its government political NEUTRALITY (strong francophone elements within Belgium had favoured alliance with or even annexation to France), a neutrality the foreign signatories guaranteed.

Now the border was fixed, two contested border regions - Limburg and Luxemburg, were partitioned, the western halves of both being annexed by Belgium. While the Dutch half of Limburg and the remaining Grand Duchy of Luxemburg were part of the German Confederation, the Belgian provinces of Limburg and Luxemburg were not.

This medal commemorates the Recognition of the Belgian State by England, Verifing their Independence.

Bronze 60mm 75.5 gms. by Joue Dupon minted by Fonson & Co. Rare.

Obverse Britanias hand protecting the constitution of Belgium, The Belgian Lion at her lap.
Reverse translation roughly , And the England with Hommage and Recognition of Belgium



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