Great Baseball Book

Hey, I was just flipping through my copy of the Barry Halper auction catalog the other day, and the thing really is incredible. If you don't have a copy, I'd highly recommend buying one. They're available cheap on Amazon. All the stuff you could never afford...
Some copies come with a print out of the final sale price for the items, which is a nice little addition. I have a photocopy of it, if anyone needs one.
(This isn't spam, I just think lots of board members would like the book.)
Some copies come with a print out of the final sale price for the items, which is a nice little addition. I have a photocopy of it, if anyone needs one.
(This isn't spam, I just think lots of board members would like the book.)
I looked at that anthology Drew when I was at Barnes and Noble - I think its a great reference - and now that you can pick them up cheap on the internet - I say - a good reference for those who like that kind of stuff.
Successful transactions on the BST boards with rtimmer, coincoins, gerard, tincup, tjm965, MMR, mission16, dirtygoldman, AUandAG, deadmunny, thedutymon, leadoff4, Kid4HOF03, BRI2327, colebear, mcholke, rpcolettrane, rockdjrw, publius, quik, kalinefan, Allen, JackWESQ, CON40, Griffeyfan2430, blue227, Tiggs2012, ndleo, CDsNuts, ve3rules, doh, MurphDawg, tennessebanker, and gene1978.
The preview is like walking through a museum, but you can request to examine the items, so while you may never own Joe DiMaggio's World Series ring, you can get the chance to touch and feel it, which is something you would never get to do at a museum. The auction floor is crazy. At Sotheby's, you have bidders on the floor and telephone operators leaning out the inside office windows over the auction floor calling out telephone bids. The items come out on a turntable and the auctioneer doesn't miss a beat for a couple of hours. With all the energy, I can see how people bid things up in that environment. Certainly more entertaining than setting an ebay snipe.
Now if I only had the money.