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lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,658 ✭✭✭✭✭
The August list is really just the remnants of the mile-long July list. Shipping & handling: Just guesstimate and add what you consider a reasonable amount. A buck or two ought to do it, unless you want insurance (which is a waste of money on orders less than fifty bucks, in my opinion). If you come up a little short, I'll cover the rest.

PayPal is fine. Just PM to confirm your selections.

SALE: I am overstocked on Nazi zinc coinage, so take 10% off listed prices. Many are already discounted.

I will listen to trade offers if you have pre-1900 US material, pre-1800 world coins, big silver, or something else interesting to swap.

Full return privilege if you aren't satisfied, of course.

ARGENTINA: 2 CENTAVOS, 1891, Fine+ (F15). KM #33, Bronze.
(WCA002: $1.00)

ARGENTINA: 2 CENTAVOS, 1891, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #33, Bronze.
(WCA003: $3.00)

ARGENTINA: 50 CENTAVOS, 1994, Brilliant Unc. (MS63). KM #111.2, Brass. Catalogs $2.00 (2006).
(WCA004: $1.00)

ARGENTINA: 1 PESO, 1996-A, About Unc.+ (AU53). KM #112.1, Bimetallic: brass center, copper-nickel outer ring. Catalogs $4.50 UNC (2006).
(WCA005: $1.00)

AUSTRALIA: 1 SHILLING, 1926, Very Good (VG8). KM #26, .925 Silver/.1680 oz.
(WCA029: $1.75)

AUSTRIA: 1 PFENNIG, 1765, Fine (F12, damage or counterstamp on reverse). KM #1979, Copper. Catalogs $10.00 Fine (3rd Edition). The “damage” might actually be a counterstamp or chopmark.
(WCA008: $5.50)

AUSTRIA: 1/4 KREUZER, 1816-A, Fine (F12). KM #2107, Copper.
(WCA009: $1.50)

AUSTRIA: 1/4 KREUZER, 1816-S, Very Fine+ (VF35). KM #2107, Copper.
(WCA011: $3.50)

AUSTRIA: 1/2 KREUZER, 1800-A, Good+ (G6). KM #2111, Copper.
(WCA012: $1.00)

AUSTRIA: 1/2 KREUZER, 1816-A, Extremely Fine+ (EF45). KM #2110, Copper.
(WCA014: $6.00)

AUSTRIA: 1/2 KREUZER, 1851-B, Very Fine (VF20). KM #2181, Copper.
(WCA015: $2.00)

AUSTRIA: 1 KREUZER, 1800-C, Fine (F12, slight rim nicks). KM #2111, Copper.
(WCA016: $1.00)

AUSTRIA: 1 KREUZER, 1816-A, Extremely Fine+ (EF45). KM #2113, Copper.
(WCA018: $6.00)

AUSTRIA: 1 KREUZER, 1816-G, Fine (F12). KM #2113, Copper.
(WCA019: $2.00)

AUSTRIA: 1 KREUZER, 1816-S, Fine (F12). KM #2113, Copper.
(WCA020: $2.00)

AUSTRIA: 1 KREUZER, 1885, Extremely Fine+ (EF45). KM #2187, Copper.
(WCA031: $1.50)

AUSTRIA: 3 KREUZER, 1800-C, Very Fine (VF20). KM #2115.3, Copper.
(WCA022: $5.00)

AUSTRIA: 3 KREUZER, 1812-B, Good+ (G6). KM #2116, Copper.
(WCA023: $2.50)

AUSTRIA: 3 KREUZER, 1812-E, Very Good (VG8). KM #2116, Copper.
(WCA024: $4.00)

AUSTRIA: 1 HELLER, 1895, About Unc.+ (AU55). KM #2800, Bronze.
(WCA032: $1.75)

AUSTRIA: 1 HELLER, 1900, About Unc.+ (AU55). KM #2800, Bronze.
(WCA033: $1.75)

AUSTRIA: 2 HELLER, 1895, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #2801, Bronze. Catalogs $2.25 (4th Edition).
(WCA034: $1.50)

AUSTRIA: 2 HELLER, 1897, About Unc.+ (AU58, dark toning streak obv.). KM #2801, Bronze.
(WCA036: $1.00)

AUSTRIA: 2 HELLER, 1899, About Unc.+ (AU53). KM #2801, Bronze. Catalogs $4.00 UNC (4th Edition).
(WCA038: $1.50)

AUSTRIA: 2 HELLER, 1917, About Unc.+ (AU55). KM #2824, Iron. Catalogs $5.00 UNC (2006).
(WCA030: $1.00)

AUSTRIA: 20 HELLER, 1894, About Unc. (AU50). KM #2803, Nickel. Catalogs $7.00 UNC (4th Edition).
(WCA040: $3.00)

AUSTRIA: 2 GROSCHEN, 1954, Uncirculated (MS62). KM #2876, Aluminum. Catalogs $2.50 (2006).
(WCA026: $1.00)

AUSTRIA: 2 GROSCHEN, 1954, Uncirculated (MS62). KM #2876, Aluminum. Catalogs $2.50 (2006).
(WCA027: $1.00)

BRITISH WEST AFRICA: 1 SHILLING, 1938, Very Fine (VF20). KM #23, Nickel-brass.
(WCB002: $1.25)

BELGIUM: 2 CENTIMES, 1870, Very Fine+ (VF25, slight rim bumps). KM #35.1, Copper.
(WCB003: $1.00)

BELGIUM: 10 CENTIMES, 1861, Fine (F12). KM #22, Copper-nickel. Struck over major lamination or planchet flaw on reverse.
(WCB004: $2.00)

BELGIUM: 10 CENTIMES, 1861, Very Fine (VF20). KM #22, Copper-nickel.
(WCB005: $2.50)

BELGIUM: 10 CENTIMES, 1864, Fine (F12, very slight rim nick). KM #22, Copper-nickel. Key date for the KM22 type.
(WCB006: $2.50)

BELGIUM: 10 CENTIMES, 1894, Fine+ (F15, small hit on rev.). KM #43, Copper-nickel. Dutch legend: “DER BELGEN”.
(WCB007: $1.00)

CANADA (UPPER CANADA): PENNY TOKEN, 1857, Very Good (VG8). KM #Tn3, Copper.
(WCC003: $2.00)

CANADA (UPPER CANADA): PENNY TOKEN, 1857, Extremely Fine+ (EF45, rim nicks). KM #Tn3, Copper.
(WCC004: $7.00)

CANADA: 1 CENT, 1905, Good+ (G6 net: Obverse VG, reverse G). KM #8, Bronze. Better date- second lowest mintage for the KM8 type.
(WCC008: $2.00)

CANADA: 1 CENT, 1915, Very Fine+ (VF30). KM #21, Bronze.
(WCC009: $1.75)

CANADA: 5 CENTS, 1870, Good (G4). KM #2, .925 Silver/.0346 oz. Die break between wreath and rim at 9:00 on the reverse.
(WCC015: $5.00)

CANADA: 5 CENTS, 1870, Good+ (G6, old scratches on reverse). KM #2, .925 Silver/.0346 oz.
(WCC016: $3.00)

CANADA: 5 CENTS, 1893, Very Good+ (VG10 net: F obverse, VG reverse). KM #2, .925 Silver/.0346 oz.
(WCC017: $5.00)

CANADA: 5 CENTS, 1899, Very Good (VG8). KM #2, .925 Silver/.0346 oz.
(WCC018: $4.50)

CANADA: 5 CENTS, 1908, Fine+ (F15, borderline VF20). KM #13, .925 Silver/.0346 oz. Better date- second lowest mintage for the KM13 type.
Catalogs $6.50 in Fine, $23.00 in VF (2006).
(WCC019: $10.00)

CANADA: 10 CENTS, 1910, Good+ (G6). KM #10, .925 Silver/.0691 oz.
(WCC020: $2.50)

CANADA: 10 CENTS, 1913 (Small Leaves), Very Fine (VF20, faint old scratches on obverse). KM #23, .925 Silver/.0691 oz. Catalogs $5.00 (2006).
(WCC021: $2.50)

CANADA: 2 DOLLARS, 2002, Brilliant Unc. (MS63). KM #449, Bimetallic: nickel outer ring, aluminum-bronze center. Queen’s Golden Jubilee commem. (1952-2002). Catalogs $4.00 (2006).
(WCC023: $3.00)

CANADA (NEW BRUNSWICK): 1 CENT, 1861, Fine (F12). KM #6, Bronze.
(WCC024: $4.00)

CANADA (NEWFOUNDLAND): 5 CENTS, 1896, Fine (F12). KM #2, .925 Silver/.0350 oz. Catalogs $8.00 (4th Edition).
(WCC025: $6.00)

CANADA (NOVA SCOTIA): 1 CENT, 1861, Very Fine+ (VF30). KM #8, Bronze.
(WCC026: $6.00)

CANADA (PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND): 1 CENT, 1871, Fine (F12, tiny rim nicks on reverse). KM #4, Bronze.
(WCC027: $2.00)

CANADA (PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND): 1 CENT, 1871, Fine (F12, old cleaning). KM #4, Bronze.
(WCC028: $1.75)

CEYLON: HALF CENT, 1898, Fine+ (F15). KM #91, Copper.
(WCC045: $2.00)

CEYLON: 1 CENT, 1922, About Unc.+ (AU58 RB). KM #107, Copper. Practically Uncirculated. Only the faintest rub on the palm tree keeps it from being MS63 or MS64 RB. Catalogs $5.00 UNC (2006).
(WCC029: $4.00)

CEYLON: 1 CENT, 1942, About Unc.+ (AU53). KM #111a, Bronze.
(WCC030: $1.00)

COLOMBIA (REPUBLIC OF NUEVA GRANADA): 1/2 DECIMO (1/20 REAL), 1847, Very Good (VG8, weak reverse strike). KM #101, Copper.
(WCC032: $2.00)

COLOMBIA (REPUBLIC OF NUEVA GRANADA): 1 DECIMO (1/10 REAL), 1847, Very Good (VG8). KM #102, Copper.
(WCC033: $2.50)

COLOMBIA: 5 CENTAVOS, 1886 (W) (Small-top 5), Very Fine (VF20, one tiny reverse rim nick). KM #183.1, Copper-nickel.
(WCC034: $1.00)

DENMARK: 1 SKILLING RIGSMØNT, 1856 (o), Fine (F12). KM #763, Bronze.
(WCD002: $1.50)

DENMARK: 1 ØRE, 1874 (h), CS, Very Fine+ (VF30). KM #792.1, Bronze. Catalogs $24.00 in VF20 (4th Edition).
(WCD003: $15.00)

DENMARK: 2 ØRE, 1875 (h), CS, Fine (F12). KM #793.1, Bronze. Catalogs $7.25 (4th Edition).
(WCD004: $5.00)

DENMARK: 5 ØRE, 1899 (h), VBP, Very Fine+ (VF30). KM #794.2, Bronze. 601,000 struck. Catalogs $35.00 in VF, $90.00 in EF (4th Edition).
(WCD006: $25.00)

DENMARK: 10 ØRE, 1874 (h), CS, Fine (F12). KM #795.2, .400 Silver/.0186 oz. Catalogs $9.00 in Fine (4th Edition).
(WCD007: $7.00)

DENMARK: 5 KRONER, 1990 LG, JP, Uncirculated (MS62). KM #869.1, Copper-nickel.
(WCD008: $1.00)

EAST CARIBBEAN STATES (BRITISH CARIBBEAN TERR.): 50 CENTS, 1965, Very Fine (VF20). KM #7, Copper-nickel. Catalogs $5.00 VF (2006).
(WCE001: $3.00)

EAST CARIBBEAN STATES: 1 DOLLAR, 1981, About Unc. (AU50). KM #15, Aluminum-bronze.
(WCE002: $1.00)

EGYPT: 5 MILLIEMES, AH 1357 (1938 AD), Very Fine+ (VF35). KM #363, Copper-nickel.
(WCE004: $2.00)

FINLAND: 5 PENNIA, 1896, Fine+ (F15, two small rim nicks). KM #15, Copper. Better date: 410,000 struck. Second lowest mintage in the series.
(WCF002: $2.00)

FINLAND: 10 PENNIA, 1876, Very Good (VG8). KM #5.2, Copper. Mintage: 300,000.
(WCF003: $2.50)

FINLAND: 1 PENNI, 1967, Brilliant Unc. (MS62 RD). KM #44, Copper. Catalogs $2.00 UNC (2006).
(WCF004: $1.00)

FINLAND: 1 PENNI, 1967, Brilliant Unc. (MS64 RD). KM #44, Copper. Catalogs $2.00 UNC (2006).
(WCF005: $1.25)

FRANCE: 10 CENTIMES, (1 DECIME), L’An 5-A (1796-97), Good (G4). KM #645.1, Bronze. Overstruck on an earlier (1795-96) 2-decimes coin, some detail from which is clearly visible on the reverse. The "ES" of "DECIMES" from the host coin shows strongly on the reverse, at a different angle than the later overstrike.
(WCF012: $12.00)

FRANCE: 5 CENTIMES, 1854-BB, Fine (F12). KM #777.3, Bronze.
(WCF013: $2.00)

FRANCE: 5 CENTIMES, 1855-BB (a), Very Good+ (VG10, old cleaning). KM #777.3, Bronze. Anchor privy mark. Wild pinkish secondary toning, which is unnatural but not unattractive.
(WCF014: $1.00)

FRANCE: 5 CENTIMES, 1856-B, Fine+ (F15). KM #777.2, Bronze. Catalogs $5.00 VF (4th Edition).
(WCF015: $2.50)

FRANCE: 5 CENTIMES, 1881-A, Very Good (VG8). KM #821.1, Bronze.
(WCF017: $1.00)

FRANCE: 5 CENTIMES, 1883-A, Very Fine+ (VF35, borderline EF40, small mark on cheek). KM #821.1, Bronze. Catalogs $5.00 VF, $10.00 EF (4th Edition).
(WCF018: $4.00)

FRANCE: 5 CENTIMES, 1886-A, Fine (F12). KM #821.1, Bronze. Catalogs $3.00 (4th Edition).
(WCF019: $2.00)

FRANCE: 5 CENTIMES, 1896-A (f), Fine (F12). KM #821.1, Bronze. Fasces privy mark.
(WCF020: $1.00)

FRANCE: 5 CENTIMES, 1913, Very Fine+ (VF25). KM #842, Bronze.
(WCF021: $1.00)

FRANCE: 5 CENTIMES, 1917, Very Fine+ (VF35). KM #842, Bronze.
(WCF022: $1.00)

FRANCE: 5 CENTIMES, 1922 (t), Uncirculated (MS63). KM #875, Copper-nickel. Thunderbolt privy mark. Catalogs $13.50 UNC (2006).
(WCF023: $8.00)

FRANCE: 10 CENTIMES, 1853-B, Good (G4). KM #771.2, Bronze.
(WCF024: $1.00)

FRANCE: 10 CENTIMES, 1856-W, Very Fine (VF20, cuts). KM #771.7, Bronze. Catalogs $5.00 without the damage.
(WCF026: $1.00)

FRANCE: 10 CENTIMES, 1857-W, About Good (AG3). KM #771.7, Bronze. Better date. Key date for the KM771 type “W”-mintmarked coins. Catalogs $10.00 Fine (4th Ed.).
(WCF027: $1.50)

FRANCE: 10 CENTIMES, 1862-A, Good+ (G6). KM #798.1, Bronze.
(WCF028: $1.00)

FRANCE: 10 CENTIMES, 1872-A, Fine (F12). KM #815.1, Bronze.
(WCF029: $1.00)

FRANCE: 10 CENTIMES, 1897-A, Fine+ (F15, light old cleaning). KM #815.1, Bronze.
(WCF032: $1.00)

FRANCE: 10 CENTIMES, 1898, Fine (F12). KM #843, Bronze.
(WCF033: 1.00)

FRANCE: 10 CENTIMES, 1918, About Unc.+ (AU55). KM #866a, Copper-nickel. Interesting strikethrough or planchet flaw on the R of “RF”,
possibly caused by a foreign object on the dies.
(WCF034: $2.00)

FRANCE: 25 CENTIMES, 1903, Very Fine (VF20). KM #855, Nickel. One-year type.

FRANCE: 1 FRANC, 1866-A, Obverse: Good (G4), Reverse: About Good (AG3, spots). KM #806.1, .835 Silver/.1342 oz. Catalogs $5.00 in Fine (4th Edition).
(WCF037: $2.00)

FRANCE: 10 FRANCS, 1952-B, Brilliant Unc. (MS62). KM #915.2, Aluminum-bronze. Catalogs $2.00 (2006).
(WCF038: $1.25)

FRANCE: 10 FRANCS, 1958, Extremely Fine+ (EF45). KM #915.1, Aluminum-bronze. Catalogs $2.00 EF, $4.50 UNC (2006).
(WCF039: $1.00)

FRANCE: 20 FRANCS, 1952, Brilliant Unc. (MS61). KM #917.1, Aluminum-bronze. Catalogs $2.50 (2006).
(WCF040: $1.25)

FRANCE: 20 FRANCS, 1952-B, About Unc.+ (AU58). KM #917.2, Aluminum-bronze. Catalogs $1.75 EF, $3.50 UNC (2006).
(WCF041: $1.00)

FRANCE: 50 FRANCS, 1951, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #918.1, Aluminum-bronze. Catalogs $2.25 (2006).
(WCF042: $1.25)

FRANCE: 50 FRANCS, 1952, Very Fine+ (VF30). KM #918.1, Aluminum-bronze. Catalogs $2.25 EF (2006).
(WCF043: $1.00)

FRANCE: 100 FRANCS, 1955, Extremely Fine+ (EF45). KM #919.1, Copper-nickel. Catalogs $1.75 EF, $4.50 UNC (2006).
(WCF045: $1.00)

FRANCE: BRASS JETON OF LOUIS XIV, Undated (circa 1685-1700), Fine+ (F15, light hairlines). Feuardent #7385, Brass, 25 mm. "VICTORIS CLEMENTIA”.
Low-res scan (WCF046: $18.00)

GERMAN STATES (NASSAU): 1 KREUZER, 1810, Very Good (VG8). KM #C-A3b, Copper.
(WCG007: $2.00)

GERMAN STATES (SAXE-WEIMAR-EISENACH): 3 PFENNIG, 1824, Very Good (VG8). KM #C-64a, Copper. Reeded edge variety.
(WCG013: $2.00)

GERMANY (IMPERIAL): 1 PFENNIG, 1899-G, Very Fine+ (VF30). KM #10, Bronze.
(WCG015: $1.50)

GERMANY (IMPERIAL): 1 PFENNIG, 1905-A, Very Fine+ (VF30). KM #10, Bronze.
(WCG016: $1.00)

GERMANY (IMPERIAL): 2 PFENNIG, 1875-D, Very Fine (VF20). KM #2, Bronze.
(WCG017: $1.00)

GERMANY (IMPERIAL): 2 PFENNIG, 1875-F, Very Fine+ (VF30, specks). KM #2, Bronze. Extensive die breaks below the eagle’s feet and tail. (WCG018: $1.50)

GERMANY (IMPERIAL): 2 PFENNIG, 1875-H, Fine (F12). KM #2, Bronze. Better date. Struck at the Darmstadt Mint, which closed in 1882 after only ten years of operation.
(WCG019: $3.50)

GERMANY (IMPERIAL): 5 PFENNIG, 1875-C, Very Fine (VF20). KM #3, Copper-nickel. Catalogs $2.50 (4th Edition).
(WCG020: $1.50)

GERMANY (IMPERIAL): 5 PFENNIG, 1898-F, Very Fine+ (VF30). KM #11, Copper-nickel.
(WCG021: $1.00)

GERMANY (IMPERIAL): 5 PFENNIG, 1906-A, About Unc (AU50). KM #11, Copper-nickel.
(WCG022: $3.00)

GERMANY (IMPERIAL): 10 PFENNIG, 1876-B, Fine (F12). KM #4, Copper-nickel.
(WCG023: $1.00)

GERMANY (IMPERIAL): 10 PFENNIG, 1902-J, About Unc.+ (AU53). KM #12, Copper-nickel. 815,000 struck. Catalogs $30.00 in EF, $220.00 in UNC.
(WCG024: $32.00)

GERMANY (IMPERIAL): 10 PFENNIG, 1914-E, Extremely Fine+ (EF45). KM #12, Copper-nickel, Muldenhutten Mint.
(WCG025: $3.50)

GERMANY (IMPERIAL): 10 PFENNIG, 1920, About Unc.+ (AU55).KM #26, Zinc. Catalogs $6.00 UNC. (2006).
(WCG026: $1.25)

GERMANY (WEIMAR REPUBLIC): 1 REICHSPFENNIG, 1932-A, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #37, Bronze. Catalogs $2.00 (2006).
(WCG027: $1.00)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 1 REICHSPFENNIG, 1937-G, About Unc.+ (AU55). KM #89, Bronze. Slightly better date. Catalogs $6.00 UNC (2006).
(WCG028: $3.50)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 1 REICHSPFENNIG, 1940-G, Extremely Fine+ (EF45). KM #97, Zinc. Extreme doubling on mintmark.
(WCG029: $3.75)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 1 REICHSPFENNIG, 1942-F, Uncirculated (MS62). KM #97, Zinc. Catalogs $6.00 (2006).
(WCG031: $4.00)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 5 REICHSPFENNIG, 1940-D, Very Fine (VF20). KM #100, Zinc.
(WCG032: $1.25)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 5 REICHSPFENNIG, 1940-D, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #100, Zinc.
(WCG033: $1.25)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 5 REICHSPFENNIG, 1940-D, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #100, Zinc.
(WCG034: $3.00)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 5 REICHSPFENNIG, 1940-G, About Unc.+ (AU55). KM #100, Zinc. Catalogs $2.75 EF, $8.00 UNC (2006).
(WCG035: $3.25)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 5 REICHSPFENNIG, 1941-A, About Unc.+ (AU53). KM #100, Zinc. Catalogs $5.00 in UNC (2006).
(WCG037: $1.50)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 5 REICHSPFENNIG, 1941-D, About Unc. (AU50). KM #100, Zinc. Catalogs $7.50 in UNC (2006).
(WCG038: $2.00)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 5 REICHSPFENNIG, 1941-D, About Unc.+ (AU55). KM #100, Zinc. Catalogs $7.50 in UNC (2006).
(WCG039: $2.25)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 5 REICHSPFENNIG, 1941-D, About Unc.+ (AU58). KM #100, Zinc. Catalogs $7.50 in UNC (2006).
(WCG040: $2.50)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 5 REICHSPFENNIG, 1941-G, About Unc.+ (AU55). KM #100, Zinc. Slightly better date. Catalogs $8.50 in UNC (2006).
(WCG041: $3.00)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 5 REICHSPFENNIG, 1942-F, About Unc.+ (AU53). KM #100, Zinc. Catalogs $1.50 in EF, $8.00 in UNC (2006).
(WCG043: $2.00)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 10 REICHSPFENNIG, 1940-A, About Unc. (AU50). KM #101, Zinc. Catalogs $1.75 EF, $8.00 UNC.
(WCG044: $2.00)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 10 REICHSPFENNIG, 1940-A, About Unc.+ (AU53). KM #101, Zinc.
(WCG045: $2.00)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 10 REICHSPFENNIG, 1940-D, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #101, Zinc. Catalogs $2.50 (2006).
(WCG046: $1.25)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 10 REICHSPFENNIG, 1940-F, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #101, Zinc. Slightly better date. Catalogs $6.00 (2006).
(WCG047: $3.00)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 10 REICHSPFENNIG, 1941-D, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #101, Zinc. Catalogs $3.50 (2006).
(EIGHT COINS: WCG048-WCG055: $1.25 each)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 10 REICHSPFENNIG, 1941-E, About Unc. (AU50). KM #101, Zinc. Catalogs $3.50 EF, $12.00 UNC (2006).
(WCG057: $3.50)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 10 REICHSPFENNIG, 1941-F, About Unc.+ (AU55). KM #101, Zinc. Catalogs $3.50 EF, $12.00 UNC (2006).
(WCG058: $3.00)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 10 REICHSPFENNIG, 1942-A, About Unc. (AU50). KM #101, Zinc. Catalogs $9.00 UNC (2006).
(WCG059: $1.75)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 10 REICHSPFENNIG, 1942-G, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #101, Zinc. Better date. Catalogs $12.00 (2006).
(WCG061: $4.50)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 10 REICHSPFENNIG, 1942-J, About Unc.+ (AU53). KM #101, Zinc. Catalogs $3.50 EF, $12.00 UNC (2006).
(WCG062: $2.75)

GERMANY (NAZI/THIRD REICH): 10 REICHSPFENNIG, 1943-F, About Unc.+ (AU55). KM #101, Zinc. Slightly better date. Catalogs $5.00 EF, $20.00 UNC (2006).
(WCG063: $4.75)

GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC): 1 PFENNIG, 1948-G, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #A101, Bronze-clad steel. Catalogs $15.00 (2006).
(WCG065: $3.00)

GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC): 1 PFENNIG, 1950-G, Uncirculated (MS62 RB). KM #105, Copper-plated steel. Catalogs $3.00 (2006).
(WCG066: $1.00)

GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC): 5 PFENNIG, 1950-G, About Unc.+ (AU58) KM #107, Brass-plated steel. Catalogs $1.50 EF, $5.00 UNC (2006)
(WCG067: $1.00)

GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC): 1 MARK, 1950-D, About Unc+(AU55, spots), KM #110, Copper-nickel. Munich Mint. Catalogs $12.00 EF, $75.00 UNC (2006). Very nearly UNC, but two spots on the reverse.
(WCG068: $3.00)

GREAT BRITAIN: 1 FARTHING, 1953, Uncirculated (MS63 RB). KM #881, Bronze. Catalogs $3.00 (2006).
(WCG073: $1.50)

GREAT BRITAIN: 1 FARTHING, 1956, Uncirculated (MS64 BN). KM #895, Bronze. Catalogs $7.50 (2006).
(WCG074: $3.75)

GREAT BRITAIN: HALFPENNY, 1826, Good (G4). KM #692, Copper.
(WCG078: $3.00)

GREAT BRITAIN: HALFPENNY, 1943, About Unc.+ (AU55 RB). KM #844, Bronze. Catalogs $7.50 UNC (2006).
(WCG080: $1.75)

GREAT BRITAIN: 1 PENNY, No Date (1806 or 1807), Fair (FR2). KM #663, Copper. Date must have been softly struck, since the rim is mostly complete there. Two-year type: 1806-07.
(WCG081: $1.00)

GREAT BRITAIN: 1 PENNY, 1862, Fine (F12). KM #749.2, Bronze.
(WCG083: $1.75)

GREAT BRITAIN: 1 PENNY, 1916, Very Fine+ (VF25). KM #810, Bronze.
(WCG087: $1.00)

GREAT BRITAIN: 1 PENNY, 1921, Very Fine (VF20). KM #810, Bronze.
(WCG088: $1.00)

GREAT BRITAIN: 1 PENNY, 1926 (large head), Fine (F12). KM #810, Bronze. Better date. Catalogs $2.50 in Fine (2006).
(WCG089: $2.00)

GREAT BRITAIN: 1 PENNY, 1926 (large head), Very Fine+ (VF25). KM #810, Bronze. Better date. Catalogs $8.00 in VF (2006).
(WCG090: $5.50)

GREAT BRITAIN: 1 PENNY, 1929, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #838, Bronze. Catalogs $8.00 in EF (2006).
(WCG091: $4.75)

GREAT BRITAIN: 1 PENNY, 1934, Very Fine+ (VF35, borderline EF40). KM #838, Bronze. Better date. Catalogs $20.00 in EF (2006).
(WCG092: $5.00)

GREAT BRITAIN: 1 PENNY, 1940, About Unc.+ (AU58 BN). KM #845, Bronze. Catalogs $10.00 EF, $40.00 UNC (2006). Maybe an error (2006 catalog is full of them), but this did catalog $12.00 UNC in 2004, and this particular one is very close.
(WCG093: $5.50)

GREAT BRITAIN: 1 PENNY, 1947, About Unc. (AU50). KM #845, Bronze. Catalogs $7.50 UNC (2006).
(WCG094: $1.00)

GREAT BRITAIN: THREEPENCE, 1872, Very Good (VG8, very slight bend). KM #730, .925 Silver/.0420 oz.
(WCG095: $2.00)

GREAT BRITAIN: THREEPENCE, 1916, Fine (F12). KM #813, .925 Silver/.0420 oz.
(WCG096: $1.00)

GREAT BRITAN: SIXPENCE, 1932, Fine (F12). KM #832, .500 Silver/.0455 oz.
(WCG097: $1.75)

GREAT BRITAIN: HALF CROWN, 1921, Fine (F12). KM #818.1a, .500 Silver/.2273 oz. Catalogs $6.50 (2006).
(WCG098: $5.00)

GREAT BRITAIN: “SIX PENCE” (“BALMBERGER’S SPIELMARKE” TOKEN), Undated (circa 1893-1901), Very Fine+ (VF30). Unknown alloy, probably tin. Imitates the British sixpence of 1893-1901, but undated and much tinier.
(WCG104: $1.00)

GREECE: 5 LEPTA, 1869-BB, Fine (F12). KM #42, Copper.
(WCG105: $2.00)

GREECE: 10 LEPTA, 1869-BB, Very Good (VG8). KM #43, Copper.
(WCG106: $2.00)

GREECE: 10 LEPTA, 1878-K, Very Good (VG8, some porosity). KM #55, Copper.
(WCG108: $1.00)

GREECE: 20 LEPTA, 1894-A, Very Fine+ (VF25, small rim nick). KM #57, Copper-nickel.
(WCG110: $2.50)

GREECE: 50 LEPTA, 1962 (reeded edge), About Uncirculated+ (AU55, a few small specks). KM #80, Copper-nickel. Catalogs $1.50 EF, $8.00 UNC (2006).
(WCG111: $1.00)

GREECE: 50 LEPTA, 1970, Extremely Fine+ (EF45). KM #88, Copper-nickel. Catalogs $1.50 EF, $6.00 UNC (2006).
(WCG112: $1.00)

GREECE: 1 DRACHMA, 1976, Brilliant Uncirculated (MS63, looks MS65+). KM #116, Nickel-brass.
(WCG113: $1.00)

HONG KONG: 5 CENTS, 1935, Very Fine (VF20). KM #18a, Copper-nickel. Catalogs $2.00 VF (2006).
(WCH004: $1.25)

HONG KONG: 5 CENTS, 1938, About Unc.+ (AU55). KM #22, Nickel. Catalogs $6.50 UNC (2006).
(WCH005: $2.50)

HONG KONG: 10 CENTS, 1935, Very Fine (VF20). KM #19, Copper-nickel.
(WCH006: $1.00)

HUNGARY: 20 KRAJCZAR, 1843-B, Very Good (VG8, verdigris spots). KM #422, .583 Silver/.1252 oz. Obverse: Ferdinand I. Reverse: Madonna and child.
(WCH007: $3.00)

HUNGARY: 2 FILLER, 1893-KB, Very Good (VG8). KM #481, Bronze. Small lamination or strikethrough on reverse.
(WCH008: $1.00)

ICELAND: 1 EYRIR, 1942, About Unc.+ (AU55). KM #5.2, Bronze. Catalogs $2.00 UNC (2006).
(WCI001: $1.00)

ISLE OF MAN: HALFPENNY, 1839, Very Fine (VF20, verdigris spot obv.). KM #13, Copper. 214,000 minted. Catalogs $15.00 (4th Edition).
(WCI025: $8.50)

ISRAEL: 50 PRUTAH, JE 5714 (1954), Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #13.2a, Nickel-clad steel.
(WCI027: $1.00)

ISRAEL: 1 NEW SHEQEL, JE 5754 (1994), About Uncirculated+ (AU58, semi-prooflike). KM #163, Copper-nickel. Catalogs $1.50 EF, $2.50 UNC (2006).
(WCI028: $1.00)

ITALIAN STATES (NAPLES & SICILY): 8 TORNESI, 1797 P-RC, Very Good (VG8, old cleaning). KM #(C)49, Copper.
(WCI031: $6.00) Small, low-res scan

ITALIAN STATES (PAPAL STATES): 1 LIRA, 1866-R, year XXI, Very Fine (VF20). KM #1378, .835 Silver/.1342 oz. Reverse die clash.
(WCI032: $9.00) Small, low-res scan

ITALY: 1 CENTESIMO, 1862-N, Very Fine+ (VF25). KM #1.2, Copper.
(WCI034: $2.00)

ITALY: 2 CENTESIMI, 1862-N, Fine+ (F15). KM #2.2, Copper. Strong obverse die clash.
(WCI035: $2.00)

ITALY: 2 CENTESIMI, 1900-R, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #30, Copper. Catalogs $4.00 (4th Edition).
(WCI037: $3.00)

ITALY: 5 CENTESIMI, 1861-M, Fine (F12). KM #3.2, Copper.
(WCI038: $1.00)

ITALY: 5 CENTESIMI, 1862-N, Fine+ (F15). KM #3.3, Copper.
(WCI039: $1.00)

ITALY: 10 CENTESIMI, 1866-H, Fine (F12). KM #11.3, Copper.
(WCI041: $1.50)

ITALY: 10 CENTESIMI, 1867-H, Fine (F12, minor rim bumps). KM #11.3, Copper.
(WCI043: $1.00)

ITALY: 10 CENTESIMI, 1867-H, Fine+ (F15). KM #11.3, Copper.
(WCI044: $2.00)

ITALY: 10 CENTESIMI, 1867-T, Very Good (VG8, faint rim bump). KM #11.6, Copper.
(WCI045: $1.00)

ITALY: 20 CENTESIMI, 1894-KB, Very Fine (VF20). KM #28.1, Copper-nickel.
(WCI046: $1.25)

ITALY: 20 CENTESIMI, 1894-KB, Very Fine+ (VF25). KM #28.1, Copper-nickel.
(WCI047: $1.50)

ITALY: 20 CENTESIMI, 1894-R, Fine+ (F15). KM #28.1, Copper-nickel.
(WCI048: $1.00)

ITALY: 50 CENTESIMI, 1925-R, Very Fine+ (VF30). KM #61.1, Nickel.
(WCI050: $2.00)

ITALY: 1 LIRA, 1922-R, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #62, Nickel. Catalogs $7.00 (2006).
(WCI051: $5.00)

ITALY: 500 LIRE, 1982-R, About Unc. (AU50). KM #111, Bimetallic: Bronze center, Acmonital outer ring.
(WCI052: $1.00)

JAPAN (SHOGUNATE): 100 MON (TEMPO TSUHO), Undated (circa 1835-1870), Extremely Fine+ (EF45). KM #C-7, Cast bronze. Large center hole type.
(WCJ002: $17.50)

JAPAN: 1/2 SEN, Year 15, Meiji (1882), Fine (F12). KM #Y-16.2, Copper. V-shaped scales on dragon.
(WCJ003: $1.00)

JAPAN: 5 SEN, Year 18, Hirohito (1943), About Unc. (AU53). KM #Y-60b, Aluminum.
(WCJ004: $1.25)

LIBYA: 2 PIASTRES, AH 1372 (1952). Extremely Fine+ (EF45). KM #5, Copper-nickel.
(WCL001: $1.00)

LUXEMBOURG: 5 CENTIMES, 1870 (u), Fine+ (F15). KM #22.1, Bronze. Low mintage (304,000). Catalogs $15.00 Fine, $40.00 VF (4th Edition).
(WCL002: $9.00)

LUXEMBOURG: 10 CENTIMES, 1860-A, Fine (F12, rim nick). KM #23.2, Bronze. 900,000 struck.
(WCL003: $1.50)

NETHERLANDS: 1/2 CENT, 1912, About Unc.+ (AU58 BN). KM #138, Bronze. Catalogs $10.00 UNC (2006).
(WCN005: $5.00)

NETHERLANDS: 1/2 CENT, 1934, About Unc.+ (AU58 BN). KM #138, Bronze. Catalogs $5.00 UNC (2006).
(WCN006: $2.50)

NETHERLANDS: 1 CENT, 1823, About Good (AG3). KM #47, Copper. Catalogs $9.00 Fine (4th Edition).
(WCN007: $1.00)

NETHERLANDS: 1 CENT, 1823, Fine (F12). KM #47, Copper. Catalogs $9.00 (4th Edition). Die breaks and possible clashmarks on reverse. (WCN008: $6.50)

NETHERLANDS: 1 CENT, 182(7), About Good (AG3). KM #47, Copper. Last digit of date weak but partly visible. Obviously 3 or 7, but upon comparison with a readable 1823, the top serif of the three differs slightly, so this is probably an 1827. Cat. $9.00 Fine (4th Ed.).
(WCN009: $1.00)

NETHERLANDS: 1 CENT, 1878, Very Fine (VF20). KM #107, Bronze. Catalogs $2.00 (4th Edition).
(WCN010: $1.00)

NETHERLANDS: 1 CENT, 1883, Fine (F12). KM #107, Bronze. Catalogs $1.50 (4th Edition).
(WCN011: $1.00)

NETHERLANDS: 1 CENT, 1916, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #152, Bronze. Catalogs $2.00 (2006).
(WCN012: $1.00)

NETHERLANDS: 1 CENT, 1951, About Unc.+ (AU53). KM #180, Bronze. Catalogs $2.00 EF, $6.00 UNC (2006).
(WCN013: $1.00)

NETHERLANDS: 1 CENT, 1952, About Unc.+ (AU58). KM #180, Bronze. Catalogs $2.00 EF, $6.00 UNC (2006).
(WCN014: $1.00)

NETHERLANDS: 1 CENT, 1955, Brilliant Unc. (MS63 RB). KM #180, Bronze. Catalogs $6.00 UNC, $10.00 BU (2006).
(WCN015: $2.50)

NETHERLANDS: 1 CENT, 1965, Brilliant Unc. (MS63 RD). KM #180, Bronze. Catalogs $3.00 BU (2006).
(WCN016: $1.25)

NETHERLANDS: 1 CENT, 1969 (coc- oh, wait, the censor doesn't like that word... Um, rooster privy mark), Brilliant Unc. (MS63 RB). KM #180, Bronze.
(WCN017: $1.00)

NETHERLANDS: 2-1/2 CENTS, 1884, Fine (F12, small dig on reverse). KM #108, Bronze. Catalogs $3.50 (4th Edition).
(WCN018: $1.25)

NETHERLANDS: 5 CENTS, 1929, Fine (F12). KM #153, Copper-nickel. Catalogs $1.50 (2006).
(WCN019: $1.00)

NETHERLANDS: 1/2 GULDEN, 1929, Very Fine+ (VF30). KM #160, .720 Silver/.1157oz. Catalogs $2.00 VF, $3.00 EF (2006).
(WCN020: $1.50)

NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES (GELDERLAND): 1 DUIT, 1790, Fine+ (F15). KM #50.2, Copper. Strong die clash to the right of the VOC (Dutch East India Co.) monogram.
(WCN022: $4.25)

NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES: 2-1/2 CENTS, 1945-P, About Unc.+ (AU58 RB). KM #316, Bronze.
(WCN033: $1.25)

NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES: 5 CENTS, 1913 (u), Very Fine+ (VF25). KM #313, Copper-nickel.
(WCN034: $1.75)

NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES: 1/10 GULDEN, 1920, Very Fine+ (VF30). KM #311, .720 Silver/.0289 oz. Key date. Lowest mintage of the KM311 type.
(WCN035: $2.25)

NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES: 1/10 GULDEN, 1942-S, About Unc.+ (AU58). KM #318, .720 Silver/.0289 oz.
(WCN036: $1.25)

NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES: 1/4 GULDEN, 1912 (u), Very Good (VG8). KM #312, .720 Silver/.0736 oz.
(WCN037: $1.75)

NORWAY: 1 ØRE, 1948, About Unc. (AU50). KM #367, Bronze.
(WCN040: $1.00)

NORWAY: 2 ØRE, 1950, Extremely Fine+ (EF45). KM #371, Bronze.
(WCN041: $1.00)

NORWAY: 5 ØRE, 1876, Good+ (G6). KM #349, Bronze.
(WCN043: $2.00)

NORWAY: 10 ØRE, 1941, About Unc.+ (AU58). KM #383, Copper-nickel. Catalogs $1.75 EF, $10.00 BU (2006).
(WCN045: $1.75)

PANAMA: 5 CENTESIMOS, 1932, Fine+ (F15). KM #9, Copper-nickel. Key date. 332,000 minted. Catalogs $3.00 Fine, $7.00 EF (2006).
(WCP002: $3.00)

PARAGUAY: 100 GUARANIES, 2004, Brilliant Unc. (MS63). KM #177a(?), Brass-plated steel. Unlisted in the 2006 Krause, but appears identical to the KM177a type struck 1993, 1995, and 1996, all of which catalog $2.00 in BU.
(WCP005: $1.00)


PERU: 2 CENTAVOS, 1895 (W), Fine (F12). KM #188.2, Copper or bronze.
(WCP008: $1.00)

RUSSIA (IMPERIAL): 3 KOPECKS, 1903, Fine (F12). KM #Y-11.2, Copper. St. Petersburg Mint.
(WCR003: $1.00)

RUSSIA (SOVIET UNION/USSR): 10 KOPECKS, 1978, Brilliant Unc. (MS63), KM #Y-130, Copper-nickel-zinc.
(WCR004: $1.00)

SPAIN: 5 CENTIMOS, 1870-OM, Very Good (VG8). KM #662, Copper.
(THREE COINS: WCS007-WCS009: $1.00 each)

SPAIN: 5 CENTIMOS, 1877-OM, Extremely Fine+ (EF45, slight rim bump). KM #674, Bronze. Catalogs $45.00 EF (4th Edition).
(WCS010: $18.00)

SPAIN: 5 CENTIMOS, 1878-OM, Fine+ (F15 net: Obverse Fine, Reverse VF). KM #674, Bronze. Catalogs $0.75 in Fine and $10.00 in VF (4th Edition).
(WCS011: $1.00)

SPAIN: 5 CENTIMOS, 1879-OM, Very Fine (VF20). KM #674, Bronze. Cat. $10.00 (4th Ed.)
(WCS012: $4.50)

SPAIN: 10 CENTIMOS, 1870-OM, Good (G6), KM #663, Copper.
(WCS013: $1.00)

SPAIN: 10 CENTIMOS, 1870-OM, Fine (F12, cleaned). KM #663, Copper.
(WCS014: $1.00)

SPAIN: 10 CENTIMOS, 1870-OM, Fine (F12). KM #663, Copper.
(WCS015: $2.00)

SPAIN: 10 CENTIMOS, 1878-OM, Very Fine+ (VF25, rim bumps). KM #663, Bronze. Catalogs $10.00 VF (4th Edition).
(WCS016: $2.25)

SPAIN: 5 PESETAS, 1957 (60), About Unc. (AU50). KM #786, Copper-nickel. Catalogs $1.00 EF, $10.00 UNC (2006).
(WCS017: $1.00)

SPAIN: 5 PESETAS, 1957 (63), Fine (F12). KM #786, Copper-nickel. Key date to the KM786 type. Catalogs $2.00 VF (2006).
(TWO COINS: WCS018, WCS019: $1.00 each)

STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: 1/2 CENT, 1883, Good+ (G6). KM #8, Copper. Apparently scarce; catalogs $75.00 in Fine (4th Edition). Flattened denticles near 12:00 and 2:00 on the reverse appear to be caused by cuds (die breakage), rather than by any rim damage.
(WCS020: $16.50)

SWEDEN: 1/2 SKILLING, 1807, Fine (F12). KM #565, Copper. These coins were struck over earlier 1-öre pieces from the 1700s.
(WCS024: $5.00)

SWEDEN: 1 ÖRE, 1916 (Long 6), About Unc.+ (AU53). KM #777.2, Bronze. Catalogs $2.50 EF, $12.00 UNC (2006).
(WCS025: $3.00)

SWEDEN: 1 ÖRE, 1923, Extremely Fine+ (EF45). KM #777.2, Bronze. Catalogs $1.75 EF, $8.00 UNC (2006).
(WCS026: $1.00)

SWEDEN: 2 ÖRE, 1872, Fine (F12). KM #706, Bronze. Catalogs $2.00 (4th Edition).
(WCS027: $1.50)

SWEDEN: 2 ÖRE, 1896, Very Fine+ (VF30). KM #746, Bronze. Catalogs $4.00 VF, $11.00 EF (4th Edition).
(WCS028: $4.00)

SWEDEN: 2 ÖRE, 1926, Very Fine+ (VF30). KM #706, Bronze.
(WCS029: $1.00)

SWEDEN: 5 ÖRE, 1875, Fine+ (F15, borderline VF20). KM #736, Bronze. Catalogs $4.00 Fine, $25.00 VF (4th Edition). Though possibly cleaned long ago, this coin is quite close to the latter grade.
(WCS030: $4.00)

SWEDEN: 5 ÖRE, 1875, Very Fine+ (VF35, small rim bump). KM #736, Bronze. Catalogs $25.00 VF (4th Edition).
(WCS031: $11.00)

SWEDEN: 5 ÖRE, 1906, Very Fine+ (VF25). KM #770, Bronze. Catalogs $13.50 VF (2006).
(WCS032: $7.00)

SWEDEN: 5 ÖRE, 1926, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #779.2, Bronze. Catalogs $10.00 (2006).
(WCS033: $6.00)

SWEDEN: 5 ÖRE, 1931, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #779.2, Bronze. Catalogs $10.00 (2006).
(WCS034: $6.00)

SWEDEN: 5 ÖRE, 1938, About Unc.+ (AU53), KM #779.2, Bronze. Catalogs $5.00 EF, $25.00 UNC (2006).
(WCS035: $5.00)

SWEDEN: 10 ÖRE, 1913-W, Very Fine (VF20). KM #780, .400 Silver/.0186 oz. Better date. Catalogs $2.75 (2006).
(WCS036: $2.00)

SWEDEN: 10 ÖRE, 1944-G, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #813, .400 Silver/.0185 oz.
(WCS037: $1.00)

SWEDEN: 10 ÖRE, 1954-TS, About Unc.+ (AU55). KM #823, .400 Silver/.0185 oz. Catalogs $5.00 UNC (2006).
(TWO COINS: WCS038, WCS039: $1.25 each)

SWEDEN: 25 ÖRE, 1914-W, Very Good+ (VG10). KM #785, .600 Silver/.0467 oz.
(WCS040: $1.00)

SWEDEN: 25 ÖRE, 1929-G, Fine (F12). KM #785, .600 Silver/.0467 oz.
(WCS041: $1.00)

SWEDEN: 25 ÖRE, 1934-G, Fine (F12). KM #785, .600 Silver/.0467 oz.
(WCS042: $1.00)

SWEDEN: 25 ÖRE, 1938-G, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #785, .600 Silver/.0467 oz. Catalogs $2.75 (2006).
(WCS043: $2.00)

SWEDEN: 25 ÖRE, 1944-G, Very Fine (VF20). KM #816, .400 Silver/.0298 oz.
(WCS044: $1.00)

SWEDEN: 50 ÖRE, 1944-G, Very Fine+ (VF25). KM #817, .400 Silver/.0617 oz.
(WCS045: $1.25)

SWITZERLAND: 2 RAPPEN, 1850-A, Very Fine (VF20, slight rim bumps), KM #4.1, Bronze. Catalogs $7.00 (4th Edition).
(WCS050: $4.50)

SWITZERLAND: 5 RAPPEN, 1894-B, Fine+ (F15), (Old) KM #27, Copper-nickel.
(WCS051: $1.00)

SWITZERLAND: 10 RAPPEN, 1880-B, Good (G4). KM #26, Copper-nickel. Catalogs $2.00 in Fine in the 2nd Edition; the 4th Edition omits the entire type.
(WCS052: $1.00)

SWITZERLAND: 10 RAPPEN, 1880-B, Good+ (G6). KM #26, Copper-nickel. Catalogs $2.00 in Fine in the 2nd Edition; the 4th Edition omits the entire type.
(WCS053: $1.00)

SWITZERLAND: 10 RAPPEN, 1933-B, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #29, Nickel.
(WCS054: $1.00)

SWITZERLAND: 1 FRANC, 1876-B, Good+ (G6). KM #24, .835 Silver/.1342 oz.
(WCS056: $2.50)

SWITZERLAND: 1 FRANC, 1914-B, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #24, .835 Silver/.1342 oz.
(WCS057: $4.00)

SWITZERLAND: 1 FRANC, 1961-B, Extremely Fine+ (EF45), KM #24, .835 Silver/.1342 oz.
(WCS058: $1.75)

THAILAND: 10 BAHT, BE 2532 (1989), About Unc.+ (AU53). KM #Y-227, Bimetallic: Stainless steel ring, aluminum-bronze center. Catalogs $2.50 UNC (2006).
(WCT002: $1.00)

YUGOSLAVIA: 10 DINARA, 1963, Uncirculated (MS63). KM #39, Aluminum-bronze.
(WCY002: $1.00)

YUGOSLAVIA: 50 DINARA, 1955, Extremely Fine (EF40). KM #35, Aluminum-bronze. Catalogs $2.00 (2006).
(WCY003: $1.00)

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