I saw something today that I .....

have never seen before. There were these "homeless" guys working the corner with their signs, as they always do. The cardboard, marker signs, "will work for food", "homeless please help" you know the ones. I always have felt bad for guys like this but you get hardened to it like anything else. Anyway the strange thing that I saw was, one of the guys had another sign he was wearing on his back with rope around his shoulders. This wasnt a sign made from a cardboard box. It was white and professionally made. It read "must sell awesome Condo, call 421-0000" . Someone paid this guy to be a walking billboard! At first I felt bad but then I thought he probably got paid "good" to do it. Makes ya thankful for what you got!
Richard Nixon
My Favorite Neck-Mounted Sign:
"Will Hunt, For Food."
that you saw a Woodpecker on the corner with a sign around his neck - will work for PSA 8s or better!
email bcmiller7@comcast.net
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"Will Work For eBay Listing Fees."
that is one reason why you will see walking advertisments.
My Auctions
<< <i>Don't be fooled by these people. Yes some are truly homeless and can use anything given them. However, some use these "will work for food" signs to make you think they are willing to work so you will give them money. I have personally seem this at work. I was working as a bank teller years ago. This gentleman in his mid 40's and scruffy looking came in to cash a check for interest he earned on his $100,000.00 certifcate of deposit. Later that day I saw him pan handling for money three blocks away from the bank. Ever since then I have been very skeptical of these people. >>
I never believed for a minute that most of these people would actually "work for food", but that they just wanted money and had a pretty good idea what they would do with it.
You do get hardened by this and tend to just walk past, never giving money.
On my last trip to a Reds game, I was making a long walk from a parking lot to the stadium, passing people with "will work for food" signs one after another.
Finally I came across a man with a sign that said, "Who I am kidding, I'll spend your money on beer"
So I gave him a five.
I was amused by the honesty.
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My Sandberg Topps Master set
What i do now is carry a few job applications in my car, and if I run across a begger, I'll hand him a job application and tell him to return it directly to me at my store. Not one person has turned one in (I probably gave out 10 applications over the last couple of years).
The bottom line.....
Some of these beggers don't really want to work but instead want a free handout!
There was a story going around town about 6-7 years ago that there was a startup advertising agency creating clever and 'professional' signs for panhandlers to carry in exchange for a cut of their take. I never knew what to make of that. Most likely untrue, but advertising is quite a competitive business.
Of course, then there were the bikini girls, actual hot college chicks in bikinis standing on traffic medians just like the homeless. Supposedly they cleaned up for a few days before the cops shut them down.
2005 Origins Old Judge Brown #/20 and Black 1/1s, 2000 Ultimate Victory Gold #/25
2004 UD Legends Bake McBride autos & parallels, and 1974 Topps #601 PSA 9
Rare Grady Sizemore parallels, printing plates, autographs
Nothing on ebay
WTB: 2001 Leaf Rookies & Stars Longevity: Ryan Jensen #/25
<< <i>I thought this was going to be about the sign in Die Hard III that Bruce Willis had to wear. >>
The mere words "sandwich board" make me think of that scene and smile.