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Just found this

This was my grandfathers who gave it to me 20ish years ago and I have just come across it again. It in pretty bad condition and is probably worthless but does anyone know anything about it.




  • I know it's got sentimental value.

    Hold onto it and hand it down to your own kids. image
  • farthingfarthing Posts: 3,294 ✭✭✭
    Encased cent. You're right, it is a bit beat up but the cent looks to be in nice condition.

    Good for 5% discount on any purchase J. L. Schwartz, who appears to have a jewelry shop in Yonkers.

    The horseshoe shape, good luck symbols and the phrase "Keep me and never go broke" on the front are very typical of encased cents.
    R.I.P. Wayne, Brad
    Conder tokens
    19th & 20th Century coins from Great Britain and the Realm
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