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Book Value vs. Market Value

Recently I placed numerous auctions online and after researching some completed auctions I noticed the final total value was much greater than in any book I have seen lately. Well the cards sold instaintly and I was quite impressed. My question is does anyone think it is unfair or unethicial to put cards on auction over book? I have had many inquries about a certan card and a guy contacted me, was interested in the card, requested new scans. I supplied him with new scans, after that, he sent me a screaming message about how the card was priced way over book value. I though the card was fairly priced with simular cards on the bay. To me book value doesnt mean bible value. Anyone agree?


  • This is America. You can sell for as much as you like. If someone doesn't want to buy then they should just move on. It's the buyers responsibility to determine what they'll pay, NOT yours. As far as BB cards go, I've been noticing 1960's and earlier slabbed rookies are selling for quite a bit more than my newest price guides. Slabbed cards from the 80's and up seem to sell for well below. Just my .02c
    Everything I write is my opinion.

    Looking for alot of crap.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>My question is does anyone think it is unfair or unethicial to put cards on auction over book? >>


    I'm having trouble understanding.

    How do you put a card in an auction "over book?"

    You start the auction at whatever and see where it goes?

    Are you talking - actually - about a "buy it now" or ebay store?

  • nightcrawlernightcrawler Posts: 5,110 ✭✭
    I'm not a seller but I would think that no matter what you do..................you can't please everyone image

    I'm personally offering 5x SMR on all PSA graded Reg Leach, so you know I agree that you should ask what you want.

    Why didn't the guy that sent you a screaming message just buy from someone else??? Probably couldn't find one.
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    nothing wrong with pricing the cards at whatever price you want to get for them.. i have some cards that i would never sell for "book value"..
  • Fur72:

    I have seen many others struggle with "book" value. My $.02 is that book value literally means nothing. There is no such thing as book value. There is one, and only one, value of a card and that is its real world value on the open market.

    My sets:
    1977 Topps Star Wars - "Space Swashbucklers"
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    In speaking about the actual "pricing" of your graded cards, e.g.

    First, I would recommend never dignify an email by responding to statements born out of ignorance.

    And second, the value of a card is directly proportional to the "want" of two bidders or in the case of a BIN, the seller can set it anywhere they please.

    There is a recent report of a PSA 8 card that was purchased 2 yrs ago for 45$ - sold recently for over 2k!!!

    America, capitalism...

    Don't ya just love it!

  • << <i>There is a recent report of a PSA 8 card that was purchased 2 yrs ago for 45$ - sold recently for over 2k!!! >>

    Those registry cards on ebay can be like throwing raw meat into a pack of wolves.
    My sets:
    1977 Topps Star Wars - "Space Swashbucklers"
  • fur72fur72 Posts: 2,348 ✭✭

    I am indeed speaking about a buy it now. I guess my real question is how many people on the boards take book value as bible?
  • jimq112jimq112 Posts: 3,511 ✭✭✭
    Not me, too many factors and no 2 cards are alike, no 2 sellers are alike.

    The book is a guide only.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Mike,

    I am indeed speaking about a buy it now. I guess my real question is how many people on the boards take book value as bible? >>

    You set the price and they either buy or pass.

    I would ignore any emails to the contrary.

    That's my take.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    I get a few of those screaming emails myself.

    Some folks are INSANE, so I try to ignore them.

    The cards belong to me and I will sell them for
    what I want to sell them for. Some I sell real
    cheap, some I want over SMR for.

    I am not rude to mentally ill people, so I do not
    respond to such emails. But, I would like to say:

    "I definitely think that you should buy your cards from the book,
    as soon as the book has any cards for sale."


    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i> get a few of those screaming emails myself. >>

    I don't sell on ebay but...

    If I got a "flaming" email - I would not respond and put a "block" on them as a bidder for life.

    Why do business with people like that?

    People are losing their sense of civility and that's an American Tragedy.

  • A card is only valued at what you can get for it at the time you want to sell it. That is why they are called price guides not price bibles.
  • Fur,

    I agree with mike, dont bother with the blowhard on the other end of that email. You are the only one that knows what value you have placed in the card you are selling. And you have to set your BIN price to your value amount. As to whether or not the card goes above "book" the market will determine that. Just remember they are called price GUIDES for a reason. Good Luck.
  • This is a topic I always love to discuss with the intent of teaching collectors reality......
    I have been selling cards since 1972 so I have some idea of what book value is vs market values......
    A rule I use is (Called the Price Guide Rule) that a card that is scarce or rare or exceptional tends to sell for over guide......
    but cards that are common or one's I call widgets tend to sell for under guide as a rule.....
    there are a few exceptions.......but usually this rule works 99% of the time
    follow auctions or sales results...... not price guides.......
    everything I sell is either over guide or under guide based on my rule
    If I happen to sell a item at price guide, that is a mere coincidence & totally unintentional
    Remember.....price guides do NOT buy or sell cards.....
    they don't write checks for your cards........
    all they give is a opinion........
    well they have their opinion & I have mine.....
    want a laugh.......go to ebay stores & see what some sellers ask for their cards......
    it's absurd.......but they keep relisting their overpriced items & never think of lowering the price.....
    I found out early in business.......you only make money when you sell a item......
    obviously some sellers are just listing musuems pieces......
    items you can look at with zero intention of ever selling them.....
    must be nice......but how do you make a living listing items that don't sell?
    hope this info will be of some help
  • you only make money when you sell a item

    I believe just the opposite you only make money when you buy the item..
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "........but how do you make a living listing items that don't sell?"


    You cannot. But, you can run a "hobby business" on eBay and
    not lose money simply by opening an eBay store.

    You can price your items at what you think "retail" should be,
    and if you get "offers," - AND YOU WILL - you can decide what
    your best price is.

    Many folks are not interested in auctions on eBay. They just
    want to find what they want for themselves or others, pay
    for it, and get back to whatever they do.

    Items priced above "auction realizations" and listed in eBay
    stores WILL sell eventually. If you do not need or want the
    money for something immediately, waiting is not a problem.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • I generally never pay attention to book values. If I need to find the true value of an item, I'll look most recent ebay ending auctions. With this said, if the book value of an item is $100, I would not have a problem or feel guilty in any way if I was able to sell that item/card for $1,000.

    I shake my head when someone asks someone other than himself if something they were to do would be ehtical or not becuase the only person who can truely answer is himself.

    I can think of quite a few things that I have done in my life that others thought were unethical. However, since I thought it was the right thing to do their opinions didn't phase me.
  • BV-Bah

    examples on 89 FF card

    FF 15 3-10
    BBox 5 1-3
    Black Scribble 15 1-5
    White Scribble 25 40-100
    Whiteout 120 50-300+ (300+ was a PSA 9)
  • Book value is just a way to hold card values down. Look at book value as being Da Man!

    Playa Out....
    Nothing smoother than listening to Bob James and sipping on a glass of vintage Courvoisier! It's PIMPnificent!
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