OT: The Official Derailed / Soap Opera Thread

in Sports Talk
Rather than derailing a perfectly good thread (glares at no one in particular, even if he/she derails their own thread), just post your beef here. Stop getting in pissing matches with other peoples' opinions, it doesn't do any good.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
Great Idea but you know it just wont happen.
Actually, I think it could work. You call out someone here rather than in the thread and hopefully, the drama moves here.
Posted by soflphillyfan
<< <i>Just to show I'm not going to be a hyprocrite.
Posted by soflphillyfan
Hey great. The more the merrier.
Just want to mention that I have no problem with Arod. He's just in a slump.
<< <i>
<< <i>Just to show I'm not going to be a hyprocrite.
Posted by soflphillyfan
Hey great. The more the merrier.
Just want to mention that I have no problem with Arod. He's just in a slump. >>
That's what everyone, except for one particular blind Homer, is saying. He is in a slump and his overall numbers, across the board, are down from his career averages.
-- Yogi Berra
Mark Mulder rookies
Chipper Jones rookies
Orlando Cabrera rookies
Lawrence Taylor
Sam Huff
Lavar Arrington
NY Giants
NY Yankees
NJ Nets
NJ Devils
1950s-1960s Topps NY Giants Team cards
Looking for Topps rookies as well.
in another post you made it a point to show that someone did not spell 'Definitely' right. What I find disturbing is that you make as many mistakes as the next person yet you play grammar cop every chance you can.
Axtell became a Mariner "fan" within the last 5 years. That much is obvious. A Buc fan? Most defiantley when they won the Super Bowl. >>
'Definitely' not...you don't know me, you don't know anything, this much is obvious.
That much is obvious.
Is it being hyprocritical or just a bad case of A.D.D. or a combination of the two?
I am personally sick and tired of your constant harassment of fellow posters.
Just because you have a different opinion, that doesn't give you the right to abuse this fine forum. You have a different opinion from the majority? Fine, state your case and then move on. By constantly changing your stance, twisting your and other's words, and spewing hatred does not make your opinion any more factual than the next guy's.
You constantly troll the boards looking for a fight and it is impossible to have a civil discussion with you. If someone does not agree with you, you resort to name calling (including bad words that circumvent the filter), attempted insults, and child like I know you are but what am I responses. If your points were accurate and factual, perhaps your antics would be more accepting. However, you will twist an original point so much that the "spirit" of the original debate essentally becomes moot.
Because I have proven time and time again how wrong you are, rather than sucking it up and admitting your mistakes, you have now resorted to an attempt to have me banned. Per your sig line:
<< <i>Should Stown be permanently banned? PM me. >>
This is obvious harassment, which is not tolerated. I have always remained civil in our conversations, even though you have gone over and beyond what I listed above. I will not stoop down to your level because I have owned you time and time again. Why would I have to resort to name calling and insults when what I am doing works perfectly well. Does it pain you that much when I prove you wrong over and over and own you time and time again? Don't twist words... Don't twist posts... Don't call people names when you are proven wrong... Don't make bold faced lies... Just accept defeat and move on to the next topic. It really is just that easy.
You want to try and get me banned, go ahead. I have not violated the CU TOS, like you, and I am absolutely confident your "plea" is falling upon deaf ears.
Stop harassing posters. Stop following people from topic to topic looking for a flame war. Stop attempted insults. And for heaven's sakes, stop acting like a child and let people enjoy this forum.
I enjoy the arguments, even when I get slapped around pretty good. But even more so, I enjoy reading a good name calling argument.
I think we all need Axtell for entertainment, and lets be honest, not all of his posts are rude or wrong.
I have nothing against Axtell. I've taken shots at him but I would hate to see him leave or change who he is. He may be notorious, but he is one of characters that make this place fun for me.
In an evil sadistic way, I enjoy negativity.
Axtell, this doesn't mean I'll be inviting you on a weekend of sheephearding in the mountains, or sending you love notes on the email
you say I violate code of conduct, you say I am such a blight on the community...but let me ask, between you and I, who among us has been asked to take a vacation from the forums?
As far as my signature line goes, there is no harassment involved. It violates no terms of agreement, and I have had no mod contact me saying as such. It stays. YOU are the one who resorted to the ridiculous 'posting video for Axtell' link, but you didn't hear me crying about it, did you? Nope...turnabout is fair play. Grow a thicker skin.
You call me a spammer, but you have created the following threads:
OT: The Official Derailed / Soap Opera Thread
OT POLL: Why does axtell want people banned?
Who's spamming again? Neither of these threads have anything to do with sports, yet you have the nerve to call me a spammer?
Get lost. It's obvious you can't play with the big boys.
Practice what you preach.
<< <i>stown-
you say I violate code of conduct, you say I am such a blight on the community...but let me ask, between you and I, who among us has been asked to take a vacation from the forums?
As far as my signature line goes, there is no harassment involved. It violates no terms of agreement, and I have had no mod contact me saying as such. It stays. YOU are the one who resorted to the ridiculous 'posting video for Axtell' link, but you didn't hear me crying about it, did you? Nope...turnabout is fair play. Grow a thicker skin.
You call me a spammer, but you have created the following threads:
OT: The Official Derailed / Soap Opera Thread
OT POLL: Why does axtell want people banned?
Who's spamming again? Neither of these threads have anything to do with sports, yet you have the nerve to call me a spammer?
Get lost. It's obvious you can't play with the big boys. >>
First off, you notice both are titled "OT", which means off-topic
Secondly, one thread does not have to do with the other. I know you have difficulty reading but honestly, it's quite obvious the two are completely different.
Also, my original sig was for Gemmy, which obviously morphed into you.
And finally, as everyone agrees in the poll above, who is the "blight" on this community. Speaking of, what did you vote for?
Oh and PS - Can't dispute anything I say, huh. Why am I not surprised.
I said if I had so many rules violations (which you claim), why are YOU the one that has previously been banned, while I have not?
If I have had so many violations, then why haven't I had a moderator visit any of my threads/posts?
If you weren't so trivial, you wouldn't be so obssessive with my posting habits.
Should I look into sending mods PMs for your continuing to follow me with your posts? You going away would do wonders for the community.
<< <i>Should I look into sending mods PMs for your continuing to follow me with your posts? You going away would do wonders for the community. >>
yes please harass the mod.. you should send him several PM's about stown.. maybe you'll get banned..
<< <i>dispute it?
I said if I had so many rules violations (which you claim), why are YOU the one that has previously been banned, while I have not?
If I have had so many violations, then why haven't I had a moderator visit any of my threads/posts?
If you weren't so trivial, you wouldn't be so obssessive with my posting habits.
Should I look into sending mods PMs for your continuing to follow me with your posts? You going away would do wonders for the community. >>
1) You are the one threatening to get me banned for no reason. Look at your sig line.
2) No mod has said anything probably because I haven't made any reports and have encouraged others not to as well.... yet.
3) Who is following who? You came in here to throw a hissy fit.
As I've kindly asked: Stop harassing posters. Stop following people from topic to topic looking for a flame war. Stop attempted insults. And for heaven's sakes, stop acting like a child and let people enjoy this forum.
<< <i>
1) You are the one threatening to get me banned for no reason. Look at your sig line. >>
Who's threatening? if you haven't done anything wrong, you don't have to worry, right? RIGHT?
<< <i>2) No mod has said anything probably because I haven't made any reports and have encouraged others not to as well.... yet. >>
And what will your report say? 'Axtell's being a meanie! He threw sand in my face!' Either play or go home, but quit your whining already.
<< <i>3) Who is following who? You came in here to throw a hissy fit. >>
I'm not the one whining about being 'threatened' and being 'banned' like you are. Perhaps its time for a good long look in the mirror.
<< <i>As I've kindly asked: Stop harassing posters. Stop following people from topic to topic looking for a flame war. Stop attempted insults. And for heaven's sakes, stop acting like a child and let people enjoy this forum. >>
Kind of like you letting people enjoy the forums with threads about 'why is ax mean to me
<< <i>Owned. >>
Yes you have been. Now go wash my car.
<< <i>
<< <i>
1) You are the one threatening to get me banned for no reason. Look at your sig line. >>
Who's threatening? if you haven't done anything wrong, you don't have to worry, right? RIGHT?
<< <i>2) No mod has said anything probably because I haven't made any reports and have encouraged others not to as well.... yet. >>
And what will your report say? 'Axtell's being a meanie! He threw sand in my face!' Either play or go home, but quit your whining already.
<< <i>3) Who is following who? You came in here to throw a hissy fit. >>
I'm not the one whining about being 'threatened' and being 'banned' like you are. Perhaps its time for a good long look in the mirror.
<< <i>As I've kindly asked: Stop harassing posters. Stop following people from topic to topic looking for a flame war. Stop attempted insults. And for heaven's sakes, stop acting like a child and let people enjoy this forum. >>
Kind of like you letting people enjoy the forums with threads about 'why is ax mean to me
<< <i>Owned. >>
Yes you have been. Now go wash my car. >>
Oh for crying out loud, yet another derailing by axtell.
As I was saying:
Does it pain you that much when I prove you wrong over and over and own you time and time again? Don't twist words... Don't twist posts... Don't call people names when you are proven wrong... Don't make bold faced lies... Just accept defeat and move on to the next topic. It really is just that easy.
You want to try and get me banned, go ahead. I have not violated the CU TOS, like you, and I am absolutely confident your "plea" is falling upon deaf ears.
Stop harassing posters. Stop following people from topic to topic looking for a flame war. Stop attempted insults. And for heaven's sakes, stop acting like a child and let people enjoy this forum.
<< <i>
for heaven's sakes, stop acting like a child and let people enjoy this forum.
Then you say:
Owned. >>
Talk about pot calling the kettle black.
<< <i>You say:
<< <i>
for heaven's sakes, stop acting like a child and let people enjoy this forum.
Then you say:
Owned. >>
Talk about pot calling the kettle black. >>
Oh for crying out loud, yet another derailing by axtell.
As I was saying:
Does it pain you that much when I prove you wrong over and over and own you time and time again? Don't twist words... Don't twist posts... Don't call people names when you are proven wrong... Don't make bold faced lies... Just accept defeat and move on to the next topic. It really is just that easy.
You want to try and get me banned, go ahead. I have not violated the CU TOS, like you, and I am absolutely confident your "plea" is falling upon deaf ears.
Stop harassing posters. Stop following people from topic to topic looking for a flame war. Stop attempted insults. And for heaven's sakes, stop acting like a child and let people enjoy this forum.
I guess your thread asking why i want people killed was ok?
Pot as always meet kettle.
<< <i>Axtell, this doesn't mean I'll be inviting you on a weekend of sheephearding in the mountains... >>
No need, that's just a Friday night in a Modesto singles bar.