Anyone seen this commercial?

I am sure that most everyone is farmiliar with the guy that has the commercial for the "How to PC" CDs and he offers to send you one free. The one they showed for the last few years was Microsoft Word I think, but now he we send you "How to sell on eBay" and he says I am not going to tell you how to make thousandds selling an baseball cards from your attic, but how to sell effectivley on eBay. Anyways the point of my post is the example auction they show is a raw 1953 Topps Mantle and it is listed something like Mickey Mantle Baseball card 1953 Topps WOW and the card is perfect and even though it was only on for a second it surely looked like a fake and a scam auction. I want to get a freeze frame of it and see if I can make out the auction number. I am not sure if they randomly picked a scam auction or if one of the junk software pushers thought it would be funny to cross his scam fake card biz with his junk software biz. lol