Home Metal Detecting

Very Funny!

ArtistArtist Posts: 2,012 ✭✭✭
I just saw a news story on the nightly news about a guy who dug a 60ft. hole in his front yard.

Apparently, something set his metal detector off, and he was convinced it was the mother load. From what I understand, he dug down about 24 ft. and then built a little platform. From there he hired day laborers to dig the hole deeper. He would tie them to a rope and lower them down with a garden hose that he would pump air into.

Eventually authorites caught wind of what was going on and shut him down. They put a chain link fence around his hole, and stuck a 'No Trespassing' sign on it. It will be up to the home owner to fill in the hole.

The anchor person on the scene said the man would not go on camera for commentary, but said that privately the home owner explained he was encouraged by the gold dust he saw on his worker's shirts.



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