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Time for another giveaway *** Winner in first post

Upon finally reaching 500 posts, I must do the the traditional giveaway. Since I post most on the Stamp Forum, this giveaway will be here.

All you have to do is post a reply to this thread and a name will be drawn randomly next Sunday evening, June 11, at around 5PM EST.

The prize - any stamp (US or foreign; used or mint) with a Scott catalog value of up to a max of $50. I will do my best to locate and purchase a copy and it will be F or better. The winner may have to give me a list to go from as I may not be able to easily find your first pick, especially if non-US. You can also post your list as an entry for this giveaway. Please use Scott numbers if at all possible.

Thanks and Good Luck.

Winner is LALASD4. Please PM with a few Sc# that have a cat value of up to $50. I'll try to get your first choice. Congrats!

edited to list winner.


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