Home Buy, Sell & Trade - Stamps

Selling Whole Collection

I'm looking to sell all of these.. most likely not as a whole unless you can give me a really tempting offer.. so I'll probably be breaking them up into their groups or some in singles if they're not a full series. Let me know if any of these interest you and then we can communicate back and forth through here or email and I can give you pictures if you like and grade them for you if you want.. (almost all are mint I think, but I'd have to look more closely I'm sure).. also if anyone has sent or received stamps in the mail before, what ways of sending them are the best? packaging and such. Thanks.. let me know.. reply on here or email me.

The Hertitage Collection
by the Mystic Stamp Company
(Camden, New York 13316-9989)
(maroon 3-ring binder, 1996)
(All stamps are in mounts)

United States Commemorative Stamps 1893-1934

1st filled page – 1928 Commemoratives
1. 645 – Valley Forge – 2 cent – carmine rose – Washington at Prayer
2. 646 – Battle of Monmouth – 2 cent – carmine
3. 647 – Hawaiian Sesquicentennial – 2 cent – carmine – Discovery of Hawaii
4. 648 – Hawaiian Sesquicentennial – 5 cent – dark blue – Discovery of Hawaii
International Civil Aeronautics Conference
5. 649 – Wright Brothers Aircraft – 2 cent – carmine rose – Wright Airplane
6. 650 – Globe and Airplane – 5 cent – blue

2nd Page – 1929 Commemoratives
1. 651 – George Rogers Clark – 2 cent – carmine – Surrender of Fort Sackville
2. 657 – Sullivan Expedition – 2 cent – carmine rose – Major General J. Sullivan
3. 680 – Battle of Fallen Timbers – 2 cent – carmine rose – General Wayne Memorial
4. 681 – Ohio River Canalization – 2 cent – carmine rose – Ohio River Canal Lock #5

3rd Page – 1930-31 Commemoratives
1. 682 – Massachusetts Bay Colony – 2 cent – carmine rose – Seal of Mass. Bay Colony
2. 683 – Charleston Commemorative – 2 cent – carmine rose – Governor and Indian
3. 688 – Battle of Braddock’s Field – 2 cent – carmine rose – Washington
4. 689 – General von Steuben – 2 cent – carmine rose
5. 690 – General Casimir Pulaski – 2 cent – carmine rose
6. 702 – American Red Cross – 2 cent – black and red – “The Greatest Mother”
7. 703 – Yorktown – 2 cent – carmine rose and black – Rochambeau, Washington, de Grasse

4th Page – 1932 Commemoratives – Washington Bicentennial
1. 704 – Washington – ½ cent – olive brown – by Charles W. Peale, 1777
2. 705 – Washington – 1 cent – green – from Houdon Bust, 1785
3. 706 – Washington – 1 ½ cent – brown – by Charles W. Peale, 1772
4. 707 – Washington – 2 cent – carmine rose – by Gilbert Stuart, 1796
5. 708 – Washington – 3 cent – deep violet – by Charles W. Peale, 1777
6. 709 – Washington – 4 cent – light brown – by Charles P. Polk

5th Page – 1932 Commemoratives – Washington Bicentennial
1. 710 – Washington – 5 cent – blue – by Charles W. Peale, 1795
2. 711 – Washington – 6 cent – red orange – by John Trumbull, 1792
3. 712 – Washington – 7 cent – black – by John Trumbull, 1780
4. 713 – Washington – 8 cent – olive bistre – by Charles St. Memin, 1798
5. 714 – Washington – 9 cent – pale red – by W. Williams, 1794
6. 715 – Washington – 10 cent – orange yellow – by Gilbert Stuart, 1795

6th Page – 1932 Commemoratives
1. 716 – III Olympic Winter Games – 2 cent – carmine rose – A Ski Jumper
2. 717 – Arbor Day – 2 cent – carmine rose – Boy and Girl Planting Tree
3. 718 – Xth Olympiad – 3 cent – violet – Runner
4. 719 – Xth Olympiad – 5 cent – blue – Discus Thrower
5. 724 – William Penn – 3 cent – violet
6. 725 – Daniel Webster – 3 cent – violet

7th Page – 1933 Commemoratives
1. 726 – General J. Oglethorpe – 3 cent – violet
2. 727 – Proclamation of Peace – 3 cent – violet – Washington’s Headquarters
3. 728 – Chicago Century of Progress Exposition – 1 cent – yellow green – Restoration of Fort Dearborn
4. 729 - Chicago Century of Progress Exposition – 3 cent – violet – Federal Building at Chicago
5. 732 – National Recovery Act – 3 cent – violet – Group of Workers
6. 733 – Little America Postage Stamp – 3 cent – dark blue – World Map
7. 734 – General T. Kosciusko – 5 cent – blue

8th Page – 1934 Commemoratives
1. 736 – Maryland Tercentenary – 3 cent – carmine rose – “The Ark” and “The Dove”
2. 737 – Mother’s of America – 3 cent – deep violet – Whistler’s Mother Rotary, perf. 11x10 ½
3. 738 – Mother’s of America – 3 cent – deep violet – Whistler’s Mother Flat plate perf. 11

9th Page – 1934 Commemoratives
1. 739 – Wisconsin Tercentenary – 3 cent – deep violet – Nicolet’s Landing
National Parks Issue
2. 740 – Yosemite National Park – 1 cent – green
3. 741 – Grand Canyon – 2 cent – red
4. 742 – Mount Rainier National Park – 3 cent – deep violet
5. 743 – Mesa Verde – 4 cent – brown

10th Page – 1934 Commemoratives – National Parks Issue
1. 744 – Yellowstone – 5 cent – blue
2. 745 – Crater Lake National Park – 6 cent – dark blue
3. 746 – Acadia National Park – 7 cent – black
4. 747 – Zion National Park – 8 cent – sage green
5. 748 – Glacier National Park – 9 cent – red orange
6. 749 – Great Smoky Mountains – 10 cent – gray black

11th Page – 1935 Commemoratives – Special Printing of 1935 (Farley’s Follies)
1. 756 - Yosemite National Park – 1 cent – green
2. 757 – Grand Canyon – 2 cent – red
3. 758 – Mount Rainier National Park – 3 cent – deep violet
4. 759 – Mesa Verde – 4 cent – brown
5. 760 – Yellowstone – 5 cent – blue

12th Page – 1935 Commemoratives – Special Printing of 1935 (Farley’s Follies)
1. 761 – Crater Lake National Park – 6 cent – dark blue
2. 762 – Acadia National Park – 7 cent – black
3. 763 – Zion National Park – 8 cent – sage green
4. 764 – Glacier National Park – 9 cent – red orange
5. 765 – Great Smokey Mountains – 10 cent – gray black
6. 754 – Mothers of America – 3 cent – deep violet – Whistler’s Mother
7. 755 – Wisconsin Tercentenary – 3 cent – deep violet – Nicholet’s Landing
8. 771 – Airmail Special Delivery – 16 cent – steel blue – Great Seal of the United States

United States Commemorative Stamps 1935 – 1991

13th Page – 1935 Commemoratives
1. 772 – Connecticut Tercentenary – 3 cent – red violet
2. 773 – California Pacific Exposition – 3 cent – purple
3. 774 – Boulder Dam – 3 cent – purple
4. 775 – Michigan Centennial – 3 cent – purple
1936 Commeratives
5. 776 – Texas Centennial – 3 cent – purple
6. 777 – Rhode Island Tercentenary – 3 cent – purple
7. 782 – Arkansas Centennial – 3 cent – purple
8. 783 – Oregon Territory Centennial – 3 cent – purple
9. 784 – Susan B. Anthony – 3 cent – dark violet

14th Page – 1936-37 Commemoratives – Army
1. 785 – Washington and Greene – 1 cent – green
2. 786 – Jackson and Scott – 2 cent – carmine
3. 787 – Sherman, Grant, Sheridan – 3 cent – purple
4. 788 – Lee and Jackson – 4 cent – gray
5. 789 – U.S. Military Academy – 5 cent – ultramarine – Military Academy at West Point
6. 790 – Jones and Barry – 1 cent – green
7. 791 – Decatur and MacDonough – 2 cent – carmine
8. 792 – Farragut and Porter – 3 cent – purple
9. 793 – Sampson, Dewey, Schley – 4 cent – gray
10. 794 – U.S. Naval Academy – 5 cent – ultramarine – Seal of U.S. Naval Academy

15th Page – 1937 Commemoratives
1. 795 – Northwest Territory – 3 cent – red violet
2. 796 – Virginia Dare and Parents – 5 cent – gray blue
3. 798 – Adoption of the Constitution – 3 cent – bright red violet
4. 799 – Statue of Kamehameha I – 3 cent – violet – Statue Kamehameha I, Hawaii
5. 800 – Mt. McKinley – 3 cent – violet
6. 801 – La Fortaleza, Puerto Rico – 3 cent – bright violet
7. 802 – Charlotte Amalie Harbor – 3 cent – light violet

16th Page – 1938 Commemoratives
1. 835 – Colonial Court House – 3 cent – deep violet
2. 836 – Landing of Swedes and Finns – 3 cent – red violet
3. 837 – Colonization of the West – 3 cent – bright violet
4. 838 – Old Iowa Capitol Building – 3 cent – violet
1939 Commemoratives
5. 852 – Tower of the Sun – 3 cent – bright purple
6. 853 – Trylon and Perisphere – 3 cent – deep purple
7. 854 – Inauguration of Washington – 3 cent – bright red violet
8. 855 – Sandlot Baseball Game – 3 cent – violet
9. 856 – T. Roosevelt and Goethals – 3 cent – deep red violet
10. 857 – Stephen Daye Press – 3 cent – violet
11. 858 – Map of Dakotas, Montana and Washington – 3 cent – rose violet

17th Page – 1940 Commemoratives – Famous Americans Series
1. 859 – Washington Irving – 1 cent – bright blue green
2. 860 – James Fenimore Cooper – 2 cent – rose carmine
3. 861 – Ralph Waldo Emerson – 3 cent – bright red violet
4. 862 – Louisa May Alcott – 5 cent – ultramarine
5. 863 – Samuel Clemens – 10 cent – dark brown

18th Page – 1940 Commemoratives – Famous Americans Series – American Poets
1. 864 – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow – 1 cent – bright blue green
2. 865 – John Greenleaf Whittier – 2 cent – rose carmine
3. 866 – James Russell Lowell – 3 cent – bright red violet
4. 867 – Walt Whitman – 5 cent – ultramarine
5. 868 – James Whitcomb Riley – 10 cent – dark brown

19th Page – 1940 Commemoratives – Famous Americans Series – American Educators
1. 869 – Horace Mann – 1 cent – bright blue green
2. 870 – Mark Hopkins – 2 cent – rose carmine
3. 871 – Charles W. Eliot – 3 cent – bright red violet
4. 872 – Frances E. Willard – 5 cent – ultramarine
5. 873 – Booker T. Washington – 10 cent – dark brown

20th Page – 1940 Commemoratives – Famous Americans Series – American Scientists
1. 874 – John James Audubon – 1 cent – bright blue green
2. 875 – Dr. Crawford W. Long – 2 cent – rose carmine
3. 876 – Luther Burbank – 3 cent – bright red violet
4. 877 – Dr. Walter Reed – 5 cent – ultramarine
5. 878 – Jane Addams – 10 cent – dark brown

21st Page – 1940 Commemoratives – Famous Americans Series – American Composers
1. 879 – Stephen Collins Foster – 1 cent – bright blue green
2. 880 – John Phillip Sousa – 2 cent – rose carmine
3. 881 – Victor Herbert – 3 cent – bright red violet
4. 882 – Edward A. MacDowell – 5 cent – ultramarine
5. 883 – Ethelbert Nevin – 10 cent – dark brown

22nd Page – 1940 Commemoratives – Famous Americans Series – American Artists
1. 884 – Gilbert Charles Stuart – 1 cent – bright blue green
2. 885 - James A. McNeill Whistler – 2 cent – rose carmine
3. 886 - Augustus Saint-Gaudens – 3 cent – bright red violet
4. 887 – Daniel Chester French – 5 cent – ultramarine
5. 888 – Frederic Remington – 10 cent – dark brown

23rd Page – 1940 Commemoratives – Famous Americans Series – American Inventors
1. 889 – Eli Whitney – 1 cent – bright blue green
2. 890 – Samuel F.B. Morse – 2 cent – rose carmine
3. 891 – Cyrus Hall McCormick – 3 cent – bright red violet
4. 892 – Elias Howe – 5 cent – ultramarine
5. 893 – Alexander Graham Bell – 10 cent – dark brown

24th Page – 1940 Commemoratives
1. 894 – Pony Express Rider – 3 cent – henna brown
2. 895 - Three Graces (Boticelli) – 3 cent – light violet
3. 896 – Idaho State Capitol – 3 cent – bright violet
4. 897 – Wyoming State Seal – 3 cent – brown violet
5. 898 – Coronado and his Captains – 3 cent – violet
6. 899 – Statue of Liberty – 1 cent – bright blue green
7. 900 – Anti-Aircraft Gun – 2 cent – rose carmine
8. 901 – Torch of Freedom – 3 cent – bright violet
9. 902 – Lincoln Emancipation Statue – 3 cent – deep violet

25th Page – 1941 Commemoratives
1. 903 – Vermont Statehood – 3 cent – light violet
1942 Commemoratives
2. 904 – Kentucky Statehood – 3 cent – violet
3. 905 – Win the War – 3 cent – violet
4. 906 – Chinese Resistance – 5 cent – bright blue
1943 Commemoratives
5. 907 – Allied Nations – 2 cent – rose carmine
6. 908 – Four Freedoms Issue – 1 cent – bright blue green

26th Page – 1943-44 Overrun Countries Series
1. 909 – Flag of Poland – 5 cent – multicolored
2. 910 – Flag of Czechoslovakia – 5 cent – multicolored
3. 911 – Flag of Norway – 5 cent – multicolored
4. 912 – Flag of Luxembourg – 5 cent – multicolored
5. 913 – Flag of Netherlands – 5 cent – multicolored
6. 914 – Flag of Belgium – 5 cent – multicolored
7. 915 – Flag of France – 5 cent – multicolored

27th Page – 1943-44 Overrun Countries Series
1. 916 – Flag of Greece – 5 cent – multicolored
2. 917 – Flag of Yugoslavia – 5 cent – multicolored
3. 918 – Flag of Albania – 5 cent – multicolored
4. 919 – Flag of Austria – 5 cent – multicolored
5. 920 – Flag of Denmark – 5 cent – multicolored
6. 921 – Flag of Korea – 5 cent – multicolored

28th Page – 1944 Commemoratives
1. 922 – Transcontinental Railroad – 3 cent – violet
2. 923 – Steamship – 3 cent – violet
3. 924 – Telegraph – 3 cent – bright red violet
4. 925 – Philippines Commemorative – 3 cent – deep violet
5. 926 – Motion Pictures Commemorative – 3 cent – deep violet

29th Page - 1945 Commemoratives
1. 927 – Florida Centennial – 3 cent – bright red violet
2. 928 – United Nations Conference – 5 cent – ultramarine
3. 929 – Marines – 3 cent – yellow green
4. 930 – Roosevelt and Hyde Park – 1 cent – blue green
5. 931 – Roosevelt and “Little White House” – 2 cent – carmine rose
6. 932 – Roosevelt and White House – 3 cent – purple
7. 933 – Roosevelt and Map – 5 cent – bright blue
8. 934 – U.S. Army – 3 cent – olive
9. 935 – U.S. Sailors – 3 cent – blue
10. 936 – U.S. Coast Guard – 3 cent – bright blue green
11. 937 – Alfred E. Smith – 3 cent – purple
12. 938 – Texas Statehood – 3 cent – dark blue

30th Page – 1946 Commemoratives
1. 939 – Merchant Marine – 3 cent – blue green
2. 940 – Veterans of World War II - 3 cent – dark violet
3. 941 – Tennessee Statehood – 3 cent – dark violet
4. 942 – Iowa Statehood – 3 cent – deep blue
5. 943 – Smithsonian Institution – 3 cent – violet brown
6. 944 – Kearny Expedition – 3 cent – brown violet

31st Page – 1947 Commemoratives
1. 945 – Thomas A. Edison – 3 cent – bright red violet
2. 946 – Joseph Pulitzer – 3 cent – purple
3. 947 – Postage Stamp Centenary – 3 cent – deep blue
4. 949 – Doctors – 3 cent – brown violet
5. 950 – Utah Centennial – 3 cent – dark violet
6. 951 – U.S. Frigate Constitution – 3 cent – blue green
7. 952 – Everglades National Park – 3 cent – bright green

32nd Page – 1948 Commemoratives
1. 953 – George Washington Carver – 3 cent – bright red violet
2. 954 – California Gold Centennial – 3 cent – dark violet – Sutter’s Mill, Coloma, Calif.
3. 955 – Mississippi Territory – 3 cent – brown violet – Seal of Mississippi Territory
4. 956 – Four Chaplains – 3 cent – gray black
5. 957 – Wisconsin Statehood – 3 cent – dark violet
6. 958 – Swedish Pioneer – 5 cent – deep blue
7. 959 – Progress of Women – 3 cent – dark violet
8. 960 – William Allen White – 3 cent – bright red violet
9. 961 – United States-Canada Friendship – 3 cent – blue
10. 962 – Francis Scott Key – 3 cent – rose pink
11. 963 – Salute to Youth – 3 cent – deep blue
12. 964 – Oregon Territory – 3 cent – brown red

33rd Page – 1948 Commemoratives
1. 965 – Harlan F. Stone – 3 cent – bright violet
2. 966 – Palomar Mountain Observatory – 3 cent – blue
3. 967 – Clara Barton – 3 cent – rose pink
4. 968 – Poultry Industry Centennial – 3 cent – sepia
5. 969 – Gold Star Mothers – 3 cent – orange yellow
6. 970 – Fort Kearny – 3 cent – violet
7. 971 – Volunteer Firemen – 3 cent – bright rose carmine
8. 972 – Indian Centennial – 3 cent – dark brown

34th Page – 1948 Commemoratives
1. 973 – Rough Riders – 3 cent – violet brown
2. 974 – Juliette Low Commemorative Stamp – 3 cent – blue green
3. 975 – Will Rogers – 3 cent – bright red violet
4. 976 – Fort Bliss Centennial – 3 cent – henna brown
5. 977 – Moina Michael – 3 cent – rose pink
6. 978 – Gettysburg Address – 3 cent – bright blue
7. 979 – American Turners – 3 cent – carmine
8. 980 – Joel Chandler Harris – 3 cent – bright red violet

35th Page – 1949 Commemoratives
1. 981 – Minnesota Territory – 3 cent – blue green
2. 982 – Washington and Lee University – 3 cent – ultramarine
3. 983 – Puerto Rico Election – 3 cent – green
4. 984 – Annapolis Tercentenary – 3 cent – aquamarine
5. 985 – Grand Army of the Republic – 3 cent – bright rose carmine
6. 986 – Edgar Allan Poe – 3 cent – bright red violet

36th Page – 1950 Commemoratives
1. 987 – American Bankers Association – 3 cent – yellow green
2. 988 – Samuel Gompers – 3 cent – bright red violet
3. 989 – National Capital Sesquicentennial – 3 cent – bright blue
4. 990 – National Capital Sesquicentennial – 3 cent – deep green
5. 991 – National Capital Sesquicentennial – 3 cent – light violet
6. 992 – National Capital Sesquicentennial – 3 cent – bright red
7. 993 – Railroad Engineers of America – 3 cent – violet brown
8. 994 – Kansas City, Missouri Centenary – 3 cent – violet
9. 995 – Boy Scouts – 3 cent – sepia
10. 996 – Indiana Territory – 3 cent – bright blue
11. 997 – California Statehood – 3 cent – yellow orange

37th Page – 1951 Commemoratives
1. 998 – United Confederate Veterans Final Reunion – 3 cent – gray
2. 999 – Nevada Centennial – 3 cent – light olive green
3. 1000 – Landing of Cadillac – 3 cent – blue
4. 1001 – Colorado Statehood – 3 cent – blue violet
5. 1002 – American Chemical Society – 3 cent – violet brown
6. 1003 – Battle of Brooklyn – 3 cent – violet

38th Page – 1952 Commemoratives
1. 1004 – Betsy Ross – 3 cent – carmine rose
2. 1005 – 4-H Club – 3 cent – blue green
3. 1006 – B & O Railroad – 3 cent – bright blue
4. 1007 – American Automobile Association – 3 cent – deep blue
5. 1008 – NATO – 3 cent – deep violet
6. 1009 – Grand Coulee Dam – 3 cent – blue green
7. 1010 – Marquis de Lafayette – 3 cent – bright blue

39th Page – 1952 Commemoratives
1. 1011 – Mt. Rushmore Memorial – 3 cent – blue green
2. 1012 – Engineering Centennial – 3 cent – violet blue
3. 1013 – Service Women – 3 cent – deep blue
4. 1014 – Gutenberg Bible – 3 cent – violet
5. 1015 – Newspaper Boys – 3 cent – violet
6. 1016 – Red Cross – 3 cent – deep blue and carmine

40th Page – 1953 Commemoratives
1. 1017 – National Guard – 3 cent – bright blue
2. 1018 – Ohio Statehood – 3 cent – chocolate
3. 1019 – Washington Territory – 3 cent – green
4. 1020 – Louisiana Purchase – 3 cent – violet brown
5. 1021 – Opening of Japan Centennial – 5 cent – green
6. 1022 – American Bar Association – 3 cent – rose violet
7. 1023 – Sagamore Hill – 3 cent – yellow green
8. 1024 – Future Farmers – 3 cent – deep blue
9. 1025 – Trucking Industry – 3 cent – violet
10. 1026 – General Patton – 3 cent – blue violet
11. 1027 – New York City – 3 cent – bright red violet
12. 1028 – Gadsen Purchase – 3 cent – copper brown

41st Page – 1954 Commemoratives
1. 1029 – Columbia University – 3 cent – blue
2. 1060 – Nebraska Territory – 3 cent – violet
3. 1061 – Kansas Territory – 3 cent – brown orange
4. 1062 – George Eastman – 3 cent – violet brown
5. 1063 – Lewis and Clark Expedition – 3 cent – violet brown

42nd Page – 1955 Commemoratives
1. 1064 – Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts – 3 cent – rose brown
2. 1065 – Land Grant Colleges – 3 cent – green
3. 1066 – Rotary International – 8 cent – deep blue
4. 1067 – Armed Forces Reserve – 3 cent – purple
5. 1068 – New Hampshire – 3 cent – green
6. 1069 – Soo Locks – 3 cent – blue
7. 1070 – Atoms For Peace – 3 cent – deep blue
8. 1071 – Fort Ticonderoga – 3 cent – light brown
9. 1072 – Andrew W. Mellon – 3 cent – rose carmine

43rd Page – 1956 Commemoratives
1. 1073 – Benjamin Franklin – 3 cent – bright carmine
2. 1074 – Booker T. Washington – 3 cent – deep blue
3. 1076 – Fipex Commemorative Stamp – 3 cent – deep violet
4. 1077 – Wildlife Conservation – 3 cent – rose lake
5. 1078 – Wildlife Conservation – 3 cent – brown
6. 1079 – Wildlife Conservation – 3 cent – blue green

44th Page – 1956 Commemoratives
1. 1080 – Pure Food and Drug Laws – 3 cent – dark blue green
2. 1081 – Wheatland – 3 cent – black brown
3. 1082 – Labor Day – 3 cent – deep blue
4. 1083 – Nassau Hall – 3 cent – black
5. 1084 – Devils Tower – 3 cent – violet
6. 1085 – Children – 3 cent – dark blue

45th Page – 1957 Commemoratives
1. 1086 – Alexander Hamilton – 3 cent – rose red
2. 1087 – Polio – 3 cent – red lilac
3. 1088 – Coast and Geodetic Survey
4. 1089 – Architects – 3 cent – red lilac
5. 1090 – Steel Industry – 3 cent – bright ultramarine
6. 1091 – International Naval Review – 3 cent – blue green
7. 1092 – Oklahoma Statehood – 3 cent – dark blue

46th Page – 1957 Commemoratives
1. 1093 – School Teachers – 3 cent – rose lake
2. 1094 – American Flag – 4 cent – dark blue and deep carmine
3. 1095 – Shipbuilding – 3 cent – deep violet
4. 1096 – Ramon Magsaysay – 8 cent – carmine, ultra and ochre
5. 1097 – Lafayette Bicentenary – 3 cent – rose lake
6. 1098 – Wildlife Conservation – 3 cent – blue, ochre and green)
7. 1099 – Religious Freedom – 3 cent – black

47th Page – 1958 Commemoratives
1. 1100 – Gardening-Horticulture – 3 cent – green
2. 1104 – Brussels Exhibition – 3 cent – deep claret
3. 1105 – James Monroe – 3 cent – purple
4. 1106 – Minnesota Statehood – 3 cent – green
5. 1107 – Geophysical Year – 3 cent – black and red orange
6. 1108 – Gunston Hall – 3 cent – light green
7. 1109 – Mackinac Bridge – 3 cent – bright greenish blue

48th Page – 1958 Commemorative
1. 1110 – Simon Bolivar – 4 cent – olive bister
2. 1111 – Simon Bolivar 8 cent – carmine, ultra and ochre
3. 1112 – Atlantic Cable Centennial – 4 cent – reddish purple
4. 1113 – Lincoln Sesquicentennial – 1 cent – green
5. 1114 – Lincoln Sesquicentennial – 3 cent – purple
6. 1115 – Lincoln-Douglas Debates – 4 cent – sepia
7. 1116 – Lincoln Sesquicentennial – 4 cent – dark blue

49th Page – 1958 Commemoratives
1. 1117 – Lajos Kossuth – 4 cent – green
2. 1118 – Lajos Kossuth – 8 cent – carmine, ultra and ochre
3. 1119 – Freedom of the Press – 4 cent – black
4. 1120 – Overland Mail – 4 cent – crimson rose
5. 1121 – Noah Webster – 4 cent – dark carmine rose
6. 1122 – Forest Conservation – 4 cent – green, yellow and brown
7. 1123 – Fort Duquesne – 4 cent – blue

50th Page – 1959 Commemoratives
1. 1124 – Oregon Statehood – 4 cent – blue green
2. 1125 – Jose de San Martin – 4 cent – blue
3. 1126 – Jose de San Martin – 8 cent – carmine, ultra, ochre
4. 1127 – NATO – 4 cent – blue
5. 1128 – Artic Explorations – 4 cent – bright greenish blue
6. 1129 – World Peace Through World Trade – 8 cent – rose lake
7. 1130 – Silver Centennial – 4 cent – black

51st Page – 1959 Commemoratives
1. 1131 – St. Lawrence Seaway – 4 cent – red and dark blue
2. 1132 – 49-Star Flag – 4 cent – ochre, dark blue and deep carmine
3. 1133 – Soil Conservation – 4 cent – blue, green and ochre
4. 1134 – Petroleum Industry – 4 cent – brown
5. 1135 – Dental Health – 4 cent – green
6. 1136 – Ernst Reuter – 4 cent – gray
7. 1137 – Ernst Reuter – 8 cent – carmine, ultra and ochre
8. 1138 – Dr. Ephraim McDowell – 4 cent – rose lake

52nd Page – 1960-61 American Credo Series
1. 1139 – George Washington “American Credo” – 4 cent – dark violet blue and carmine
2. 1140 – Benjamin Franklin “American Credo” – 4 cent – olive bister and green
3. 1141 – Thomas Jefferson “American Credo” – 4 cent – gray and vermillion
4. 1142 – Francis Scott Key “American Credo” – 4 cent – carmine and dark blue
5. 1143 – Abraham Lincoln “American Credo” – 4 cent – magenta and green
6. 1144 – Patrick Henry “American Credo” – 4 cent – green and brown

53rd Page – 1960 Commemoratives
1. 1145 – Boy Scout Jubilee – 4 cent – red, dark blue and dark bister
2. 1146 – Olympic Winter Games – 4 cent – dull blue
3. 1147 – Thomas G. Masaryk – 4 cent – blue
4. 1148 – Thomas G. Masaryk – 8 cent – carmine, ultra and ochre
5. 1149 – World Refugee Year – 4 cent – gray black
6. 1150 – Water Conservation – 4 cent – dark blue, brown orange and green
7. 1151 – SEATO – 4 cent – blue
8. 1152 – American Women – 4 cent – deep violet
9. 1153 – 50-Star Flag – 4 cent – dark blue and red
10. 1154 – Pony Express Centennial – 4 cent – sepia

54th Page – 1960 Commemoratives
1. 1155 – Employ The Handicapped – 4 cent – dark blue
2. 1156 – World Forestry Congress – 4 cent – green
3. 1157 – Mexican Independence – 4 cent – green and rose red
4. 1158 – U.S.-Japan Treaty – 4 cent – blue and pink
5. 1159 – Ignacy Jan Paderewski – 4 cent – blue
6. 1160 - Ignacy Jan Paderewski – 8 cent – carmine, ultra and ochre
7. 1161 – Senator Taft Memorial – 4 cent – dull violet
8. 1162 – Wheels of Freedom – 4 cent – dark blue
9. 1163 – Boys’ Clubs of America – 4 cent – indigo, slate and rose red
10. 1164 – First Automated Post Office in the U.S.A. – 4 cent – dark blue and carmine

55th Page – 1960 Commemoratives
1. 1165 – Baron Gustaf Mannerheim – 4 cent – blue
2. 1166 – Baron Gustaf Mannerheim – 8 cent – carmine, ultra and ochre
3. 1167 – Camp Fire Girls – 4 cent – dark blue and bright red
4. 1168 – Giuseppe Garibaldi – 4 cent – green
5. 1169 – Giuseppe Garibaldi – 8 cent – carmine, ultra and ochre
6. 1170 – Senator George Memorial – 4 cent – dull violet
7. 1171 – Andrew Carnegie – 4 cent – deep claret
8. 1172 – John Foster Dulles Memorial – 4 cent – dull violet
9. 1173 – Echo I Communications For Peace – 4 cent – deep violet

56th Page – 1961 Commemoratives
1. 1174 – Champion of Liberty – 4 cent – red orange – Mahatma Gandhi
2. 1175 – Champion of Liberty – 8 cent – carmine, ultramarine, ochre – Mahatma Gandhi
3. 1176 – Range Conservation – 4 cent – blue, slate and brown orange
4. 1177 – Horace Greely – 4 cent – dull violet
5. 1183 – Kansas Statehood – 4 cent – brown, dark red and green
6. 1184 – George W. Norris – 4 cent – blue green
7. 1185 – Naval Aviation – 4 cent – blue
8. 1186 – Workmen’s Compensation – 4 cent – ultramarine
9. 1187 – Frederic Remington – 4 cent – multicolored
10. 1188 – Republic of China – 4 cent – blue
11. 1189 – Naismith-Basketball – 4 cent – brown
12. 1190 – Nursing – 4 cent – blue, green, orange and black

57th Page – 1961-65 Civil War Centennial
1. 1178 – Fort Sumter – 4 cent – light green
2. 1179 – Battle of Shiloh – 4 cent – peach blossom
3. 1180 – Battle of Gettysburg – 5 cent – gray and blue
4. 1181 – Battle of the Wilderness – 5 cent – dark red and black
5. 1182 – Appomattox – 5 cent – blue and black

58th Page – 1962 Commemoratives
1. 1191 – New Mexico Statehood – 4 cent – light blue, maroon and bister
2. 1192 – Arizona Statehood – 4 cent – carmine, violet blue and yellow
3. 1193 – Project Mercury – 4 cent – dark blue and yellow
4. 1194 – Malaria Eradication – 4 cent – blue and bister
5. 1195 – Charles Evans Hughes – 4 cent – buff
6. 1196 – Seattle World’s Fair – 4 cent – red and dark blue
7. 1197 – Louisiana Statehood – 4 cent – blue, dark slate green and red
8. 1198 – Homestead Act – 4 cent – slate
9. 1199 – Girl Scouts – 4 cent – rose red

59th Page – 1962 Commemoratives
1. 1200 – Senator Brien McMahon – 4 cent – purple
2. 1201 – Apprenticeship – 4 cent – yellow bister
3. 1202 – Sam Rayburn – 4 cent – dark blue and red brown
4. 1203 – Dag Hammarskjold – 4 cent – black, brown and yellow
5. 1204 – Inverted Dag Hammarskjold – 4 cent – black, brown and yellow
6. 1205 – Christmas – 4 cent – green and red
7. 1206 – Higher Education – 4 cent – blue green and black
8. 1207 – Winslow Homer – 4 cent – multicolored

60th Page – 1963 Commemoratives
1. 1230 – Carolina Charter – 5 cent – dark carmine and brown
2. 1231 – Food for Peace – 5 cent – green, buff and red
3. 1232 – West Virginia Statehood – 5 cent – green, red and black
4. 1233 – Emancipation Proclamation – 5 cent – dark blue, black and red
5. 1234 – Alliance For Progress – 5 cent – ultramarine and green
6. 1235 – Cordell Hull – 5 cent – blue green

61st Page – 1963 Commemoratives
1. 1236 – Eleanor Roosevelt – 5 cent – bright purple
2. 1237 – Science – 5 cent – prussian blue and black
3. 1238 – City Mail Delivery – 5 cent – gray, dark blue and red
4. 1239 – Red Cross Centennial – 5 cent – bluish black
5. 1240 – Christmas – 5 cent – dark blue, bluish black and red
6. 1241 – John James Audubon – 5 cent – dark blue and multicolored

62nd Page – 1964 Commemoratives
1. 1242 – Sam Houston – 5 cent – black
2. 1243 – Charles M. Russell – 5 cent – multicolored
3. 1244 – New York World’s Fair – 5 cent – blue green
4. 1245 – John Muir – 5 cent – brown, green, yellow green and olive
5. 1246 – John F. Kennedy – 5 cent – blue gray
6. 1247 – New Jersey Tercentenary – 5 cent – blue gray
7. 1248 – Nevada Statehood – 5 cent – red, yellow and blue
8. 1249 – Register and Vote – 5 cent – dark blue and red
9. 1250 – William Shakespeare – 5 cent – black brown and tan
10. 1251 – Doctors Mayo – 5 cent – green

63rd Page – 1964 Commemoratives
1. 1252 – American Music – 5 cent – red, black and blue
2. 1253 – Homemakers – 5 cent – multicolored
3. 1254 – Christmas – 5 cent – green, black and carmine – Holly (attached)
4. 1255 – Christmas – 5 cent – green, black and carmine – Mistletoe (attached)
5. 1256 – Christmas – 5 cent – green, black and carmine – Poinsettia (attached)
6. 1257 – Christmas – 5 cent – green, black and carmine – Sprig of Pine (attached)
7. 1258 – Verrazano-Narrows Bridge – 5 cent – blue green
8. 1259 – Fine Arts – 5 cent – ultra, black and dull red
9. 1260 – Amateur Radio – 5 cent – red lilac

64th Page – 1965 Commemoratives
1. 1261 – Battle of New Orleans – 5 cent – deep carmine, violet blue and gray
2. 1262 – Physical Fitness (Sokol) – 5 cent – maroon and black
3. 1263 – Crusade Against Cancer – 5 cent – black, purple and red orange
4. 1264 – Winston Churchill – 5 cent – black
5. 1265 – Magna Carta – 5 cent – black, yellow ochre and red lilac
6. 1266 – International Cooperation Year – 5 cent – dull blue and black
7. 1267 – Salvation Army – 5 cent – red, black and dark blue
8. 1268 – Dante Alighieri – 5 cent – maroon
9. 1269 – Herbert Hoover – 5 cent – rose red

65th Page – 1965 Commemoratives
1. 1270 – Robert Fulton – 5 cent – black and blue
2. 1271 – Florida Settlement – 5 cent – red, yellow and black
3. 1272 – Traffic Safety – 5 cent – emerald, black and red
4. 1273 – John Singleton Copley – 5 cent – black, brown and olive
5. 1274 – International Telecommunication Union – 11 cent – black, carmine and bister
6. 1275 – Adlai Stevenson – 5 cent – pale blue, black, carmine and violet blue
7. 1276 – Christmas – 5 cent – carmine, dark olive green and bister

66th Page – 1966 Commemoratives
1. 1306 – Migratory Bird Treaty – 5 cent – black, crimson and dark blue
2. 1307 – Humane Treatment of Animals – 5 cent – orange brown and black
3. 1308 – Indiana Statehood – 5 cent – ochre, brown and violet blue
4. 1309 – American Circus – 5 cent – multicolored
5. 1310 – Sixth International Philatelic Exhibition – 5 cent – multicolored
6. 1312 – Bill of Rights – 5 cent – carmine, dark and light blue
7. 1313 – Polish Millennium – 5 cent – red
8. 1314 – National Park Service – 5 cent – yellow, black and green
9. 1315 – Marine Corps Reserve – 5 cent – black, bister, red and ultra
10. 1316 – General Federation of Women’s Clubs – 5 cent – black, pink and blue

67th Page – 1966 Commemoratives
1. 1317 – Johnny Appleseed – 5 cent – green, red and black
2. 1318 – Beautification of America – 5 cent – emerald, pink and black
3. 1319 – Great River Road – 5 cent – vermillion, yellow, blue and green
4. 1320 – Servicemen-Savings Bonds – 5 cent – red, dark blue, light blue and black
5. 1321 – Christmas – 5 cent – multicolored
6. 1322 - Mary Cassatt – 5 cent – multicolored

68th Page – 1967 Commemoratives
1. 1323 – National Grange – 5 cent – multicolored
2. 1324 – Canadian Centennial – 5 cent – multicolored
3. 1325 – Erie Canal – 5 cent – multicolored
4. 1326 – Search For Peace – 5 cent – blue, red and black
5. 1327 – Henry David Thoreau – 5 cent – carmine, black and blue green
6. 1328 – Nebraska Statehood – 5 cent – multicolored
7. 1329 – Voice of America – 5 cent – red, blue, black and carmine

69th Page – 1967 Commemoratives
1. 1330 – Davy Crockett – 5 green, black and yellow
2. 1331 – Twin Space Commemorative Stamp – 5 cent – multicolored – Astronaut (attached)
3. 1332 – Twin Space Commemorative Stamp – 5 cent – multicolored – Gemini 4 Capsule (attached)
4. 1333 – Urban Planning – 5 cent – dark blue, light blue and black
5. 1334 – Finnish Independence – 5 cent – blue
6. 1335 – Thomas Eakins – 5 cent – gold and multi
7. 1336 – Christmas – 5 cent – multi
8. 1337 – Mississippi Statehood – 5 cent – multi

70th Page – 1968 Commemoratives
1. 1339 – Illinois Statehood – 6 cent – dark blue, blue, red and ochre
2. 1340 – HemisFair ’68 – 6 cent – blue, rose red and white
3. 1342 – Support Our Youth – 6 cent – ultramarine and orange red
4. 1343 – Law and Order – 6 cent – blue and black
5. 1344 – Register and Vote – 6 cent – black, yellow and orange
6. 1355 – Walt Disney – 6 cent – multicolored
7. 1356 – Jasques Marquette – 6 cent – black, apple green and orange brown
8. 1357 – Daniel Boone – 6 cent – yellow, deep yellow, maroon and black

71st Page – 1968 Commemoratives
1. 1358 – Arkansas River Navigation – 6 cent – bright blue, dark blue and black
2. 1359 – Leif Erikson – 6 cent – light gray brown and black brown
3. 1360 – Cherokee Strip – 6 cent – brown
4. 1361 – John Trumbull – 6 cent – multicolored
5. 1362 – Waterfowl Conservation – 6 cent – black and multicolored
6. 1363 – Christmas – 6 cent – multicolored
7. 1364 – American Indian – 6 cent – black and multicolored

72nd Page – 1968 Historic Flag Series
1. 1345 – Fort Moultrie Flag – 6 cent – dark blue
2. 1346 – Fort McHenry – 6 cent – dark blue and red
3. 1347 – Washington’s Cruisers Flag – 6 cent – dark blue and olive green
4. 1348 – Bennington Flag – 6 cent – dark blue and red
5. 1349 – Rhode Island Flag – 6 cent – dark blue, yellow and red
6. 1350 – First Stars and Stripes – 6 cent – dark blue and red
7. 1351 – Bunker Hill Flag – 6 cent – dark blue, olive green and red
8. 1352 – Grand Union Flag – 6 cent – dark blue and red
9. 1353 – Philadelphia Light Horse Flag – 6 cent – dark blue, yellow and red
10. 1354 – First Navy Jack – 6 cent – dark blue, red and yellow

73rd Page – 1969 Commemoratives
1. 1365 – Beautification of America – 6 cent – multicolored – Azaleas & Tulips (attached)
2. 1366 – Beautification of America – 6 cent – multicolored – Daffodils (attached)
3. 1367 – Beautification of America – 6 cent – multicolored – Poppies & Lupines (attached)
4. 1368 – Beautification of America – 6 cent – multicolored – Crabapple Trees (attached)
5. 1369 – American Legion – 6 cent – red, blue and black
6. 1370 – Grandma Moses – 6 cent – multicolored
7. 1371 – Apollo 8 – 6 cent – black, blue and ochre
8. 1372 – W.C. Handy – 6 cent – violet, deep lilac and blue
9. 1373 – California Bicentennial – 6 cent – orange, red, black and light blue

74th Page – 1969 Commemoratives
1. 1374 – John Wesley Powell – 6 cent – black, ochre and light blue
2. 1375 – Alabama Statehood – 6 cent – multicolored
3. 1376 – Botanical Congress – 6 cent – multicolored – Douglas Fir (attached)
4. 1377 – Botanical Congress – 6 cent – multicolored – Lady’s Slipper (attached)
5. 1378 – Botanical Congress – 6 cent – multicolored – Ocotillo (attached)
6. 1379 – Botanical Congress – 6 cent – multicolored – Franklinia (attached)
7. 1380 – Dartmouth College Case – 6 cent – green
8. 1381 – Professional Baseball – 6 cent – yellow, red, black and green

75th Page – 1969 Commemoratives
1. 1382 – College Football – 6 cent – red and green
2. 1383 – Dwight D. Eisenhower – 6 cent – blue, black and red
3. 1384 – Christmas – 6 cent – dark green and multicolored
4. 1385 – Crippled Children and Adults – 6 cent – multicolored
5. 1386 – William M. Harnett – 6 cent – multicolored

76th Page – 1970 Commemoratives
1. 1387 – Natural History – 6 cent – multicolored – American Bald Eagle (attached)
2. 1388 – Natural History – 6 cent – multicolored – African Elephants (attached)
3. 1389 – Natural History – 6 cent – multicolored – Haida Canoe (attached)
4. 1390 – Natural History – 6 cent – multicolored – Age of Reptiles (attached)
5. 1391 – Maine Statehood – 6 cent – black and multicolored
6. 1392 – North American Buffalo – 6 cent – light brown
7. 1405 – Edgar Lee Masters – 6 cent – black and olive bister
8. 1406 – Woman Suffrage – 6 cent – blue

77th Page – 1970 Commemoratives
1. 1407 – South Carolina Tricentennial – 6 cent – bister, black and red
2. 1408 – Stone Mountain Memorial – 6 cent – gray
3. 1409 – Fort Snelling – 6 cent – yellow and multicolored
4. 1410 – Anti-Pollution – 6 cent – multicolored – Globe & Wheat (attached)
5. 1411 – Anti-Pollution – 6 cent – multicolored – Globe & City (attached)
6. 1412 – Anti-Pollution – 6 cent – multicolored – Globe & Bluegill (attached)
7. 1413 – Anti-Pollution – 6 cent – multicolored – Globe & Seagull (attached)

78th Page – 1970 Commemoratives
1. 1414 – Christmas – 6 cent – multicolored
2. 1415 – Christmas – 6 cent – multicolored – Locomotive (attached)
3. 1416 – Christmas – 6 cent – multicolored – Horse (attached)
4. 1417 – Christmas – 6 cent – multicolored – Tricycle (attached)
5. 1418 – Christmas – 6 cent – multicolored – Doll Carriage (attached)
6. 1419 – United Nations – 6 cent – black, vermillion and ultramarine
7. 1420 – Landing of the Pilgrims – 6 cent – multicolored
8. 1421 – Disabled American Veterans – 6 cent – dark blue, red, black and multicolored – Disabled Veterans (attached)
9. 1422 – Disabled American Veterans – 6 cent – dark blue, red, black and multicolored – Prisoners of War (attached)

79th Page – 1971 Commemoratives
1. 1423 – American’s Wool – 6 cent – multicolored
2. 1424 – Douglas MacArthur – 6 cent – black, red and dark blue
3. 1425 – Blood Donors – 6 cent – blue, scarlet and indigo
4. 1426 – Missouri Statehood – 6 cent – multicolored
5. 1427 – Wildlife Conservation – 8 cent – multicolored – Trout (attached)
6. 1428 – Wildlife Conservation – 8 cent – multicolored – Alligator (attached)
7. 1429 – Wildlife Conservation – 8 cent – multicolored – Polar Bear (attached)
8. 1430 – Wildlife Conservation – 8 cent – multicolored – California Condor (attached)

80th Page – 1971 Commemoratives
1. 1431 – Antarctic Treaty – 8 cent – red and dark blue
2. 1432 – American Revolution Bicentennial – 8 cent – grey, red, blue and black
3. 1433 – John Sloan – 8 cent – multicolored
4. 1434 – United States in Space-A Decade of Achievement – 8 cent – black, blue, grey, yellow and red – Landing Craft (attached)
5. 1435 – United States in Space-A Decade of Achievement – 8 cent – black, blue, grey, yellow and red – Lunar Rover (attached)
6. 1436 – Emily Dickinson – 8 cent – multicolored
7. 1437 – San Juan – 8 cent – multicolored

81st Page – 1971 Commemoratives
1. 1438 – Prevent Drug Abuse – 8 cent – blue, deep blue and black
2. 1439 – CARE – 8 cent – blue, black, violet and red lilac
3. 1440 – Historic Preservation – 8 cent – black, brown and ochre – Decatur House (attached)
4. 1441 – Historic Preservation – 8 cent – black, brown and ochre – Whaling Ship (attached)
5. 1442 – Historic Preservation – 8 cent – black, brown and ochre – Cable Car (attached)
6. 1443 – Historic Preservation – 8 cent – black, brown and ochre – San Xavier del Bac Mission (attached)
7. 1444 – Christmas – 8 cent – gold and multicolored
8. 1445 – Christmas – 8 cent – dark green, red and multicolored

82nd Page – 1972 National Parks Centennial
1. 1448 – Cape Hatteras National Seashore – 2 cent – black and multicolored – Ship’s Hull (attached)
2. 1449 – Cape Hatteras National Seashore – 2 cent – black and multicolored – Lighthouse (attached)
3. 1450 – Cape Hatteras National Seashore – 2 cent – black and multicolored – Three Seagulls (attached)
4. 1451 – Cape Hatteras National Seashore – 2 cent – black and multicolored – Two Seagulls (attached)
5. 1452 – Wolf Trap Farm – 6 cent – black and multicolored
6. 1453 – Yellowstone National Park – 8 cent – black, blue, brown and multicolored
7. 1454 – Mt. McKinley – 15 cent – black and multicolored

83rd Page – 1972 Commemoratives
1. 1446 – Sidney Lanier – 8 cent – black, brown and light blue
2. 1447 – Peace Corps – 8 cent – dark blue, light blue and red
3. 1455 – Family Planning – 8 cent – black and multicolored
4. 1456 – Colonial Craftsmen – 8 cent – deep brown – Glassmaker (attached)
5. 1457 – Colonial Craftsmen – 8 cent – deep brown – Silversmith (attached)
6. 1458 – Colonial Craftsmen – 8 cent – deep brown – Wigmaker (attached)
7. 1459 – Colonial Craftsmen – 8 cent – deep brown – Hatter (attached)
8. 1460 – Olympic Games-Cycling – 6 cent – black, blue , red, emerald and yellow
9. 1461 – Olympic Games-Bobsled Racing – 8 cent – black, blue , red, emerald and yellow
10. 1462 – Olympic Games-Footracing – 15 cent – black, blue , red, emerald and yellow

84th Page – 1972 Commemoratives
1. 1463 – Parent Teacher Association – 8 cent – yellow and black
2. 1464 – Wildlife Conservation – 8 cent – multicolored – Fur Seal (attached)
3. 1465 – Wildlife Conservation – 8 cent – multicolored – Cardinal (attached)
4. 1466 – Wildlife Conservation – 8 cent – multicolored – Brown Pelican (attached)
5. 1467 – Wildlife Conservation – 8 cent – multicolored – Bighorn Sheep (attached)
6. 1468 – Mail Order Centennial – 8 cent – multicolored

85th Page – 1972 Commemoratives
1. 1469 – Osteopathic Medicine – 8 cent – multicolored
2. 1470 – Tom Sawyer – 8 cent – multicolored
3. 1471 – Christmas – 8 cent – multicolored
4. 1472 – Christmas – 8 cent – multicolored
5. 1473 – Pharmacy – 8 cent – black and multicolored
6. 1474 – Stamp Collecting – 8 cent – multicolored

86th Page – 1973 Commemoratives
1. 1475 – LOVE – 8 cent – red, emerald and violet blue
2. 1476 – Colonial Communications-Pamphleteer – 8 cent – ultramarine, greenish black and red
3. 1477 – Colonial Communications-Posting a Broadside- 8 cent – black, vermillion and ultramarine
4. 1478 – Colonial Communications-Post Rider – 8 cent – blue, black, red and green
5. 1479 – Colonial Communications-Drummer – 8 cent – blue, black, yellow and red
6. 1480 – Boston Tea Party – 8 cent – black and multicolored – British Merchantman (attached)
7. 1481 – Boston Tea Party – 8 cent – black and multicolored – British Three-Master (attached)
8. 1482 – Boston Tea Party – 8 cent – black and multicolored – Boats and Ship’s Hull (attached)
9. 1483 – Boston Tea Party – 8 cent – black and multicolored – Boats and Dock (attached)

87th Page – 1973 Commemoratives
1. 1484 – American Arts-George Gershwin – 8 cent – deep green and multicolored
2. 1485 – American Arts-Robinson Jeffers – 8 cent – prussian blue and multicolored
3. 1486 – American Arts-Henry Ossawa Tanner – 8 cent – yellow, brown and multicolored
4. 1487 – American Arts-Willa Cather – 8 cent – deep brown and multicolored
5. 1488 – Nicolaus Copernicus – 8 cent – black and orange
6. 1499 – Harry S. Truman – 8 cent – carmine rose, black and blue

89th Page – 1973 Commemoratives
1. 1500 – Marconi’s Spark Coil – 6 cent – lilac and multicolored
2. 1501 – Transistors and Circuit Board – 8 cent – tan and multicolored
3. 1502 – Electronic Components – 15 cent – gray green and multicolored
4. 1503 – Lyndon B. Johnson – 8 cent – black and multicolored
5. 1504 – Angus Cattle – 8 cent – multicolored
6. 1507 – Christmas – 8 cent – multicolored
7. 1508 – Needlepoint Christmas Tree – 8 cent – multicolored

88th Page – 1973 Postal People Series
1. 1489 – Stamp Collector – 8 cent – multicolored
2. 1490 – Mail Collector – 8 cent – multicolored
3. 1491 – Culling and Facing Mail – 8 cent – multicolored
4. 1492 – Parcel Post Sorter – 8 cent – multicolored
5. 1493 – Cancellation of Mail – 8 cent – multicolored
6. 1494 – Hand Letter Sorting – 8 cent – multicolored
7. 1495 – Mechanical Letter Sorting – 8 cent – multicolored
8. 1496 – Loading Mail Sacks on Truck – 8 cent – multicolored
9. 1497 – Mailman – 8 cent – multicolored
10. 1498 – Rural Mail Carrier – 8 cent – multicolored

90th Page – 1974 Universal Postal Union
1. 1530 – Raphael – 10 cent – multicolored
2. 1531 – Hokusai – 10 cent – multicolored
3. 1532 – Peto – 10 cent – multicolored
4. 1534 – Liotard – 10 cent – multicolored
5. 1535 – Terborch – 10 cent – multicolored
6. 1536 – Chardin – 10 cent – multicolored
7. 1537 – Gainsborough – 10 cent – multicolored
8. 1538 – Goya – 10 cent – multicolored

91st Page – 1974 Commemoratives
1. 1505 – Chautauqua Centennial – 10 cent – multicolored
2. 1506 – Kansas Wheat – 10 cent – multicolored
3. 1525 – Veterans of Foreign Wars – 10 cent – red and dark blue
4. 1526 – Robert Frost – 10 cent – black
5. 1527 – Preserve the Environment – 10 cent – multicolored
6. 1528 – Horse Racing – 10 cent – yellow and multicolored
7. 1529 – Skylab – 10 cent – multicolored
8. 1538 – Mineral Heritage – 10 cent – blue and multicolored – Petrified Wood (attached)
9. 1539 – Mineral Heritage – 10 cent – blue and multicolored – Tourmaline (attached)
10. 1540 – Mineral Heritage – 10 cent – blue and multicolored – Amethyst (attached)
11. 1541 – Mineral Heritage – 10 cent – blue and multicolored – Rhodochrosite (attached)

92nd Page – 1974 Commemoratives
1. 1542 – First Kentucky Settlement – 10 cent – green and multicolored
2. 1543 – Continental Congress – 10 cent – multicolored – Carpenter’s Hall (attached)
3. 1544 – Continental Congress – 10 cent – multicolored – Quote-“We ask but for peace…” (attached)
4. 1545 – Continental Congress – 10 cent – multicolored – Quote-“Deriving their just powers…” (attached)
5. 1546 – Continental Congress – 10 cent – multicolored – Independence Hall (attached)
6. 1547 – Energy Conservation – 10 cent – multicolored
7. 1548 – Legend of Sleepy Hollow – 10 cent – multicolored
8. 1549 – Retarded Children – 10 cent – brown red and dark brown
9. 1550 – Christmas – 10 cent – multicolored
10. 1551 – Christmas – 10 cent – multicolored
11. 1552 – Christmas – 10 cent – multicolored – 1st self-adhesive

93rd Page – 1975 Commemoratives
1. 1553 – Benjamin West – 10 cent – multicolored
2. 1554 – Paul Lawrence Dunbar – 10 cent – multicolored
3. 1555 – D.W. Griffith – 10 cent – brown and multicolored
4. 1556 – Pioneer – 10 cent – violet blue, yellow and red
5. 1557 – Mariner 10 – 10 cent – black, red, ultramarine and bister
6. 1558 – Collective Bargaining – 10 cent – multicolored
7. 1559 – Sybil Ludington – 8 cent – multicolored
8. 1560 – Salem Poor – 10 cent – multicolored
9. 1561 – Haym Solomon – 10 cent – multicolored
10. 1562 – Peter Francisco – 18 cent – multicolored

94th Page – 1975 Commemoratives
1. 1563 – Lexington and Concord – 10 cent – multicolored
2. 1564 – Battle of Bunker Hill – 10 cent – multicolored
3. 1565 – Military Services – 10 cent – multicolored – Continental Army (attached)
4. 1566 – Military Services – 10 cent – multicolored – Continental Navy (attached)
5. 1567 – Military Services – 10 cent – multicolored – Continental Marines (attached)
6. 1568 – Military Services – 10 cent – multicolored – American Militia (attached)
7. 1569 – Apollo-Soyuz – 10 cent – multicolored – After Link-up (attached)
8. 1570 – Apollo-Soyuz – 10 cent – multicolored – Before Link-up (attached)
9. 1571 – International Women’s Year – 10 cent – blue, orange and dark blue

95th Page – 1975 Commemoratives
1. 1572 – U.S. Postal Service 200th Anniversary – Stagecoach & Trailer Truck (attached)
2. 1573 – U.S. Postal Service 200th Anniversary – Locomotives (attached)
3. 1574 – U.S. Postal Service 200th Anniversary – Airplanes (attached)
4. 1575 – U.S. Postal Service 200th Anniversary – Satellite (attached)
5. 1576 – World Peace Through Law – 10 cent – green, prussian blue and rose brown
6. 1577 – Banking and Commerce – 10 cent - multicolored – Silver Dollar (attached)
7. 1578 – Banking and Commerce – 10 cent - multicolored – $20 Gold Piece (attached)
8. 1579 – Christmas – 10 cent – multicolored
9. 1580 – Christmas – 10 cent – multicolored

96th Page – 1976 Commemoratives
1. 1629 – Spirit of ’76 – 13 cent – blue, violet and multicolored – Drummer Boy (attached)
2. 1630 – Spirit of ’76 – 13 cent – blue, violet and multicolored – Old Drummer (attached)
3. 1631 – Spirit of ’76 – 13 cent – blue, violet and multicolored – Fifer (attached)
4. 1632 – Interphil ’76 – 13 cent – dark blue, red and ultra
5. 1683 – Telephone Centennial – 13 cent – black, purple and red
6. 1684 – Commercial Aviation – 13 cent – blue and multicolored
7. 1685 – Chemistry – 13 cent – multicolored
8. 1690 – Benjamin Franklin – 13 cent – ultra and multicolored
9. 1691 – Declaration of Independence – 13 cent – blue and multicolored – Delegation Members (attached)
10. 1692 – Declaration of Independence – 13 cent – blue and multicolored – Adams, etc. (attached)
11. 1693 – Declaration of Independence – 13 cent – blue and multicolored – Jefferson, Franklin, etc. (attached)
12. 1694 – Declaration of Independence – 13 cent – blue and multicolored – Hanccok, Thomson, etc. (attached)

102nd Page – 1976 Commemoratives
1. 1695 – Olympics – 13 cent – multicolored – Diving (attached)
2. 1696 – Olympics – 13 cent – multicolored – Skiing (attached)
3. 1697 – Olympics – 13 cent – multicolored – Running (attached)
4. 1698 – Olympics – 13 cent – multicolored – Skating (attached)
5. 1699 – Clara Maass – 13 cent – multicolored
6. 1700 - Adolph S. Ochs – 13 cent – black and grey
7. 1701 – Christmas – 13 cent – multicolored
8. 1702 – Christmas – 13 cent – multicolored
9. 1703 – Christmas – 13 cent – multicolored

97th Page - 1976 Commemoratives – Bi-centennial Series – Fifty State Flags
1. 1633 – Delaware – 13 cent - multicolored
2. 1634 – Pennsylvania – 13 cent - multicolored
3. 1635 – New Jersey – 13 cent - multicolored
4. 1636 – Georgia – 13 cent - multicolored
5. 1637 – Connecticut – 13 cent - multicolored
6. 1638 – Massachusetts – 13 cent - multicolored
7. 1639 – Maryland – 13 cent - multicolored
8. 1640 – South Carolina – 13 cent - multicolored
9. 1641 – New Hampshire – 13 cent - multicolored
10. 1642 – Virginia – 13 cent – multicolored

98th Page - 1976 Commemoratives – Bi-centennial Series – Fifty State Flags
1. 1643 – New York – 13 cent – multicolored
2. 1644 – North Carolina – 13 cent – multicolored
3. 1645 – Rhode Island – 13 cent – multicolored
4. 1646 – Vermont – 13 cent – multicolored
5. 1647 – Kentucky – 13 cent – multicolored
6. 1648 – Tennessee – 13 cent – multicolored
7. 1649 – Ohio – 13 cent – multicolored
8. 1650 – Louisiana – 13 cent – multicolored
9. 1651 – Indiana – 13 cent – multicolored
10. 1652 – Mississippi – 13 cent – multicolored

99th Page - 1976 Commemoratives – Bi-centennial Series – Fifty State Flags
1. 1653 – Illinois – 13 cent – multicolored
2. 1654 – Alabama – 13 cent – multicolored
3. 1655 – Maine – 13 cent – multicolored
4. 1656 – Missouri – 13 cent – multicolored
5. 1657 – Arkansas – 13 cent – multicolored
6. 1658 – Michigan – 13 cent – multicolored
7. 1659 – Florida – 13 cent – multicolored
8. 1660 – Texas – 13 cent – multicolored
9. 1661 – Iowa – 13 cent – multicolored
10. 1662 – Wisconsin – 13 cent – multicolored

100th Page - 1976 Commemoratives – Bi-centennial Series – Fifty State Flags
1. 1663 – California – 13 cent – multicolored
2. 1664 – Minnesota – 13 cent – multicolored
3. 1665 – Oregon – 13 cent – multicolored
4. 1666 – Kansas – 13 cent – multicolored
5. 1667 – West Virginia – 13 cent – multicolored
6. 1668 – Nevada – 13 cent – multicolored
7. 1669 – Nebraska – 13 cent – multicolored
8. 1670 – Colorado – 13 cent – multicolored
9. 1671 – North Dakota – 13 cent – multicolored
10. 1672 – South Dakota – 13 cent – multicolored

101st Page - 1976 Commemoratives – Bi-centennial Series – Fifty State Flags
1. 1673 – Montana – 13 cent – multicolored
2. 1674 – Washington – 13 cent – multicolored
3. 1675 – Idaho – 13 cent – multicolored
4. 1676 – Wyoming – 13 cent – multicolored
5. 1677 – Utah – 13 cent – multicolored
6. 1678 – Oklahoma – 13 cent – multicolored
7. 1679 – New Mexico – 13 cent – multicolored
8. 1680 – Arizona – 13 cent – multicolored
9. 1681 – Alaska – 13 cent – multicolored
10. 1682 – Hawaii – 13 cent – multicolored

103rd Page – 1977 Commemoratives
1. 1704 – Washington at Princeton – 13 cent – multicolored
2. 1705 – Sound Recording – 13 cent – black and multicolored
3. 1706 – Pueblo Indian Art – 13 cent – multicolored – Zia (attached)
4. 1707 – Pueblo Indian Art – 13 cent – multicolored – San Ildefonso (attached)
5. 1708 – Pueblo Indian Art – 13 cent – multicolored – Hopi (attached)
6. 1709 – Pueblo Indian Art – 13 cent – multicolored – Acoma (attached)
7. 1710 – 50th Anniversary Solo Transatlantic Flight – 13 cent – multicolored – Lindbergh Flight
8. 1711 – Colorado Statehood – 13 cent – multicolored

104th Page – 1977 Commemoratives
1. 1712 – Butterflies – 13 cent – tan and multicolored – Swallowtail (attached)
2. 1713 – Butterflies – 13 cent – tan and multicolored – Checkerspot (attached)
3. 1714 – Butterflies – 13 cent – tan and multicolored – Dogface (attached)
4. 1715 – Butterflies – 13 cent – tan and multicolored – Orange-Tip (attached)
5. 1716 – Marquis de Lafayette – 13 cent – blue, black and red
6. 1717 – Skilled Hands for Independence – 13 cent – multicolored – Seamstress (attached)
7. 1718 – Skilled Hands for Independence – 13 cent – multicolored – Blacksmith (attached)
8. 1719 – Skilled Hands for Independence – 13 cent – multicolored – Wheelwright (attached)
9. 1720 – Skilled Hands for Independence – 13 cent – multicolored – Leatherworker (attached)
10. 1721 – Peace Bridge – 13 cent – blue
11. 1722 – Herkimer at Oriskany – 13 cent – multicolored

105th Page – 1977 Commemoratives
1. 1723 – Energy Conservation and Development – 13 cent – multicolored – Conservation (attached)
2. 1724 – Energy Conservation and Development – 13 cent – multicolored – Development (attached)
3. 1725 – First Civil Settlement Alta California – 13 cent – black and multicolored
4. 1726 – Drafting of the Articles of Confederation – 13 cent – red and brown
5. 1727 – Talking Pictures – 13 cent – multicolored
6. 1728 – Surrender at Saratoga – 13 cent – multicolored
7. 1729 – Christmas – 13 cent – multicolored
8. 1730 – Christmas – 13 cent – multicolored

106th Page – 1978 Commemoratives
1. 1731 – Carl Sandburg – 13 cent – black and brown
2. 1732 – Captain James Cook – 13 cent – dark blue
3. 1733 – Captain James Cook – 13 cent – green – “Resolution” (Hawaii)
4. 1744 – Harriet Tubman – 13 cent – multicolored
5. 1745 – American Quilts – 13 cent – multicolored – Flowers (attached)
6. 1746 – American Quilts – 13 cent – multicolored – Stars (attached)
7. 1747 – American Quilts – 13 cent – multicolored – Stripes (attached)
8. 1748 – American Quilts – 13 cent – multicolored – Plaid (attached)

107th Page – 1978 Commemoratives
1. 1749 – American Dance – 13 cent – multicolored – Ballet (attached)
2. 1750 – American Dance – 13 cent – multicolored – Theatre (attached)
3. 1751 – American Dance – 13 cent – multicolored – Folk (attached)
4. 1752 – American Dance – 13 cent – multicolored – Modern (attached)
5. 1753 – French Alliance – 13 cent – blue, black and red
6. 1754 – Dr. George Papanicolaou – 13 cent – brown
7. 1755 – Jimmie Rogers – 13 cent – multicolored
8. 1756 – George M. Cohan – 15 cent – multicolored

108th Page – 1978 Commemoratives
1. 1758 – Photography – 15 cent – multicolored
2. 1759 – Viking Missions – 15 cent – multicolored
3. 1760 – American Owls – 15 cent – multicolored – Great Grey (attached)
4. 1761 – American Owls – 15 cent – multicolored – Saw-Whet (attached)
5. 1762 – American Owls – 15 cent – multicolored – Barred Owl (attached)
6. 1763 – American Owls – 15 cent – multicolored – Great Horned (attached)
7. 1764 – American Trees – 15 cent – multicolored – Giant Sequoia (attached)
8. 1765 – American Trees – 15 cent – multicolored – White Pine (attached)
9. 1766 – American Trees – 15 cent – multicolored – White Oak (attached)
10. 1767 – American Trees – 15 cent – multicolored – Grey Birch (attached)
11. 1768 – Christmas – 15 cent – blue and multicolored
12. 1769 – Christmas – 15 cent – red and multicolored

109th Page – 1979 Commemoratives
1. 1770 – Robert F. Kennedy – 15 cent – blue
2. 1771 – Martin Luther King – 15 cent – multicolored
3. 1772 – International Year of the Child – 15 cent – orange red
4. 1773 – John Steinbeck – 15 cent – dark blue
5. 1774 – Albert Einstein – 15 cent – chocolate
6. 1775 – Pennsylvania Toleware – 15 cent – multicolored – Coffee Pot (attached)
7. 1776 – Pennsylvania Toleware – 15 cent – multicolored – Tea Caddy (attached)
8. 1777 – Pe


  • 2. 1913 – Space Achievement – 18 cent – multicolored – Benefiting Mankind (attached)
    3. 1914 – Space Achievement – 18 cent – multicolored – Benefiting Mankind (attached)
    4. 1915 – Space Achievement – 18 cent – multicolored – Understanding the Sun (attached)
    5. 1916 – Space Achievement – 18 cent – multicolored – Probing the Planets (attached)
    6. 1917 – Space Achievement – 18 cent – multicolored – Benefiting Mankind (attached)
    7. 1918 – Space Achievement – 18 cent – multicolored – Benefiting Mankind (attached)
    8. 1919 – Space Achievement – 18 cent – multicolored – Comprehending the Universe (attached)
    9. 1920 – Professional Management – 18 cent – blue and black
    10. 1921 – Preservation of Wildlife Habitats – 18 cent – multicolored – Great Blue Heron (attached)
    11. 1922 – Preservation of Wildlife Habitats – 18 cent – multicolored – Badger (attached)
    12. 1923 – Preservation of Wildlife Habitats – 18 cent – multicolored – Grizzly Bear (attached)
    13. 1924 – Preservation of Wildlife Habitats – 18 cent – multicolored – Ruffled Grouse (attached)

    117th Page – 1981 Commemoratives
    1. 1925 – International Year of the Disabled – 18 cent – multicolored
    2. 1926 – Edna St. Vincent Millay – 18 cent – multicolored
    3. 1927 – Alcoholism – 18 cent – blue and black
    4. 1928 – American Architecture – 18 cent – black and red – New York University Library (attached)
    5. 1929 – American Architecture – 18 cent – black and red – Biltmore House (attached)
    6. 1930 – American Architecture – 18 cent – black and red – Palace of the Arts (attached)
    7. 1931 – American Architecture – 18 cent – black and red – Nat’l Farmer’s Bank (attached)
    8. 1932 – Babe Didrikson Zaharias – 18 cent – purple
    9. 1933 – Bobby Jones – 18 cent – green
    10. 1934 – Frederic Remington – 18 cent – gray, olive green and brown

    118th Page – 1981 Commemoratives
    1. 1935 – James Hoban – 18 cent – multicolored
    2. 1936 – James Hoban – 20 cent – multicolored
    3. 1937 – Battle of Yorktown and Virginia Capes – 18 cent – multicolored – Battle of Yorktown (attached)
    4. 1938 – Battle of Yorktown and Virginia Capes – 18 cent – multicolored – Battle of the Virginia Capes (attached)
    5. 1939 – Christmas – 20 cent – multicolored
    6. 1940 – Christmas – 20 cent – multicolored
    7. 1941 – John Hanson – 20 cent – multicolored
    8. 1942 – Desert Plants – 20 cent – multicolored – Barrel Cactus (attached)
    9. 1943 – Desert Plants – 20 cent – multicolored – Agave (attached)
    10. 1944 – Desert Plants – 20 cent – multicolored – Beavertail Cactus (attached)
    11. 1945 – Desert Plants – 20 cent – multicolored – Saguaro (attached)

    120th Page – 1982 Commemoratives – State Birds and Flowers
    1. 1953 – Alabama – 20 cent – multicolored
    2. 1954 – Alaska – 20 cent – multicolored
    3. 1955 – Arizona – 20 cent – multicolored
    4. 1956 – Arkansas – 20 cent – multicolored
    5. 1957 – California – 20 cent – multicolored
    6. 1958 – Colorado – 20 cent – multicolored
    7. 1959 – Connecticut – 20 cent – multicolored
    8. 1960 – Delaware – 20 cent – multicolored
    9. 1961 – Florida – 20 cent – multicolored
    10. 1962 – Georgia – 20 cent – multicolored

    121st Page – 1982 Commemoratives – State Birds and Flowers
    1. 1963 – Hawaii – 20 cent – multicolored
    2. 1964 – Idaho – 20 cent – multicolored
    3. 1965 – Illinois – 20 cent – multicolored
    4. 1966 – Indiana – 20 cent – multicolored
    5. 1967 – Iowa – 20 cent – multicolored
    6. 1968 – Kansas – 20 cent – multicolored
    7. 1969 – Kentucky – 20 cent – multicolored
    8. 1970 – Louisiana – 20 cent – multicolored
    9. 1971 – Maine – 20 cent – multicolored
    10. 1972 – Maryland – 20 cent – multicolored

    122nd Page – 1982 Commemoratives – State Birds and Flowers
    1. 1973 – Massachusetts – 20 cent – multicolored
    2. 1974 – Michigan – 20 cent – multicolored
    3. 1975 – Minnesota – 20 cent – multicolored
    4. 1976 – Mississippi – 20 cent – multicolored
    5. 1977 – Missouri – 20 cent – multicolored
    6. 1978 – Montana – 20 cent – multicolored
    7. 1979 – Nebraska – 20 cent – multicolored
    8. 1980 – Nevada – 20 cent – multicolored
    9. 1981 – New Hampshire – 20 cent – multicolored
    10. 1982 – New Jersey – 20 cent – multicolored

    123rd Page – 1982 Commemoratives – State Birds and Flowers
    1. 1983 – New Mexico – 20 cent – multicolored
    2. 1984 – New York – 20 cent – multicolored
    3. 1985 – North Carolina – 20 cent – multicolored
    4. 1986 – North Dakota – 20 cent – multicolored
    5. 1987 – Ohio – 20 cent – multicolored
    6. 1988 – Oklahoma – 20 cent – multicolored
    7. 1989 – Oregon – 20 cent – multicolored
    8. 1990 – Pennsylvania – 20 cent – multicolored
    9. 1991 – Rhode Island – 20 cent – multicolored
    10. 1992 – South Carolina – 20 cent – multicolored

    124th Page – 1982 Commemoratives – State Birds and Flowers
    1. 1993 – South Dakota – 20 cent – multicolored
    2. 1994 – Tennessee – 20 cent – multicolored
    3. 1995 – Texas – 20 cent – multicolored
    4. 1996 – Utah – 20 cent – multicolored
    5. 1997 – Vermont – 20 cent – multicolored
    6. 1998 – Virginia – 20 cent – multicolored
    7. 1999 – Washington – 20 cent – multicolored
    8. 2000 – West Virginia – 20 cent – multicolored
    9. 2001 – Wisconsin – 20 cent – multicolored
    10. 2002 – Wyoming – 20 cent – multicolored

    119th Page – 1982 Commemoratives
    1. 1950 – Franklin D. Roosevelt – 20 cent – blue
    2. 1951 – LOVE – 20 cent – multicolored
    3. 1952 – George Washington – 20 cent – multicolored
    4. 2003 – Netherlands – 20 cent – red and blue black
    5. 2004 – Library of Congress – 20 cent – black and red
    6. 2006 – Knoxville’s World’s Fair – 20 cent – multicolored – Solar Energy (attached)
    7. 2007 – Knoxville’s World’s Fair – 20 cent – multicolored – Synthetic Fuels (attached)
    8. 2008 – Knoxville’s World’s Fair – 20 cent – multicolored – Breeder Reactor (attached)
    9. 2009 – Knoxville’s World’s Fair – 20 cent – multicolored – Fossil Fuels (attached)
    10. 2010 – Horatio Alger – 20 cent – red and black
    11. 2011 – Aging Together – 20 cent – brown

    125th Page – 1982 Commemoratives
    1. 2012 – The Performing Arts – 20 cent – multicolored
    2. 2013 – Dr. Mary Walker – 20 cent – multicolored
    3. 2014 – International Peace Garden – 20 cent – multicolored
    4. 2015 – America’s Libraries – 20 cent – red and black
    5. 2016 – Jackie Robinson – 20 cent – multicolored
    6. 2017 – Touro Synagogue – 20 cent – multicolored
    7. 2018 – Wolf Trap – 20 cent – multicolored
    8. 2019 – Architecture – 20 cent – brown and black – Falling Water Structure (attached)
    9. 2020 – Architecture – 20 cent – brown and black – Illinois Institute of Technology (attached)
    10. 2021 – Architecture – 20 cent – brown and black – Gropius House (attached)
    11. 2022 – Architecture – 20 cent – brown and black –Dulles Airport (attached)

    126th Page – 1982 Commemoratives
    1. 2023 – Francis of Assisi – 20 cent – multicolored
    2. 2024 – Ponce de Leon – 20 cent – multicolored
    3. 2025 – Kitten and Puppy – 13 cent – multicolored
    4. 2026 – Christmas – 20 cent – multicolored
    5. 2027 – Christmas – 20 cent – multicolored – Sledding (attached)
    6. 2028 – Christmas – 20 cent – multicolored – Building a Snowman (attached)
    7. 2029 – Christmas – 20 cent – multicolored – Ice Skating (attached)
    8. 2030 – Christmas – 20 cent – multicolored – Decorating the Tree (attached)

    127th Page – 1983 Commemoratives
    1. 2031 – Science and Industry – 20 cent – multicolored
    2. 2032 – Balloons – 20 cent – multicolored – Intrepid (attached)
    3. 2033 – Balloons – 20 cent – multicolored – Balloons (attached)
    4. 2034 – Balloons – 20 cent – multicolored – Balloons (attached)
    5. 2035 – Balloons – 20 cent – multicolored – Explorer II (attached)
    6. 2036 – Swedish-American Treaty – 20 cent – blue, black and red brown
    7. 2037 – Civilian Conservation Corps – 20 cent – multicolored
    8. 2038 – Joseph Priestly – 20 cent – multicolored
    9. 2039 – Voluntarism – 20 cent – red and black
    10. 2040 – Concord – 20 cent – brown
    11. 2041 – Brooklyn Bridge – 20 cent – blue
    12. 2042 – Tennessee Valley Authority – 20 cent – multicolored

    128th Page – 1983 Commemoratives
    1. 2043 – Physical Fitness – 20 cent – multicolored
    2. 2044 – Scott Joplin – 20 cent – multicolored
    3. 2045 – Medal of Honor – 20 cent – multicolored
    4. 2046 – Babe Ruth – 20 cent – blue
    5. 2047 – Nathaniel Hawthorne – 20 cent – multicolored
    6. 2048 – Summer Olympics Games – 13 cent – multicolored – Discus (attached)
    7. 2049 – Summer Olympics Games – 13 cent – multicolored – High Jump (attached)
    8. 2050 – Summer Olympics Games – 13 cent – multicolored – Archery (attached)
    9. 2051 – Summer Olympics Games – 13 cent – multicolored – Boxing (attached)
    10. 2052 – Treaty of Paris – 20 cent – multicolored
    11. 2053 – Civil Service – 20 cent – buff, blue and red
    12. 2054 – Metropolitan Opera – 20 cent – yellow and maroon

    129th Page – 1983 Commemoratives
    1. 2055 – America Inventors – 20 cent – multicolored – Electrical Theories, Charles Steinmetz (attached)
    2. 2056 – America Inventors – 20 cent – multicolored – Frequency Modulation, Edwin Armstrong (attached)
    3. 2057 – America Inventors – 20 cent – multicolored – Induction Motor, Nikola Tesla (attached)
    4. 2058 – America Inventors – 20 cent – multicolored – First Television Camera, Philo T. Farnsworth (attached)
    5. 2059 – Streetcars – 20 cent – multicolored – First American, 1832 (attached)
    6. 2060 – Streetcars – 20 cent – multicolored – Early Electric, 1886 (attached)
    7. 2061 – Streetcars – 20 cent – multicolored – “Bobtail” Horsecar (attached)
    8. 2062 – Streetcars – 20 cent – multicolored – St. Charles, 1923 (attached)
    9. 2063 – Madonna – 20 cent – multicolored – Christmas
    10. 2064 – Santa Claus – 20 cent – multicolored
    11. 2065 – Martin Luther – 20 cent – multicolored

    130th Page – 1984 Commemoratives
    1. 2066 – Alaska Statehood – 20 cent – multicolored
    2. 2067 – 1984 Winter Olympics – 20 cent – multicolored – Ice Dancing (attached)
    3. 2068 – 1984 Winter Olympics – 20 cent – multicolored – Alpine Skiing (attached)
    4. 2069 – 1984 Winter Olympics – 20 cent – multicolored – Nordic Skiing (attached)
    5. 2070 – 1984 Winter Olympics – 20 cent – multicolored – Hockey (attached)
    6. 2071 – Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation – 20 cent – multicolored – Pillar, Dollar Sign
    7. 2072 – LOVE – 20 cent – multicolored
    8. 2073 – Carter G. Woodson – 20 cent – multicolored
    9. 2074 – Soil and Water Conservation – 20 cent – multicolored
    10. 2075 – Federal Credit Union Act – 20 cent – multicolored
    11. 2076 – Orchids – 20 cent – multicolored – Wild Pink (attached)
    12. 2077 – Orchids – 20 cent – multicolored – Yellow Lady’s-Slipper (attached)
    13. 2078 – Orchids – 20 cent – multicolored – Spreading Pogonia (attached)
    14. 2079 – Orchids – 20 cent – multicolored – Pacific Calypso (attached)

    131st Page – 1984 Commemoratives
    1. 2080 – Hawaii Statehood – 20 cent – multicolored
    2. 2081 – National Archives – 20 cent – multicolored
    3. 2082 – 1984 Summer Olympics – 20 cent – multicolored – Diving (attached)
    4. 2083 – 1984 Summer Olympics – 20 cent – multicolored – Long Jump (attached)
    5. 2084 – 1984 Summer Olympics – 20 cent – multicolored – Wrestling (attached)
    6. 2085 – 1984 Summer Olympics – 20 cent – multicolored – Kayak (attached)
    7. 2086 – Louisiana World Exposition – 20 cent – multicolored
    8. 2087 – Health Research – 20 cent – multicolored
    9. 2088 – Douglas Fairbanks – 20 cent - multicolored
    10. 2089 – Jim Thorpe – 20 cent – brown
    11. 2090 – John McCormack – 20 cent – multicolored
    12. 2091 – St. Lawrence Seaway – 20 cent – multicolored

    132nd Page – 1984 Commemoratives
    1. 2092 – Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act – 20 cent – multicolored – Waterfowl Preservation Act
    2. 2093 – Roanoke Voyages – 20 cent – multicolored
    3. 2094 – Herman Melville – 20 cent – sage green)
    4. 2095 – Horace Moses – 20 cent – orange and dark brown
    5. 2096 – Smokey Bear – 20 cent – multicolored
    6. 2097 – Roberto Clemente – 20 cent – multicolored
    7. 2098 – Dogs – 20 cent – multicolored – Beagle & Boston Terrier (attached)
    8. 2099 – Dogs – 20 cent – multicolored – Chesapeake Bay Retriever & Ccoker Spaniel (attached)
    9. 2100 – Dogs – 20 cent – multicolored – Alaskan Malamute & Collie (attached)
    10. 2101 – Dogs – 20 cent – multicolored – Black and Tan Coonhound & American Foxhound (attached)

    133rd Page – 1984 Commemoratives
    1. 2102 – Crime Prevention – 20 cent – multicolored
    2. 2103 – Hispanic Americans – 20 cent – multicolored
    3. 2104 – Family Unity – 20 cent – multicolored
    4. 2105 – Eleanor Roosevelt – 20 cent – blue
    5. 2106 – Nation of Readers – 20 cent – brown and maroon
    6. 2107 – Christmas – 20 cent – multicolored
    7. 2108 – Christmas – 20 cent – multicolored
    8. 2109 – Vietnam Veterans Memorial – 20 cent – multicolored

    134th Page – 1985 Commemoratives
    1. 2110 – Jerome Kern – 22 cent – multicolored
    2. 2137 – Mary McLeod Bethune – 22 cent – multicolored
    3. 2138 – Duck Decoys – 22 cent – multicolored – Broadbill (attached)
    4. 2139 – Duck Decoys – 22 cent – multicolored – Mallard (attached)
    5. 2140 – Duck Decoys – 22 cent – multicolored – Canvasback (attached)
    6. 2141 – Duck Decoys – 22 cent – multicolored – Redhead (attached)
    7. 2142 – Winter Special Olympics – 22 cent – multicolored
    8. 2143 – LOVE – 22 cent – multicolored
    9. 2144 – Rural Electrification Administration – 22 cent – multicolored

    135th Page – 1985 Commemoratives
    1. 2145 – Ameripex ’86 – 22 cent – multicolored
    2. 2146 – Abigail Adams – 22 cent – multicolored
    3. 2147 – Frederic Auguste Bartholdi – 22 cent – multicolored
    4. 2152 – Korean War Veterans – 22 cent – gray green and rose red
    5. 2153 – Social Security Act – 22 cent – deep and light blue
    6. 2154 – World War I Veteran – 22 cent – gray green and rose red
    7. 2155 – Horses – 22 cent – multicolored – Quarter Horse (attached)
    8. 2156 – Horses – 22 cent – multicolored – Morgan (attached)
    9. 2157 – Horses – 22 cent – multicolored – Saddlebred (attached)
    10. 2158 – Horses – 22 cent – multicolored – Appaloosa (attached)

    136th Page – 1985 Commemoratives
    1. 2159 – Public Education in America – 22 cent – multicolored
    2. 2160 – International Youth Year – 22 cent – multicolored – YMCA Youth Camping (attached)
    3. 2161 – International Youth Year – 22 cent – multicolored – Boy Scouts (attached)
    4. 2162 – International Youth Year – 22 cent – multicolored – Big Brothers/Big Sisters (attached)
    5. 2163 – International Youth Year – 22 cent – multicolored – Camp Fire (attached)
    6. 2164 – Help End Hunger – 22 cent – multicolored
    7. 2165 – Christmas – 22 cent – multicolored
    8. 2166 – Christmas – 22 cent – multicolored

    137th Page – 1986 Commemoratives
    1. 2167 – Arkansas Statehood – 22 cent – multicolored
    2. 2198 – Stamp Collecting – 22 cent – multicolored – Handstamped Cover (not attached)
    3. 2199 – Stamp Collecting – 22 cent – multicolored – Boy Examining Stamp Cover (not attached)
    4. 2200 – Stamp Collecting – 22 cent – multicolored – No. 836 Under Magnifying Glass (not attached)
    5. 2201 – Stamp Collecting – 22 cent – multicolored – 1986 Presidents Miniature Sheet (not attached)
    6. 2202 – LOVE – 22 cent – multicolored
    7. 2203 – Sojourner Truth – 22 cent – multicolored
    8. 2204 – Republic of Texas – 22 cent – multicolored

    138th Page – 1986 Commemoratives
    1. 2205 – Fish – 22 cent – multicolored – Muskellunge (not attached)
    2. 2206 – Fish – 22 cent – multicolored – Atlantic Cod (not attached)
    3. 2207 – Fish – 22 cent – multicolored – Largemouth Bass (not attached)
    4. 2208 – Fish – 22 cent – multicolored – Bluefin Tuna (not attached)
    5. 2209 – Fish – 22 cent – multicolored – Catfish (not attached)
    6. 2210 – Public Hospitals – 22 cent – multicolored
    7. 2211 – Duke Ellington – 22 cent – multicolored
    8. 2224 – Statue of Liberty – 22 cent – red and blue
    9. 2239 – T.S. Eliot – 22 cent – red
    10. 2244 – Christmas – 22 cent – multicolored – Christmas-Traditional
    11. 2245 – Christmas – 22 cent – multicolored – Christmas-Contemporary

    143rd Page – 1986 Commemoratives
    1. 2220 – Polar Explorers – 22 cent – multicolored – Elisha Kent Kane (attached)
    2. 2221 – Polar Explorers – 22 cent – multicolored – Adolphus W. Greely (attached)
    3. 2222 – Polar Explorers – 22 cent – multicolored – Vilhjalmur Stefansson (attached)
    4. 2223 – Polar Explorers – 22 cent – multicolored – Robert E. Peary, Matthew Henson (attached)
    5. 2235 – Navajo Art – 22 cent – multicolored – A (attached)
    6. 2236 – Navajo Art – 22 cent – multicolored – B (attached)
    7. 2237 – Navajo Art – 22 cent – multicolored – C (attached)
    8. 2238 – Navajo Art – 22 cent – multicolored – D (attached)
    9. 2240 – Woodcarved Figures – 22 cent – multicolored – Highlander Figure (attached)
    10. 2241 – Woodcarved Figures – 22 cent – multicolored – Ship Figurehead (attached)
    11. 2242 – Woodcarved Figures – 22 cent – multicolored – Nautical Figure (attached)
    12. 2243 – Woodcarved Figures – 22 cent – multicolored – Cigar Store Figure (attached)

    139th Page – 1986 Commemoratives – Presidents of the United States (Miniature Sheets)
    1. Presidents of the United States I – 22 cent – tan, dark blue and red – Ameripex 86

    140th Page – 1986 Commemoratives – Presidents of the United States (Miniature Sheets)
    1. Presidents of the United States II – 22 cent – tan, dark blue and red – Ameripex 86

    141st Page – 1986 Commemoratives – Presidents of the United States (Miniature Sheets)
    1. Presidents of the United States III – 22 cent – tan, dark blue and red – Ameripex 86

    142nd Page – 1986 Commemoratives – Presidents of the United States (Miniature Sheets)
    1. Presidents of the United States IV – 22 cent – tan, dark blue and red – Ameripex 86

    146th Page – 1987 Commemoratives – American Wildlife
    1. 2286 – Barn Swallow – 22 cent – multicolored
    2. 2287 – Monarch Butterfly – 22 cent – multicolored
    3. 2288 – Bighorn Sheep – 22 cent – multicolored
    4. 2289 – Broad-Tailed Hummingbird – 22 cent – multicolored
    5. 2290 – Cottontail – 22 cent – multicolored
    6. 2291 – Osprey – 22 cent – multicolored
    7. 2292 – Mountain Lion – 22 cent – multicolored
    8. 2293 – Luna Moth – 22 cent – multicolored
    9. 2294 – Mule Deer – 22 cent – multicolored
    10. 2295 – Gray Squirrel – 22 cent – multicolored

    147th Page – 1987 Commemoratives – American Wildlife
    1. 2296 – Armadillo – 22 cent – multicolored
    2. 2297 – Eastern Chipmunk – 22 cent – multicolored
    3. 2298 – Moose – 22 cent – multicolored
    4. 2299 – Black Bear – 22 cent – multicolored
    5. 2300 – Tiger Swallowtail – 22 cent – multicolored
    6. 2301 – Bobwhite – 22 cent – multicolored
    7. 2302 – Ringtail – 22 cent – multicolored
    8. 2303 – Red-Winged Blackbird – 22 cent – multicolored
    9. 2304 – American Lobster – 22 cent – multicolored
    10. 2305 – Black-Tailed Jack Rabbit – 22 cent – multicolored

    148th Page – 1987 Commemoratives – American Wildlife
    1. 2306 – Scarlet Tanager – 22 cent – multicolored
    2. 2307 – Woodchuck – 22 cent – multicolored
    3. 2308 – Roseate Spoonbill – 22 cent – multicolored
    4. 2309 – Bald Eagle – 22 cent – multicolored
    5. 2310 – Alaskan Brown Bear – 22 cent – multicolored
    6. 2311 – Iiwi – 22 cent – multicolored
    7. 2312 – Badger – 22 cent – multicolored
    8. 2313 – Pronghorn – 22 cent – multicolored
    9. 2314 – River Otter – 22 cent – multicolored
    10. 2315 – Ladybug – 22 cent – multicolored

    149th Page -1987 Commemoratives – American Wildlife
    1. 2316 – Beaver – 22 cent – multicolored
    2. 2317 – White-Tailed Deer – 22 cent – multicolored
    3. 2318 – Blue Jay – 22 cent – multicolored
    4. 2319 – Pika – 22 cent – multicolored
    5. 2320 – Bison – 22 cent – multicolored
    6. 2321 – Snowy Egret – 22 cent – multicolored
    7. 2322 – Gray Wolf – 22 cent – multicolored
    8. 2323 – Mountain Goat – 22 cent – multicolored
    9. 2324 – Deer Mouse – 22 cent – multicolored
    10. 2325 – Black-Tailed Prairie Dog – 22 cent – multicolored

    150th Page – 1987 Commemoratives – American Wildlife
    1. 2326 – Box Turtle – 22 cent – multicolored
    2. 2327 – Wolverine – 22 cent – multicolored
    3. 2328 – American Elk – 22 cent – multicolored
    4. 2329 – California Sea Lion – 22 cent – multicolored
    5. 2330 – Mockingbird – 22 cent – multicolored
    6. 2331 – Raccoon – 22 cent – multicolored
    7. 2332 – Bobcat – 22 cent – multicolored
    8. 2333 – Black-Footed Ferret – 22 cent – multicolored
    9. 2334 – Canada Goose – 22 cent – multicolored
    10. 2335 – Red Fox – 22 cent – multicolored

    145th Page – 1987 Commemoratives – Special Occasions
    1. 2267 – Congratulations – 22 cent – multicolored
    2. 2268 – Get Well – 22 cent – multicolored
    3. 2269 – Thank You – 22 cent – multicolored
    4. 2270 – Love You Dad – 22 cent – multicolored
    5. 2271 – Best Wishes – 22 cent – multicolored
    6. 2272 – Happy Birthday – 22 cent – multicolored
    7. 2273 – Love You Mother – 22 cent – multicolored
    8. 2274 – Keep in Touch – 22 cent – multicolored

    144th Page – 1987 Commemoratives
    1. 2246 – Michigan Statehood – 22 cent – multicolored
    2. 2247 – Pan American Games – 22 cent – multicolored
    3. 2248 – LOVE – 22 cent – multicolored
    4. 2249 – Jean Baptiste Pointe Du Sable – 22 cent – multicolored
    5. 2250 – Enrico Caruso – 22 cent – multicolored
    6. 2251 – Girl Scouts – 22 cent – multicolored

    151st Page – 1987 Commemoratives
    1. 2275 – United Way – 22 cent – multicolored
    2. 2349 – Friendship With Morocco – 22 cent – scarlet and black
    3. 2350 – William Faulkner – 22 cent – bright green
    4. 2351 – Lacemaking – 22 cent – ultramarine and white – Squash Blossom Design A (attached)
    5. 2352 – Lacemaking – 22 cent – ultramarine and white – Floral Design B (attached)
    6. 2353 – Lacemaking – 22 cent – ultramarine and white – Floral Design C (attached)
    7. 2354 – Lacemaking – 22 cent – ultramarine and white – Dogwood Blossoms Design D (attached)

    152nd Page – 1987 Commemoratives
    1. 2355 – Drafting of the U.S. Constitution – 22 cent – multicolored – The Bicentennial (attached)
    2. 2356 – Drafting of the U.S. Constitution – 22 cent – multicolored – “We the people” (attached) 2357 – Drafting of the U.S. Constitution – 22 cent – multicolored – “Establish justice…” (attached)
    3. 2358 – Drafting of the U.S. Constitution – 22 cent – multicolored – “And secure…” (attached)
    4. 2359 – Drafting of the U.S. Constitution – 22 cent – multicolored – “Do ordain…” (attached) 2360 – Signing of the U.S. Constitution – 22 cent – multicolored
    5. 2361 – Certified Public Accountants – 22 cent – multicolored

    153rd Page – 1987 Commemoratives
    1. 2362 – Locomotives – 22 cent – multicolored – Stourbridge Lion (attached)
    2. 2363 – Locomotives – 22 cent – multicolored – Best Friend of Charleston (attached)
    3. 2364 – Locomotives – 22 cent – multicolored – John Bull (attached)
    4. 2365 – Locomotives – 22 cent – multicolored – Brother Jonathan (attached)
    5. 2366 – Locomotives – 22 cent – multicolored – Gowan & Marx (attached)
    6. 2367 – Christmas Traditional – 22 cent – multicolored
    7. 2368 – Christmas Contemporary – 22 cent – multicolored

    154th Page – 1987-90 Bicentenary Statehood Series
    1. 2336 – Delaware Statehood – 22 cent – multicolored
    2. 2337 – Pennsylvania Statehood – 22 cent – multicolored
    3. 2338 – New Jersey Statehood – 22 cent – multicolored
    4. 2339 – Georgia Statehood – 22 cent – multicolored
    5. 2340 – Connecticut Statehood – 22 cent – multicolored
    6. 2341 – Massachusetts Statehood – 22 cent – blue and red
    7. 2342 – Maryland Statehood – 22 cent – multicolored

    155th Page – 1987-90 Bicentenary Statehood Series
    1. 2343 – South Carolina Statehood – 25 cent – multicolored
    2. 2344 – New Hampshire Statehood – 25 cent – multicolored
    3. 2345 – Virginia Statehood – 25 cent – multicolored
    4. 2346 – New York Statehood – 25 cent – multicolored
    5. 2347 – North Carolina Statehood – 25 cent – multicolored
    6. 2348 – Rhode Island Statehood – 25 cent – multicolored

    156th Page – 1988 Commemoratives
    1. 2369 – 1988 Winter Olympics – 22 cent – multicolored
    2. 2370 – Australia Bicentennial – 22 cent – multicolored
    3. 2371 – James Weldon Johnson – 22 cent – multicolored
    4. 2376 – Knute Rockne – 22 cent – multicolored
    5. 2377 – Francis Ouimet – 25 cent – multicolored

    157th Page – 1988 Commemoratives
    1. 2372 – Cats – 22 cent – multicolored – Siamese & Exotic Shorthair Cat (attached)
    2. 2373 – Cats – 22 cent – multicolored – Abyssinian & Himalayan Cat (attached)
    3. 2374 – Cats – 22 cent – multicolored – Maine Coon & Burmese Cat (attached)
    4. 2375 – Cats – 22 cent – multicolored – American Shorthair & Persian Cat (attached)
    5. 2378 – Love – 25 cent – multicolored
    6. 2379 – Love – 45 cent – multicolored
    7. 2395 – Special Occasions – 25 cent – multicolored – Happy Birthday
    8. 2396 – Special Occasions – 25 cent – multicolored – Best Wishes
    9. 2397 – Special Occasions – 25 cent – multicolored – Thinking of You
    10. 2398 – Special Occasions – 25 cent – multicolored – Love You

    158th Page – 1988 Commemoratives
    1. 2381 – Classic Cars – 25 cent – multicolored – Locomobile (attached)
    2. 2382 – Classic Cars – 25 cent – multicolored – Pierce-Arrow (attached)
    3. 2383 – Classic Cars – 25 cent – multicolored – Cord (attached)
    4. 2384 – Classic Cars – 25 cent – multicolored – Packard (attached)
    5. 2385 – Classic Cars – 25 cent – multicolored – Duesenberg (attached)
    6. 2380 – 1988 Summer Olympics – 25 cent – multicolored

    159th Page – 1988 Commemoratives
    1. 2390 – Carousel Animals – 25 cent – multicolored – Deer (attached)
    2. 2391 – Carousel Animals – 25 cent – multicolored – Horse (attached)
    3. 2392 – Carousel Animals – 25 cent – multicolored – Camel (attached)
    4. 2393 – Carousel Animals – 25 cent – multicolored – Goat (attached)
    5. 2386 – Antarctic Explorers – 25 cent – multicolored – Nathaniel Palmer (attached)
    6. 2387 – Antarctic Explorers – 25 cent – multicolored – Lt. Charles Wilkes (attached)
    7. 2388 – Antarctic Explorers – 25 cent – multicolored – Richard E. Byrd (attached)
    8. 2389 – Antarctic Explorers – 25 cent – multicolored – Lincoln Ellsworth (attached)
    9. 2399 – Christmas Traditional – 25 cent – multicolored
    10. 2400 – Christmas Contemporary – 25 cent – multicolored

    160th Page – 1989 Commemoratives
    1. 2404 – Washington Statehood – 25 cent – multicolored
    2. 2416 – South Dakota Statehood – 25 cent – multicolored
    3. 2401 – Montana Statehood – 25 cent – multicolored
    4. 2403 – North Dakota Statehood – 25 cent – multicolored
    5. 2414 – Executive Branch/Inauguration of George Washington – 25 cent – black, red and tan
    6. 2412 – U.S. House of Representatives – 25 cent – black, red and tan
    7. 2410 – World Stamp Expo – 25 cent – grey, red and black
    8. 2413 – U.S. Senate – 25 cent – black, red and tan
    9. 2421 – Drafting of The Bill of Rights – 25 cent – black, blue and red

    161st Page – 1989 Commemoratives
    1. 2402 – A. Philip Randolph – 25 cent – multicolored
    2. 2411 – Arturo Toscanini – 25 cent – multicolored
    3. 2419 – U.S. Moon Landing - $2.40 – multicolored
    4. 2417 – Lou Gehrig – 25 cent – multicolored
    5. 2418 – Ernest Hemingway – 25 cent – multicolored

    162nd Page – 1989 Commemoratives
    1. 2422 – Dinosaurs – 25 cent – multicolored – Tyrannosaurus Rex (attached)
    2. 2423 – Dinosaurs – 25 cent – multicolored – Pteranodon (attached)
    3. 2424 – Dinosaurs – 25 cent – multicolored – Stegosaurus (attached)
    4. 2425 – Dinosaurs – 25 cent – multicolored – Brontosaurus (attached)
    5. 2405 – Steamboats – 25 cent – multicolored – Experiment (attached)
    6. 2406 – Steamboats – 25 cent – multicolored – Phoenix (attached)
    7. 2407 – Steamboats – 25 cent – multicolored – New Orleans (attached)
    8. 2408 – Steamboats – 25 cent – multicolored – Washington (attached)
    9. 2409 – Steamboats – 25 cent – multicolored – Walk in the Water (attached)
    10. 2426 – America Issue – 25 cent – multicolored

    163rd Page – 1989 Commemoratives
    1. 2434 – Classic Mail Transportation – 25 cent – multicolored – Stagecoach (attached)
    2. 2435 – Classic Mail Transportation – 25 cent – multicolored – Steamboat (attached)
    3. 2436 – Classic Mail Transportation – 25 cent – multicolored – Biplane (attached)
    4. 2437 – Classic Mail Transportation – 25 cent – multicolored – Automobile (attached)
    5. 2420 – Letter Carriers – 25 cent – multicolored
    6. 2428 – Christmas-Contemporary (sheet) – 25 cent – multicolored
    7. 2429 – Christmas-Contemporary (booklet) – 25 cent – multicolored
    8. 2427 – Christmas-Traditional – 25 cent – multicolored

    United States Airmail Stamps

    164th Page Filled – 1926-27 Airmails
    1. C7 – Map of the United States – 10 cent – dark blue – Map of U.S. & Two Mail Planes
    2. C8 – Map of the United States – 15 cent – olive brown – Map of U.S. & Two Mail Planes
    3. C9 – Map of the United States – 20 cent – yellow green – Map of U.S. & Two Mail Planes
    4. C10 – Spirit of St. Louis – 10 cent – dark blue – Lindbergh Tribute
    1928-30 Airmail
    5. C11 – Beacon on the Rocky Mountains – 5 cent – carmine and blue

    165th Page – 1941-44 Airmails
    1. C25 – Twin Motored Transport Plane – 6 cent – carmine
    2. C26 – Twin Motored Transport Plane – 8 cent – olive green
    3. C27 – Twin Motored Transport Plane – 10 cent – violet
    4. C28 – Twin Motored Transport Plane – 15 cent – carmine
    5. C29 – Twin Motored Transport Plane – 20 cent – bright green
    6. C30 – Twin Motored Transport Plane – 30 cent – blue
    7. C31 – Twin Motored Transport Plane – 50 cent – orange

    166th Page – 1946-47 Airmails
    1. C32 – DC-4 Skymaster – 5 cent – carmine
    2. C33 – DC-4 Skymaster – 5 cent – carmine
    3. C34 – Pan American Building - 10 cent – black – Pan American Building & Martin 20-2
    4. C35 – Statue of Liberty – 15 cent – bright blue green
    5. C36 – San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge – 25 cent – blue
    1948 Airmails
    6. C37 – DC-4 Skymaster – 5 cent – carmine
    7. C38 – New York City – 5 cent – bright carmine – N.Y.C. – 50th Year
    1949 Design of 1947
    8. C39 – DC-4 Skymaster – 6 cent – carmine

    167th Page – 1949 Airmails
    1. C40 – Alexandria Bicentennial – 6 cent – carmine
    2. C41 – DC-4 Skymaster – 6 cent – carmine
    3. C42 – Universal Postal Union – 10 cent – violet – Post Office Building
    4. C43 – Universal Postal Union – 15 cent – ultramarine – Globe & Doves
    5. C44 – Universal Postal Union – 25 cent – rose carmine – Boeing Stratocruiser
    6. C45 – Wright Brothers – 6 cent – magenta – Wilbur & Orville Wright

    168th Page – 1952-54 Airmails
    1. C46 – Hawaii-Diamond Head – 80 cent – bright red violet – Diamond Head, Honolulu, Hawaii
    2. C47 – Powered Flight – 6 cent – carmine – First Plane & Modern Plane
    3. C48 – Eagle in Flight – 4 cent – bright blue
    1957-58 Airmails
    4. C49 – Air Force Jubilee – 6 cent – blue
    5. C50 – Eagle in Flight – 5 cent – red
    6. C51 – Jet Silhouette – 7 cent – blue – Jet Airliner
    7. C52 – Jet Silhouette – 7 cent – blue – Jet Airliner

    169th Page – 1959 Airmails
    1. C53 – Alaska Statehood – 7 cent – dark blue – Map of Alaska
    2. C54 – Jupiter Balloon – 7 cent – dark blue and red
    3. C55 – Hawaii Statehood – 7 cent – rose red – Map of Hawaii
    4. C56 – Pan American Games – 10 cent – violet blue and bright red – Runner and Torch
    1959-61 Airmails
    5. C57 – Liberty Bell – 10 cent – black and green
    6. C58 – Statue of Liberty – 15 cent – black and orange
    7. C59 – Abraham Lincoln – 25 cent – black and maroon

    170th Page – 1960 Airmails
    1. C60 – Jet Silhouette – 7 cent – blue (should be carmine??)
    2. C61 – Jet Silhouette – 7 cent – blue (should be carmine??)
    1961 Airmails
    3. C62 – Liberty Bell – 13 cent – black and red
    4. C63 – Statue of Liberty – 15 cent – black and orange
    1962 Airmails – (1.95 – 4.95) – All 6
    5. C64 – U.S. Capitol and Jet Airliner – 8 cent – carmine – Airliner & Capitol Dome
    6. C65 – U.S. Capitol and Jet Airliner – 8 cent – carmine – Airliner & Capitol Dome

    171st Page – 1963 Airmails
    1. C66 – Montgomery Blair – 15 cent – dull red, dark brown and blue
    2. C67 – Bald Eagle – 6 cent – red
    3. C68 – Amelia Earhart – 8 cent – carmine and maroon
    1964 Airmail
    4. C69 – Robert H. Goddard – 8 cent – blue, red and bister

    172nd Page – 1967 Airmails
    1. C70 – Alaska Purchase Centennial – 8 cent – brown – Tlingit Totem
    2. C71 – Audubon’s “Columbia Jays” – 20 cent – multicolored
    1968 Airmails
    3. C72 – Fifty Star Runway – 10 cent – carmine
    4. C73 – Fifty Star Runway – 10 cent – carmine
    5. C74 – 50th Anniversary of Airmail – 10 cent – blue, black and red - Curtiss Jenny
    6. C75 – U.S.A. – 20 cent – red, blue and black – “USA” and Jet
    1969 Airmails
    7. C76 – Moon Landing – 10 cent – yellow, black, light blue, ultramarine, rose red and carmine – First Man on the Moon-July 20, 1969

    173rd Page – 1971-73 Airmails
    1. C77 – Silhouette of Delta Wing Plane – 9 cent – red
    2. C78 – Jet Silhouette – 11 cent – carmine – Jet Airliner
    3. C82 – Jet Silhouette – 11 cent – carmine – Jet Airliner
    4. C80 – Statue of Liberty – 17 cent – bluish black, red and dark green
    5. C81 – U.S.A – 21 cent – red, blue and black – USA Airliner
    6. C84 – National Parks Centennial – 11 cent – orange and multicolored – Kii Statue and Temple
    7. C85 – Olympics Games – 11 cent – black, blue, red, emerald and yellow – Skiing and Olympic Rings

    174th Page – 1973 Airmails
    1. C79 – Winged Airmail Envelope – 13 cent – carmine
    2. C83 – Winged Airmail Envelope – 13 cent – carmine
    3. C86 – Electronics Progress – 11 cent – vermillion, lilac, pale lilac, olive, brown, deep carmine and black – DeForest Audions
    1974-76 Airmails
    4. C87 – Statue of Liberty – 18 cent – carmine, black and ultramarine
    5. C88 – Mt. Rushmore National Memorial – 26 cent – ultramarine, black and carmine
    6. C89 – Plane and Globe – 25 cent – red, blue and black
    7. C90 – Plane, Globes and Flag – 31 cent – red, blue and black

    175th Page – 1978-79 Airmails
    1. C91 – Wright Brothers – 31cent – ultramarine and multicolored – Orville & Wilbur Wright & Flyer A (attached to C92)
    2. C92 – Wright Brothers – 31cent – ultramarine and multicolored – Orville & Wilbur Wright & Shed (attached to C91)
    3. C93 – Octave Chanute – 21 cent – blue and multicolored – (attached to C94)
    4. C94 – Octave Chanute – 21 cent – blue and multicolored – Octave Chanute & Biplane Hang Glider (attached to C93)
    5. C95 – Wiley Post – 25 cent – blue and multicolored – (attached to C96)
    6. C96 – Wiley Post – 25 cent – blue and multicolored – Wiley Post & “Winnie Mae” (attached to C95)
    1979-80 Airmails
    7. C97 – Olympic Games – 31 cent – multicolored – High Jump
    8. C98 – Philip Mazzei – 40 cent – multicolored – Patriot-Writer
    9. C99 – Blanche Stuart Scott – 28 cent – multicolored – Blanch Stuart Scott, Pilot
    10. C100 – Glenn Curtiss – 35 cent – multicolored – Glenn Curtiss, Aviation Pioneer

    176th Page – 1983 Airmails
    1. C101 – Summer Olympics 1984 – 28 cent – multicolored – Women’s Gymnastics (attached)
    2. C102 – Summer Olympics 1984 – 28 cent – multicolored – Hurdles (attached)
    3. C103 – Summer Olympics 1984 – 28 cent – multicolored – Women’s Basketball (attached)
    4. C104 – Summer Olympics 1984 – 28 cent – multicolored – Soccer (attached)
    5. C105 – Summer Olympics 1984 – 40 cent – multicolored – Shot Put (attached)
    6. C106 – Summer Olympics 1984 – 40 cent – multicolored – Men’s Gymnastics (attached)
    7. C107 – Summer Olympics 1984 – 40 cent – multicolored – Women’s Swimming (attached)
    8. C108 – Summer Olympics 1984 – 40 cent – multicolored – Weight Lifting (attached)
    9. C109 – Summer Olympics 1984 – 35 cent – multicolored – Women’s Fencing (attached)
    10. C110 – Summer Olympics 1984 – 35 cent – multicolored – Cycling (attached)
    11. C111 – Summer Olympics 1984 – 35 cent – multicolored – Volleyball (attached)
    12. C112 – Summer Olympics 1984 – 35 cent – multicolored – Pole Vaulting (attached)

    177th Page – 1985 Airmails
    1. C113 – Aviation Pioneer – 33 cent – multicolored
    2. C114 – Aviation Pioneers – 39 cent – multicolored
    3. C115 – Transpacific Airmail – 44 cent – multicolored
    4. C116 – Fr. Junipero Serra – 44 cent – multicolored
  • A good part of what you have is worth face value for the postage.

    Page 1 has a catalog value of about $25. Margins are just about everything in stamps. Expect a bid of $2.50 to $10

    Pages 26 and 27 Catalog value of 20 cents each except Yugoslavia 25 cents and Greece 35 cents.

    Page 52. I just bought $150 face value mint unused U.S. stamps in sheets for $112.50 In there was a sheet each of what you have on your page. In other words, this page is worth approximately 25% face value. In other words 25% of 24 cents.

    I'm just telling you what to expect.

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