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41-45 P/D/S Washington Quarters

This is part of a set I recently came across. it is 1941-1990 P/D/S. Would you have any of these slabbed if they were yours. Which ones grade out the best? (I know its hard to tell from these pics) I really know nothing about Washingtons. They need a bath pretty badly, but I would rather leave them alone. I will post pics of the rest later. There are some nice toners in here too.






If I was half as smart as I am dumb Iwould be a genious


  • LucyBopLucyBop Posts: 14,001 ✭✭✭
    imageBe Bop A Lula!!
    "Senorita HepKitty"
    "I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
  • robertprrobertpr Posts: 6,862 ✭✭✭
    Nice coins, esp. the first one, none of them need a bath they all look great. Not worth submitting financially speaking however, none would grade higher than 65/66. The first coin is likely a 66, the other's 65.
  • mcmximcmxi Posts: 890
    I thought they needed a bath because they are pretty hazy when turned at an angle, and the 44-s looks kinda bad.
    If I was half as smart as I am dumb Iwould be a genious
  • They all look real nice to me.
    I just bought a bunch also to upgrade my album with some sparkling coins. most of what mine is is now up in high ms+++
    but don't think i would slab yours like someone else said.
    unless they were real gooooood keys
    that's what i need to do now save up to upgrade my keys
  • mcmximcmxi Posts: 890
    I wish I could find a really close up of the 50d/s and s/d. Both of mine have something going on there, but I can't find anything to compare to.
    If I was half as smart as I am dumb Iwould be a genious
  • BikingnutBikingnut Posts: 3,379 ✭✭✭
    Nice undipped original Washingtons. If I was going to submit any for grading, they would be the 42S, 43D. JMO

    US Navy CWO3 retired. 12/81-09/04

    Looking for PCGS AU58 Washington's, 32-63.

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