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Value of Mercury 10c and Wheatie 1c RPMs?

It's been about a decade since I actively collected coins, as I shifted my collecting focus to currency years ago. And while I sold the last of my slabbed and raw type coins several years ago, I still have a small collection of early 20th century variety coins that I'm looking to sell.

Since I've been out of the market for so long, I was hoping you all could give me an idea of the value of some of these coins today. Feel free to PM with estimates (either for the lot or individual coins) or simply respond to the thread. For what its worth, most of the Unc. or better coins were purchased from SLCC auctions in the early 90s with the circ coins coming from wheatie bags of the same time period.

Thanks in advance!

Heres some of the highlights...

10c 1941 S RPM #1, Breen #3670 AU (pin tip sized green spot at rim on obv)
1c 1927 D RPM #1 VG
1c 1930 S RPM #1 red AU
1c 1938 S RPM #2 Gem Unc x2, Choice Unc x1
1c 1953 S RPM #13 nice rainbow toned Choice/Gem Unc
1c 1954 D RPM #1d Gem Unc X2, Choice Unc x1
1c 1995 DDO Gem Unc but for a light rub on rev field
plus about three dozen other circ wheat back RPMs and DDOs.



  • seanqseanq Posts: 8,676 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Several of the coins you listed are inthe 4th edition of the Cherrypickers' Guide, which should help give them a little boost in value. There are plenty of people collecting RPMs but it's still hard to assign values to them.

    Personally, I'd just throw the whole mess up on eBay with the additional CPG attributions. Maybe you'll get lucky and get a couple of people who need a certain variety in the group and who will bid each other up on the whole lot.

    Sean Reynolds
    Incomplete planchets wanted, especially Lincoln Cents & type coins.

    "Keep in mind that most of what passes as numismatic information is no more than tested opinion at best, and marketing blather at worst. However, I try to choose my words carefully, since I know that you guys are always watching." - Joe O'Connor
  • alfalfaalfalfa Posts: 275 ✭✭

  • carlcarl Posts: 2,054
    RPM's at coin shows are fairly cheap unless they are a popularly noted item. Your 95DD is about the only one of notariety that would bring about $50 or more at most of the coin shows I've attended lately. Error coins are becoming a little more popular lately with the latest coin collecting boom. I've been going to about 2 or 3 coin shows a month lately. There are many more in the area but are out of my driving range due to heath reasons.
    You didn't state whether or not you are trying to sell them but if that is your intent I would follow alfalfa's advise and put the whole mess up on ebay.

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