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Changes to ebay User Policy?????

I received an email today (at my home email address) that ebay had changed their user policy. I was told to log on to ebay and look under "What's New" to find the new policy. For the life of me, I cannot find anything that looks like a new user policy. Maybe they made changes but they sure didn't highlight or summarize what the changes are.

Anybody else get a message about changes to ebay user policy? Have you figured out what the changes are?
image Scottish Fold Gold


  • Perhaps it was a spoof phishing email?
    "To know the road ahead, ask those coming back"
  • No, it didn't have an links inside the email for me to click. I have my ebay preferences set to send me email when policies change. So I believe it to be legit. Just can't figure out what they changed in the user policy.

    When State Farm makes changes to my insurance policy, they always provide a summary and note what the old one says and what the new change now reads. Am I supposed to know the ebay policy by memory to tell what changed?
    image Scottish Fold Gold
  • robertprrobertpr Posts: 6,862 ✭✭✭
    There is nothing in my email and I have the same preference set. Nothing in "my ebay" either. Of couse, I didn't get the email about how they were talking with Microsoft about possibly being bought out by the Gates Empire either, but that happened as well. Probably won't come to fruition, however.
  • Maybe somebody has a keystroke placed in your system. Don't mean to scare ya.


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