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Noe affair makes Yahoo! headlines as he admits Bush campaign donation guilt.

WeissWeiss Posts: 9,941 ✭✭✭✭✭
TOLEDO, Ohio - A coin dealer and prominent GOP fundraiser at the center of an Ohio political scandal pleaded guilty Wednesday to federal charges he illegally funneled about $45,000 to President Bush's re-election campaign.

Tom Noe, once a powerful political figure who also raised money for Ohio Republicans, still is charged with embezzlement in an ill-fated $50 million coin investment that he managed for the state workers' compensation fund.

The investment scandal has been a major embarrassment for Ohio's ruling Republicans and given Democrats a better shot at winning state offices this year, including the governor's office, which has been under GOP control since 1991.

Coin dealer admits illegal donations
We are like children who look at print and see a serpent in the last letter but one, and a sword in the last.
--Severian the Lame

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