Demise of "Coin Vault"

Do you think the demise of the show "Coin Vault" will be a negative for the hobby? Although their prices we're crazy high, they did often point me in a direction to try to find a particular coin or series at lower prices on eBay or through another dealer. Considering they sold $100 million worth of coins last year (according to Coin World), what will replace them as far as generating viewers/interest/eyeballs for the hobby? Plus, I just do not see the benefit to E.W.Scripps by not allowing the show and its format to be sold or continued. Also, this can't be good for NGC, since the show seemed to sell mostly coins graded by them. What do you guys think?
Everytime I watch it he either lies about a coin...spins it so it appears more rare...decieves collectors...and man handles it with his grubby paws.
The only positive that came from it was the advertising of collecting itself, and it may have hooked a few people that otherwise would not be interested in the hobby.
The graders will probably be happy that they will not be grading state quarters and SAE by the truckful however.....
If the sold 100 million last year that is probably what 50-75 million in actual numismatic material?
I can't believe other shopping channels will not try and fill the void that is left, be it by hiring the people that sold the material or by offering similar deals which they did.....
Also as entertaining bit of TV was lost, it was quite funny listening to them describe items on there show.....
I also agree that for new collectors they got many ideas on what they liked from watching the coin vault, no necessarily purcashing alot or anything from there, but just to see coins they had not seen before.....
Negative effect?
Good bye to bad rubbish. The hosts of the show did nothing to improve the quality of our hobby, so their departure will not leave any meaningful vacuum in the hobby. eBay does more good for this hobby than that show ever will.
"Bongo hurtles along the rain soaked highway of life on underinflated bald retread tires."
While I don't know if I can say they actually out and out lied on that show, they did stretch the truth further than it should ever have been.
Those guys were the biggest dufuses I think I have ever had the misfortune of watching!
Though i never purchased anything from them !
It's a huge cycle and while it was not ideal I beleive there was some value in having them around. At least Comic value.
Was tired of the sports card hobby and the sky high prices on packs of cards and so forth.....
This combined with the state quarters to grow my interest and the coin vault was a place to see alot of coins and learn somethings about coins, a bit of looking around on the net showed there prices and how far out of line they where without coupons (had a few of those which bought the prices in line).....
Go to
Click on the live TV link at the top of the home page.
Click on the Coins section to the left of the live screen
Enjoy the show one last time!
My Complete PROOF Lincoln Cent with Major Varieties(1909-2015)Set Registry
big one but I find some consolation in the fact that they haven't been selling many mint
sets in recent months. Nor have they been selling much of any mint steate moderns. Also
their stock in all this material is very low at the current time so there won't be a flood of
it coming back on the market.
Coin Vault is dead, long live Coin Vault.
Chambers did claim that the show would survive but I'll believe it when I see it.
<< <i>Do you think the demise of the show "Coin Vault" will be a negative for the hobby? Although their prices we're crazy high, they did often point me in a direction to try to find a particular coin or series at lower prices on eBay or through another dealer. Considering they sold $100 million worth of coins last year (according to Coin World), what will replace them as far as generating viewers/interest/eyeballs for the hobby? Plus, I just do not see the benefit to E.W.Scripps by not allowing the show and its format to be sold or continued. Also, this can't be good for NGC, since the show seemed to sell mostly coins graded by them. What do you guys think? >>
Coin Vault was only good for one thing! Julie Tello!
Talk about old time board walk sales pitches. Not $500 Not $400 Not even $300 $49 Dollars is your price for this rare AU 1964 Kennedy Half Dollar with the Buffalo on the back and Monticello on the front
"The silver is mine and the gold is mine,' declares the LORD GOD Almighty."
Cladiator...that tube is actually called 'The Coin Vault'.....I actually bought a few of them (no, didnt buy their coins, just the vaults) and that must be the best thing that ever came from that show...
......besides Julie Tello!
People will have to buy their junk from eBay now
My posts viewed
since 8/1/6
Great to get people into the hobby but a terrible way to do it.
<< <i>I always thought their plastic rolls to put dollars into were cool. The ones that are sectioned for each coin and have little stands built in. >>
Those things are Great, i picked up 4 of them at the Parsippany Coin show from a dealer there, they were used but in new condition. $I think i paid like 4 or 5 bucks a piece.
"The silver is mine and the gold is mine,' declares the LORD GOD Almighty."
Everytime I seen that Paul Hollis dude tell me about the infamous 1963 PR70DCAM Lincoln that sold for $40,000 in a "Recent" auction, and that it is possible to get the same out of his sets, I just wanted to call the show and scream at him! What a loser!!!
What a lier and what deception! I think the world is better off having them OFF TV. Its one thing to have a hugh impact on the market by not having them around, but it is a greater impact by not having them circumvent false advertising.
Later, Paul.
Later, Paul.
Dont worry I think they will be back as some one's cash cow.
<< <i>I always thought their plastic rolls to put dollars into were cool. The ones that are sectioned for each coin and have little stands built in. >>
<< <i>Cladiator...that tube is actually called 'The Coin Vault' >>
Actually they referred to this as the "Sure Safe Vault." I also bought the vault. I recently sold all of the big silver that lived in it. Now I have an empty plastic tube.
Time to fill it or grill it.
1) Obsessive nature
2) High degree of apreciation for artistry
3) High degree of appreciation for money
4) I was actively seeking a hobby (this makes me chuckle from time to time. who goes actively looking for a hobby? don't most folks just naturally slip into them?)
5) Due to my being part racoon I'm up all night almost every night and saw many hours of the Coin Vault
You can say what you want about the Coin Vault (I know I do), but an analogy I posted here a long time ago will always be true:
The Coin Vault was to numismatics what Nirvana was to punk rock in the 1990s.
For those never interested in Nirvana, punk rock or the 1990s, I'd apologize for the obscure reference if it weren't for the fact that you lucked out.