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$500 PayPal Personal Account Monthly Receiving Limit ??

StuartStuart Posts: 9,761 ✭✭✭✭✭
I would appreciate if someone familiar with PayPal would please explain whether or not the $500 PayPal Personal Account Monthly Receiving Limit also applies to E-Checks and Bank Transfers.

Thanks in advance for your reply!!

Here's one of my favorite coin photos to keep this on topic...

1878-CC PCGS MS-64 (Cameo Semi-PL) Morgan Dollar


Collect 18th & 19th Century US Type Coins, Silver Dollars, $20 Gold Double Eagles and World Crowns & Talers with High Eye Appeal

"Luck is what happens when Preparation meets Opportunity"


  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,417 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I believe Boom mentioned something a year or so ago saying that e-checks did not contribute to the limit. However, I do believe the bank transfers (ie....from bank account) do count toward the limit.

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

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