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Placed Coins In Geocaches in NH

I learned about geocaches from my brother. When I first heard of them I thought the idea was stupid. But as I learned, these are normally put in interesting places and it gets you out hiking and seeing places you proabably would not have seen otherwise. I placed euro coins in both of these two sites and a bag of shredded cash in one:

Vets View


You need a GPS receiver to find the Vet's View. The other has good enough clues to find without.

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  • librtyheadlibrtyhead Posts: 1,116 ✭✭✭
    I found the shredded cash and used it to stop the leak in my hollow leg................just kidding I have met a couple of you geocache guys and its true.................your not all that strange.image
  • johnsim03johnsim03 Posts: 992 ✭✭

    << <i>I learned about geocaches from my brother. When I first heard of them I thought the idea was stupid. But as I learned, these are normally put in interesting places and it gets you out hiking and seeing places you proabably would not have seen otherwise. I placed euro coins in both of these two sites and a bag of shredded cash in one:

    Vets View


    You need a GPS receiver to find the Vet's View. The other has good enough clues to find without.

    You may need to creat an account to see the links above. >>


    There is another interesting side to Geocaching, more particularly Geocoins. and the designers/manufacturers
    of these items. My icon is the obverse of an anniversary coin we recently did - at a very reasonable price. IMHO, you
    cannot go wrong with using geocoin designers/manufacturers to execute your multi-colored tokens or medals,
    especially in limited editions of as little as 100 pieces... Ideal for clubs, web sites, or individuals who want to
    celebrate something with a nice medal or token. With the "new" manufacturing methods available, picture
    portraits are no problem, and you can get a ton of different plating possibilities for bronze medals (silver finish), etc.

    More details about the story of our medal at my blog.

    Fun stuff!

    John C. Knudsen, LM ANA 2342, LM CSNS 337
    SFC, US Army (Ret.) 1974-1994
  • mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
  • CrackoutCrackout Posts: 1,369 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I met a geocache guy one time at a city park when I was metal detecting for coins. Turns out his little treasure was a few feet from where I was digging a coin. Our worlds collided for a brief moment - we both expressed interest in eachothers hobby - then as quickly as we met, we headed our seperate ways, never to meet again....

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