Is it best to crack out ...........
Posts: 847
Hi all.I have a complete set of american gold eagles,but not all of them are in pcgs holders.I have a few in other holders and i would like to have them all in pcgs holders.My question is,is it best to crack them out before sending them in or leave them in the holder for crossover.Right now they are all ms69's.Second question is.What is the best way to mail out $20,000.00 worth of coins to pcgs.Thanks in advance for your answers,even the wise crack ones.
I too am wondering why you would even consider cracking open a slab to have it reslabed.
Now please send me a check for 30% of the money I saved you in postage/insurance/slabbing fees/ return postage/return insurance and .. oh yea ... all that time it takes you to prepare this mailing and trips to and from the post office for providing you with this most helpful of suggestions.....
Just kidding OF COURSE
I will only take 20%