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slightly off topic but I gotta laugh inside

Any one feel this is too off topic and I will yank it. Over the past few months I have listed dozens of coins on ebay starting at .99 and as many of you have experienced it oftens comes down to the final money making minutes before a bid is received. Having been a national triathlete at one time I recently found some "parts" I had tucked away. I listed them tonight (for the same .99) and have in the past 45 min received 2 questions and 2 bids... as well as 5 watchers..... and I thought coin collectors were the biggest nerd......lol

There is nothing more powerful than the power of goodbye


  • I'll bite...explain what 'extra parts' you were able to put up??? (I am not kidding around...lol...I just cant get a visual of what 'extra parts' is in this case...lol)
  • What? Your allowed to sell parts on eBay?
    "To know the road ahead, ask those coming back"

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