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2004 P Peace Medal Nickels Sealed Bank Boxes


2004 P Peace Medal Nickels Sealed Bank Boxes.

My boxes are authentic sealed bank boxes. They came straight from the Fed Reserve's coin counting company.

Please keep in mind there are others selling bank boxes and the claim they are uncir and unsearched. All I can say is BUYER BEWARE. There are people who got their nickels in the large bags from the fed reserve coin counting companies and they own their own coin rolling machine, and they roll them themselves....so there is no way they can be unsearched....so if your interest is looking for errors.....make sure you know how the person selling you the coins got them. Here is a hint.....if they say all the rolls are H/H or H/T them its a good chance that they rolled them themself, as in an authentic sealed bank box you have no control of H/H H/T or T/T.

This is what I love about coin collecting....you do learn something new everyday!

If you are interested in my AUTHENTIC 2004 P Peace Medal Nickels, I can sell them to you by the roll or by the box.

If you have a few extra dollars, my advise is to go for a box, and we all know that this nickel is the KEY coin in the nickel series, but I believe the real KEY is going to be in owning a sealed bank box, not a few rolls.

You can call me at 718 720 6683 and ask for THE NICKEL LADY image
Peace Nickels Rock
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