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Decent coin shop/dealer in the Antelope Valley area

Anyone have a recomendation for a coin Shop/dealer between the Antelope Valley and San Fernando Valley CA---Thanks Tom
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  • BlindedByEgoBlindedByEgo Posts: 10,754 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Talk to Tom at Gold Coast Coin Exchange in Woodland Hills. There's a couple of guys in the Mission Hills area, but one's not very friendly and the other sells mostly cleaned coins (but nice enough people).

    If you find someone in the Santa Clarita Valley area, let me know.
  • I have a lead on on in Santa Clarita but have yet to get to it, it's on lyons but I don't have a name or address as yet---Tom

    PS Thanks for the tip on gold coast coin Ex, I'll check them out as soon as I can most likely after Long Beach I'll be there on Saturday thw 3rd.image
    Support your local gunslinger, you never know when you'll need him
  • lasvegasteddylasvegasteddy Posts: 10,408 ✭✭✭
    hayy tom,
    superior is on sepulveda and burbank.although i don't know much about the staff...the coins they handle are amoungst finest so if you could find a click with someone there...really could of been a tip by me
    everything in life is but merely on loan to us by our appreciation....lose your appreciation and see

  • Thanks lasvegasteddy I know the area patroled it until I asked Parks if he was born that stupid or had to work real real hard at it all his life, guess thats why I'm now with the county minus stripes
    Thanks for the tip Tom

    P S Thanks blindedbyego I'll try that one after Long Beach If I make it, I'm fairly sure I know its location on the BLD----Thanks Tom
    Support your local gunslinger, you never know when you'll need him
  • BlindedByEgoBlindedByEgo Posts: 10,754 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>hayy tom,
    superior is on sepulveda and burbank.although i don't know much about the staff...the coins they handle are amoungst finest so if you could find a click with someone there...really could of been a tip by me >>

    I know of Superior Galleries, but they're down in Beverly Hills. Continental Coin is at Supulveda and Burbank, and I would most definitely NOT reccomend them. PM me if you want to know why.
  • I recall the place on sepulveda being a bullion seller/buyer but I haven't been down there in a long time .
    I have to see an orthopedic Doc down in the valley next week
    I'll drive down early and check out these places.

    For blindedByEgo> Iwent to one on Lyons but all he sells is raw coins still looking in that area myself but I'll let you know if I come accross something

    Thanks for all the info---Tom
    Support your local gunslinger, you never know when you'll need him

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