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CU Awesome US Coins Video Project?!

Hello everyone:

I am soliciting pics of your awesome US coins to use on
a "for fun" US Coin video project presentation that I am working

The following was the first video project I did, for the message
board community on my domain:


(Windows Media Player format)

The idea would be to construct a presentation of some of the
more stunning pieces, for everyone to enjoy (over and over

Just a couple of ground rules - you have to own the rights
to the pic, and give your permission for its use in the

If you think this is a neat idea, please support it by sending
along your favorite pics to

John's Email

as an attachment. I will then create the video and share the results
(where it can be found, details, etc.) here. Image size doesn't make much
difference (I have DSL), but I would probably reduce very large
images into smaller ones that work better with the video format.

Working title would be "Collectors Universe Awesome US Coins" or something
like that. This project, besides meaning to be entertaining (no one
will know what's in it completely until it is released!) is also meant to teach
me how to do video presentations better.

Many thanks in advance.

John C. Knudsen, LM ANA 2342, LM CSNS 337
SFC, US Army (Ret.) 1974-1994


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