The spoof contest is over...................
We have a winner and second place winner. Sorry Herb, there is only one Cranford token, you will have to pay the parking meter yourself.
"To know the road ahead, ask those coming back"
Thanks for the chance!!
Thanx for the chance at such a grand prize, and if I'm the winner and I don't see why I shouldn't win, please deliver the token in person. The tax folks give me the heebyjeebies.
I see that your new to the forum, hopefully you won't have any members sending private messages to try to pry the correct answer out of you.
BTW I believe you undervalued the token.
And next you're going to tell me that the Cranford token is worthless..... I knew it was too good to be true,
I was going to send a moronic (i think I just made that word up) PM telling you how worthless the token is but I didn't think you would take me seriously, so I never sent it.
Dissapointed in Virginia
Number Fifty Schree
Well, its true, the contest ended with only a single winner, and it wasn't you.
Toooooooo bad, you did however come in second place out of a total of two entries. Not bad if you ask me. I was going to enter the contest myself, but others might have thought that was an indication the contest was rigged.
However, being the second place winner you qualify for the official second place consolation prize. Your choice of a heartfelt congratulations or a free thank you for your entry.