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saintgurusaintguru Posts: 7,727 ✭✭✭


  • FredWeinbergFredWeinberg Posts: 5,877 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This Douled Die error is well-known, and looks great on a
    Gold coin!

    There is also a TRIPLED Die 1926 $20 St. Gaudens that looks similar.........

    Retired Collector & Dealer in Major Mint Error Coins & Currency since the 1960's.Co-Author of Whitman's "100 Greatest U.S. Mint Error Coins", and the Error Coin Encyclopedia, Vols., III & IV. Retired Authenticator for Major Mint Errors for PCGS. A 50+ Year PNG Member.A full-time numismatist since 1972, retired in 2022.
  • saintgurusaintguru Posts: 7,727 ✭✭✭
    Never knew that Fred. I never really pay much attention to this with Saints, because there are many variants (like the D mintmark...some date shave 3 varieties) . I probably have 6 gems dates that have wire rims. But the HR wire is a separate issue? I don't THINK so!
  • LongacreLongacre Posts: 16,717 ✭✭✭
    I never heard of these. Is there any premium for DDOs with Saints?
    Always took candy from strangers
    Didn't wanna get me no trade
    Never want to be like papa
    Working for the boss every night and day
    --"Happy", by the Rolling Stones (1972)
  • saintgurusaintguru Posts: 7,727 ✭✭✭
    If there is I'm a seller!

    answer: In our dreams.
  • mgoodm3mgoodm3 Posts: 17,497 ✭✭✭
    I told you so.
    coinimaging.com/my photography articles Check out the new macro lens testing section
  • saintgurusaintguru Posts: 7,727 ✭✭✭
    I agreed. snotface. image and how about shrinking this pic as well. It's huge.
  • seanqseanq Posts: 8,703 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Interesting comment, Fred, on first glance I thought thie coin pictured was a tripled die. Look at the upper right points of the stars, the tail of the 9 and 2, and the ray that runs under the top of the 6, they all look tripled to me.

    As neat as it is to look at, there's not much of a premium for these simply because the coin is already worth so much to begin with.

    Sean Reynolds
    Incomplete planchets wanted, especially Lincoln Cents & type coins.

    "Keep in mind that most of what passes as numismatic information is no more than tested opinion at best, and marketing blather at worst. However, I try to choose my words carefully, since I know that you guys are always watching." - Joe O'Connor
  • saintgurusaintguru Posts: 7,727 ✭✭✭
    Who in the world could ever even SEE it??
  • mgoodm3mgoodm3 Posts: 17,497 ✭✭✭
    It's more obvious than a lot of VAMs.
    coinimaging.com/my photography articles Check out the new macro lens testing section
  • FredWeinbergFredWeinberg Posts: 5,877 ✭✭✭✭✭
    As far as value, they are what I call "White Elephant" errors.....

    The coins value, as either a numismatic item, or it's gold content,
    surpasses the premium it would have as an error.

    Also, this particular DDO $20 is very very easy to find if you go
    thru a few dozen, or maybe 50, of this date.

    Sean, the tripled die has very distinct "triple points" on the
    2, and especially the 6, if I remember correctly...scarcer, but
    still easily found.......

    Retired Collector & Dealer in Major Mint Error Coins & Currency since the 1960's.Co-Author of Whitman's "100 Greatest U.S. Mint Error Coins", and the Error Coin Encyclopedia, Vols., III & IV. Retired Authenticator for Major Mint Errors for PCGS. A 50+ Year PNG Member.A full-time numismatist since 1972, retired in 2022.
  • FredWeinbergFredWeinberg Posts: 5,877 ✭✭✭✭✭
    JB - it can actually be seen with the naked eye, as the
    date is "thicker" than the normal 1926 $20 St.............

    Retired Collector & Dealer in Major Mint Error Coins & Currency since the 1960's.Co-Author of Whitman's "100 Greatest U.S. Mint Error Coins", and the Error Coin Encyclopedia, Vols., III & IV. Retired Authenticator for Major Mint Errors for PCGS. A 50+ Year PNG Member.A full-time numismatist since 1972, retired in 2022.
  • TorinoCobra71TorinoCobra71 Posts: 8,054 ✭✭✭
    Excellent CloseUp Pic!


  • saintgurusaintguru Posts: 7,727 ✭✭✭
    I'm far more interested in my 1931-D upgrading to a MS66 than a silly die shift. image
  • lloydmincylloydmincy Posts: 1,861
    <<Who in the world could ever even SEE it??>>

    Exactly: I'm still trying to see it, even with that HUGE pic. If that's a DDO, then every coin I own has a DD. This DDO business is getting out of hand, IMO. I think if you can't see it with even a loupe, it's not a DD.

    The Accumulator - Dark Lloyd of the Sith

  • MacCrimmonMacCrimmon Posts: 7,058 ✭✭✭
    That shot is so big I can see her toe jam.....image
  • eyoung429eyoung429 Posts: 6,374
    All I have to say is "DAYUMMMMMMMM" and yes, that is a triple-die strike.... It's a heck of a lot easier to see than a lot of the VAM's that I deal with in Morgan's.

    Thank you for making me feel like my coins are crap.......image
    This is a very dumb ass thread. - Laura Sperber - Tuesday January 09, 2007 11:16 AM image

    Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.
  • RBinTexRBinTex Posts: 4,328
    No DDO I'm aware of. Only the TDO image


    Not a Saint but still cool: image


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