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Ran into my old dealer at a local coin club meeting...10 years later!

I recently joined the Central Florida Coin club and was attending my second meeting last night. I came early as there are always several dealers set up selling this and that and I wanted to see if there was any color abound image As I was looking through one dealer case the dealer asked me if I used to come into his shop at such and such location years ago........I looked up and saw a long lost friend!!! The shop had close about 10 years ago and that was one of the reasons for my departure from coin collecting for many years. There just weren't any other good shops around....this was the quentisential brick and mortar shop. I would go to the shop at least 3 times a week whether I had money or not and just hang out and talk and learn about coins. I even took my now 12 year old daughter in there with me on several occasions and let her terrorize the patrons image

Not only did Nick remember me and my name....he remembered my daughter, her age and asked me how she was doing image I used to buy Seated dimes, circulated Mercs, IHC, V-Nickels......all the usual suspects when putting together a nice old fashioned collection.........unfortunately I have sold off just about all of the coins as my pursuits have changed. Still.....its the type of shop you miss when it's gone image

It was really great to see him and find out that he now runs trader Nicks out in Kissimmee, Fl which isn't too far away. He invited me out to his shop and told me he would take me out to lunch to talk about old times..........I can't wait!!!


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