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Odd antique store collection.

I went to this huge antique consignment store a while back and asked if they ever have coins. I was told that they almost never do. I went back today and was surprised to see a case of coins and more surprised by the prices. Complete Whitman album of circulated, ugly Franklins-$400. roll of silver dollars (did not have time to ask to see them)-$325. Kennedy set, don't remember the price, but way too high. Many other odds and ends, again, my wife was ready to leave, so I have to go back, but there was a 1920 SLQ in VG-F $8.00. I'll at least pick up the SLQ, and ask to open the plastic roll of Dollars.
I collect circulated U.S. silver


  • Those antique stores are to coin collectors what Las Vegas is to amatuer gamblers. Once in a while you might get lucky and come out a winner, but usually if you're spending money you lost it.

    That being said I have twice semi-scored at the local antique mall. I picked up an 1879 O Morgan that I call XF for $20 about a year ago. That was decent. The other semi-score was darkside, so I'll just keep it to myself.image

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