Die cracks and chip on Nebraska "P" Quarter -- "chin wart" die chip
I started looking through the Mint roll of the Nebraska P Quarters and noticed the same markings in several areas.
There is a die crack at the base of the bust on several of them.
Also a chin wart on 2 of them so far.
Also a die crack on a few in the eyebrow area and nose area.
Posting scans of the chin wart and neck area. Need more 2x2 holders so only went through 10 qtrs so far.
Chin of coin 1![image](http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e129/keezplayer/Nebraska-CHIN.jpg)
Chin of coin 2![image](http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e129/keezplayer/Nebraska-CHIN2.jpg)
Neck of coin 1![image](http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e129/keezplayer/Nebraska-NECK.jpg)
Neck of coin 2![image](http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e129/keezplayer/Nebraska-NECK2.jpg)
Full view![image](http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e129/keezplayer/NebraskaQtr1.jpg)
There is a die crack at the base of the bust on several of them.
Also a chin wart on 2 of them so far.
Also a die crack on a few in the eyebrow area and nose area.
Posting scans of the chin wart and neck area. Need more 2x2 holders so only went through 10 qtrs so far.
Chin of coin 1
Chin of coin 2
Neck of coin 1
Neck of coin 2
Full view
OK, not sure how to post a link ... It's acution No. 8423643308
I've got a pretty good close-up photo of that same die crack in a more advanced state.
The quarters I have with the die crack all came out of the same roll. On one of them, the crack has extended will across the base of the bust, and actually spread out to leave an elongated blob of metal.
- Mark
In this one, you can see the crack extending across the bust, and opening up near the bust middle... not sure if this would qualify as a retained cud or not?
- Mark
Question 1: Is the "chin wart" considered a cud?
Question 2: Is it considered a variety or error?
i guess the more visible and dramatic, the more collector value but it is a common deal.
the die-chip or `chin wart`is pretty cool but not all die-chips are sought-after errors unless
it has a.....widely accepted feature of `coolness`....? like the speared buffalo nickle...or extra leaf deal.
maybe your chin wart quarter will catch on and be in that cool error catagory.
updated thread title with more accurate description