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Population report for PCGS VAMs?

Where can you get population reports for number and grades of Peace and Morgan VAMs for PCGS? NGC has theirs on-line and you can refer to the TOP 50 Peace book for ANACS population. (I realize some ANACS are being crossed to PCGS now that PCGS has set registry.) Poor ANACS VAMs can't be registered anywhere.
image Scottish Fold Gold


  • RBinTexRBinTex Posts: 4,328
    Only way right now is to get the PCGS No.'s HERE (or HERE - shhhhhh image ) & plug them in to the pop report. image
  • coindeucecoindeuce Posts: 13,474 ✭✭✭✭✭
    From the PCGS home page, scroll down to the link on the left margin for Variety Atribution. Clicking on that link will take you to a page which has a link for the list of PCGS coin numbers for the Morgan and Peace Varieties which they will attribute. You'll need Acrobat Reader to download the list. Most of the VAM coin numbers are six digits prefixed by 133_ _ _. From this list you can return to the home page and click on the link for PCGS Population Reports. Access to the population reports is limited to subscription only. Once you have chosen a subscription plan you may navigate to the Pop. Report home page which will have a search entry box for the VAM coin number which you desire to confirm a pop.report of. The VAM pop. reports can only be viewed one Variety at a time, which hopefully will be reformatted in the near future to appear in the format of all other U.S. type, where all dates in a particular series are shown by spreadsheet.

    "Everything is on its way to somewhere. Everything." - George Malley, Phenomenon

  • coindeucecoindeuce Posts: 13,474 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ANACS also offers a pop. report for all ANACS attributed VAMS, in hard copy. Call them at 800-888-1861 for more info.

    "Everything is on its way to somewhere. Everything." - George Malley, Phenomenon

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