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What is the difference between Noyes' 1816-1839 Large Cents Book and Wright's The Cent Book 1816-183

LongacreLongacre Posts: 16,717 ✭✭✭
I posted a similar thread in the past, but I posted it as a poll, and didn't get a lot of written responses. For those who have both books, what is the difference between these two books? I believe that the Noyes book was updated in 1991(?), and the Wright book is from 1992. Do the books cover different aspects of the coins? Does the Wright book contain the necessary information to cross reference to N numbers, and also provide even more information? How are they similar or different?
Always took candy from strangers
Didn't wanna get me no trade
Never want to be like papa
Working for the boss every night and day
--"Happy", by the Rolling Stones (1972)


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  • Both books contain similar technical information. I use both books, but I must admit that I prefer the Wright book; it is one of the best written numismatic attribution guides ever produced. Some numismatists would laugh at that comment, but I have said it before and will say it again.

    Hardcore copper guys generally prefer the Noyes reference, which I must admit is top shelf in terms of quality. I just like the Wright book for it's simplicity and nice photos. It is so easy to attribute from this book and it provides a pricing guide for each variety in (X) format. For example, N-10 draws a 3X premium, etc.

    I also use Noyes, but usually as a secondary (confirmation) reference.

    Both are great references.
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  • Both books are great references. Noyes provides a little bit better visual aid with his attribution points. Wright's is probably a bit better overal with good discussion points. Also, Wright starts each year of with an introduction and "discussion" of the coins/varieties of that year. However both references are outdated in terms of rarity scale. Noyes' middle date book was published in 1991 and Wright's in 1992, Many new discoveries of the more scarce and rare varieties have been made since these books were first published. You can't rely on the rarity scales for many varieties and subsequently the premium multiples discussed may have changed. None-the-less both are wonderful references and a must for middle date collectors.
  • MikeInFLMikeInFL Posts: 10,188 ✭✭✭✭
    I prefer the Wright book, no question. In the end there is not much difference between the two, although the Wright book includes a neat introduction to each year. I also prefer Wright's pictures....Mike
    Collector of Large Cents, US Type, and modern pocket change.
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,798 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If I were seriously thinking about getting into that series, I would buy both.
  • AuldFartteAuldFartte Posts: 4,597 ✭✭✭✭
    Wright's book is much better, IMO - it makes variety attribution a real breeze, plus the history for each year is fascinating stuff.

    My OmniCoin Collection
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    Tom, formerly in Albuquerque, NM.

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