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Cheerios Sac$ - Pattern Designation

MWallaceMWallace Posts: 4,168 ✭✭✭✭✭
In a previous post (LINK) it was asked if NGC was still using the "Pattern" designation on their labels for the "Reverse 0f 1999" Sac Dollars. I contacted Tom Delorey to see if he knew the answer. He in turn contacted NGC stating that someone had gotten one back without the "Pattern" designation and asked if their designation had changed or if it was an oversight.

They responded, "No our designation has not changed. We put PATTERN on the holder and the submitter can either have CHEERIOS (as a default)
Also on the holder or their name (ie: Delorey Specimen)."


  • GemineyeGemineye Posts: 5,374
    Thanks for the info.....My Bday is coming soon.I'm gonna have to make some Really big hints.....image

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