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Direct link to a PCGS population query?

Has anyone been able to formulate a direct web link to a pcgs population query?

Once logged in, I can go through the http://www.pcgs.com/popreport/ link and enter a coin number to get a population for that coin. I'd really like to be able to have a single line link that I can embed in an email to someone that (assuming they are a member and previously logged on) they can click and get the same result without pasting my coin number into a web query. Can anyone help?


Rob Joyce - Dollar Variety / VAM Collector


  • RBinTexRBinTex Posts: 4,328
    Rob. No easy way as far as I know BUT - YOU can enter the PCGS No. on the 1st page of the pop report & then copy the whole pop table into an e-mail

    OR you can enter the coin in a registry set & then link the registry set which will show the pop of that grade plus the number higher (more cumbersome and less info)

    OR you can copy that pop table to a website & then after it's hosted/posted (as an image???), right click on it to get it's properties & then send/make that url a clickable link (probably no more reason to do that than copy into an e-mail.
  • Thanks. I still believe there's got to be a way to simulate the direct entry of that form as a URL command.


    Rob Joyce - Dollar Variety / VAM Collector

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