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Ben Franklin Coin & Chronicles set ???

Okay, checking my order status on the sets and on my two separate orders I see one says, "5 units backordered. Expected to ship on 05/22/2006." Okay today is the 23rd, so what the heck does this mean? And the second says, "5 units reserved." Sounds like basically I will only get 5, which I am happy with, but anybody else see this sort of occurance?

morris <><
"Repent, for the kindom of heaven is at hand."
** I would take a shack on the Rock over a castle in the sand !! **
Don't take life so seriously...nobody gets out alive.

(951) 757-0334



  • Not sure but I can tell you this.....Whenever you check your order(s) take a look at the bottom next to "CANCEL".........if there is no check box for you to select to cancel your order then your order(s) is already in the shiipping stage.

    I ordered some proof sets last Wednesday and the Mint did not show that they shipped until yesterday. Then I went to the post office and THERE WERE MY PROOF SETS! I was totally in shock because I've NEVER received any items from the Mint in 3 days! And that was standard shipping! It usually takes 3 weeks. I suspect foul play! image
  • GATGAT Posts: 3,146
    Just means they are getting ready to ship 5 sets and 5 sets are in the waiting line. I can still cancel my order and am giving serious thought of doing so. So many have been listed on eBay, driving the price down, that it hardly seems worth the effort.

    Edited for El Typo:
    USAF vet 1951-59
  • HyperionHyperion Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭
    Ive noticed these things going to cheap...
    I wonder how many will be cracked out to sent the coin for grading ?
    might be a long-term hold... either way, seems the flippers are getting burned on this one.
  • holeinone1972holeinone1972 Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭
    I just saw one go for $70 on the bay. I almost bid, but I already have all 4 of them. I will try and wait till it gets under original asking price from the mint. If it does not, I will lose zero sleep.

  • HyperionHyperion Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭
    happily, I got 2 of everything (incl chron). I sold the regular coins in like .02, basically paid for my set...
    wait it out and i think you can probably snipe something under issue..
  • 3sidesofsilver3sidesofsilver Posts: 280 ✭✭✭
    Not a bad idea, GAT. For comparison, 2 months ago I picked up the John Marshall C&C set - unopened - from fleabay for 39.95. I had the only uncontested bid. These were sold by the Mint last year for 59.95...not a bad deal. Possibly the same deal here if the Franklin sets are going DOWN in price.

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