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I have a registry set valued at over $1000, yet no points

tjkilliantjkillian Posts: 5,578 ✭✭✭
I think I might have the lowest weighted registry set. The set is the Complete U.S. type coins, 1792 - 1964. Based upon the weighted points, it SHOULD have a set rating of -32, (Chain cent: 9x(1-3) + Liberty Cap cent 7x(1-3). That is because the have a deduction of 3 points for any copper coin that is brown. Both coins are PO-01.

It shows that it has a zero set rating, but I guess is that PCGS' computers can't handle negative numbers for sets. I could spend several thousand more and still have a significant negative set rating. The name of the set is "Low-grade set" and I am number 77.

Anyone have a lower set rating on any set? Especially ones that are so valuable. image


There is a flaw in how sets are rated.


edited to correct my math


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