Biggio hit #623 tonight...

in Sports Talk
and it is still early in the game.
Move over Henry, here comes Craig.
Move over Henry, here comes Craig.

<< <i>How can you be happy about Biggio, according to another thread, he like, does not give back to the community he grew up in, so he "should" be scorned forever! >>
Hey moron, I was the one who commented on his efforts in the community. I ALSO said that it isnt a players responsibility to do so, but that it wouldnt have hurt, and it would have been a nice gesture if he had. NOWHERE did I state that he should be scorned forever...not even anything get it straight instead of talking your usual meaningless, brainless trash.
-- Yogi Berra
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<< <i>How can you be happy about Biggio, according to another thread, he like, does not give back to the community he grew up in, so he "should" be scorned forever! >>
Hey moron, I was the one who commented on his efforts in the community. I ALSO said that it isnt a players responsibility to do so, but that it wouldnt have hurt, and it would have been a nice gesture if he had. NOWHERE did I state that he should be scorned forever...not even anything get it straight instead of talking your usual meaningless, brainless trash. >>
I know you were the one who commented on his efforts, that why I made my post. Thing is, people who make it, seemingly are expected to give back to the community they are from, even if that community did not do a thing to help a certain person. The community of Biggio's youth should feel much better, knowing they have a true professional who put in tons of time in pro sports, and did it with class, I have never heard of anyone saying anything badly about Craig! What should he do, give back to the kids? As if it is his job to aid in the future of children, if it is not my kids, a family member's kid, or a friend's kid, I do not care about any other kid, let their parent's worry!
<< <i>How can you be happy about Biggio, according to another thread, he like, does not give back to the community he grew up in, so he "should" be scorned forever! >>
Hey moron, I was the one who commented on his efforts in the community.
Speaking of community, didn't you express to this "community" how you had all these "team sets" of 86 topps and wanted to "help" us out, only to NEVER contact ANY of us. Thanks alot, cancel my order....
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<< <i>How can you be happy about Biggio, according to another thread, he like, does not give back to the community he grew up in, so he "should" be scorned forever! >>
Hey moron, I was the one who commented on his efforts in the community.
Speaking of community, didn't you express to this "community" how you had all these "team sets" of 86 topps and wanted to "help" us out, only to NEVER contact ANY of us. Thanks alot, cancel my order.... >>
Didnt know it was my job to hunt you down for anything. I said I would get to putting the sets together when I had the chance. The only member besides yourself who wanted anything contacted me again, and I responded WHEN I had gotten the time to put them together.
-- Yogi Berra
Biggio has raised MILLIONS for under-privileged and cancer stricken children.
What have you done?
<< <i>And I'm still waiting for how much time, effort, and energy you donate to your hometown, bri.
Biggio has raised MILLIONS for under-privileged and cancer stricken children.
What have you done? >>
I didnt know what I have done was the question here. Actually, I didnt know if what Biggio had done was a question here. I like the guy personally, and am sure he has done his share of charity work. My original post regarding him was to tell the viewpoint of many people in his hometown community. I grew up a town over, so its really irelevant to me. I was simply relaying what is a common feeling among a large portion of people in the town he did grow up in.
-- Yogi Berra
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<< <i>Biggio grew up about 10 minutes from me, and although he may be underrated as a player all these years, he certainly doesnt get any love in his hometown. I am not saying that it is a players obligation to give back to his community, but it sure doesnt hurt. Over the years he has failed to acknowledge any attempt to give back as far as appearances, donations, etc. I dont think it would have hurt him to show up at a benefit once in a while, or maybe support the local little league or something. Nobody is saying he has to give his life and wallet over, but a token of appreciation to the town that raised him, the coaches that taught him the game, etc. would have been nice to see. >>
He does a ton of charity work here in Houston. Notice that little yellow pin he wears? That's for the sunshine kids.
To try and drag his name through the mud won't hold any water.
While he may have not been born here, Houston is his adopted hometown. >>
I wasnt dragging his name through the mud. I was pointing out the fact that he has done nothing for his hometown here. I also didnt say it was anyones obligation to do so, only that it would have been nice to see. Dont try to twist my words or thoughts. I think the guy is a great ballplayer, and may do plenty of work off the field, he just doesnt do it here where he was raised. >>
I wasn't twisting your words or thoughts. It's all right there... You said he does nothing for the city in which he was raised and that it wouldn't hurt if he did. You were putting a negative spin on a person that I consider a truely remarkable charity giver. The amount of money he has raised and charity benefits he has attended in Houston FAR outweighs anything he could have done in Smithtown, NY, which has a population of just over 100,000 with a median household income of $80K (source).
By calling him out, I sure hope you donate a lot of time, money, and energy to good causes there. >>
<< <i>discussion link
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<< <i>Biggio grew up about 10 minutes from me, and although he may be underrated as a player all these years, he certainly doesnt get any love in his hometown. I am not saying that it is a players obligation to give back to his community, but it sure doesnt hurt. Over the years he has failed to acknowledge any attempt to give back as far as appearances, donations, etc. I dont think it would have hurt him to show up at a benefit once in a while, or maybe support the local little league or something. Nobody is saying he has to give his life and wallet over, but a token of appreciation to the town that raised him, the coaches that taught him the game, etc. would have been nice to see. >>
He does a ton of charity work here in Houston. Notice that little yellow pin he wears? That's for the sunshine kids.
To try and drag his name through the mud won't hold any water.
While he may have not been born here, Houston is his adopted hometown. >>
I wasnt dragging his name through the mud. I was pointing out the fact that he has done nothing for his hometown here. I also didnt say it was anyones obligation to do so, only that it would have been nice to see. Dont try to twist my words or thoughts. I think the guy is a great ballplayer, and may do plenty of work off the field, he just doesnt do it here where he was raised. >>
I wasn't twisting your words or thoughts. It's all right there... You said he does nothing for the city in which he was raised and that it wouldn't hurt if he did. You were putting a negative spin on a person that I consider a truely remarkable charity giver. The amount of money he has raised and charity benefits he has attended in Houston FAR outweighs anything he could have done in Smithtown, NY, which has a population of just over 100,000 with a median household income of $80K (source).
By calling him out, I sure hope you donate a lot of time, money, and energy to good causes there. >>
Im not going back and forth with this. I said the guy didnt do anything where he grew up. So what ? Its a fact, he hasnt. It simply has nothing to do with anything he has done ANYWHERE else.
-- Yogi Berra
<< <i>Im not going back and forth with this. I said the guy didnt do anything where he grew up. So what ? Its a fact, he hasnt. It simply has nothing to do with anything he has done ANYWHERE else. >>
And I bet EVERY single person, who ever made it in life, either in sports, music, movies, accounting, prostitution, and etc, gave back to their communities also! I live and grew up in the Detroit area, I do not see Eminem doing much, heck, the Insane Clown Posse has done a few cancer benefit wrestling shows, and they are supposedly, just a bunch of clowns who like to swear. I hate Eminem, because I hate Eminem, but the last thing on my mind, when I think of him, is what he has done for the community lately, I have not heard of one thing he has done, except put Kimmy back in circulation.....again!
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<< <i>Im not going back and forth with this. I said the guy didnt do anything where he grew up. So what ? Its a fact, he hasnt. It simply has nothing to do with anything he has done ANYWHERE else. >>
And I bet EVERY single person, who ever made it in life, either in sports, music, movies, accounting, prostitution, and etc, gave back to their communities also! I live and grew up in the Detroit area, I do not see Eminem doing much, heck, the Insane Clown Posse has done a few cancer benefit wrestling shows, and they are supposedly, just a bunch of clowns who like to swear. I hate Eminem, because I hate Eminem, but the last thing on my mind, when I think of him, is what he has done for the community lately, I have not heard of one thing he has done, except put Kimmy back in circulation.....again! >>
The fact that the only people you could come up with were Eminem and the Insane Clown Posse speaks volumes.
-- Yogi Berra
<< <i>Im not going back and forth with this. I said the guy didnt do anything where he grew up. So what ? Its a fact, he hasnt. It simply has nothing to do with anything he has done ANYWHERE else. >>
Yes it does, you make it sound like Biggio hasn't done squat anywhere. It just sounds like you are bitter that you haven't seen one red cent from his hard word and determination, even though you now admit that he grew up in another town down the road from yours. You said, "and am sure he has done his share of charity work." He has done more than his share of charity work. Do some research before you call someone out: Sunshine Kids
<< <i>Craig Biggio
Houston Astros Second Baseman
For more than a decade, Houston Astros star Craig Biggio has supported the Sunshine Kids Foundation. His unselfish commitment has featured numerous contributions to the foundation, including a pool table for the game room, Jungle Gym and a party deck which is used for activities for the kids at the Sunshine Kids house.
Every year Craig hosts the annual Biggio Party at Astros Field for the Sunshine Kids. This event is the always the highlight of the year and gives the children the opportunity to play baseball with Craig and his Astros teammates.
In addition, Craig hosts an annual golf tournament that benefits the Foundation. The Sunshine Kids Celebrity Golf Classic has served as one of the major fundraisers in the greater Houston area and over the years has raised more than $1 million for the Foundation.
As the National Spokesperson for The Sunshine Kids Foundation, Craig often visits the Sunshine Kids house and is regularly seen by national sports audiences wearing the Sunshine Kids pin on his baseball cap. >>
Do you know for a fact that he has never, ever done anything for Smithtown? Do you know for a fact any anonymous contribution wasn't from him? Do you know for a fact that the city has requested his help for anything?
I said it before and I'll say it again: What he has done for the city of Houston waaaaaaaaaaaaaay outweighs anything he allegedly hasn't done for Smithtown.
BTW - You still haven't commented on your charitable work. I wonder why.... Actually, I take that back. It's pretty obvious why you haven't.
<< <i>If you really want to know why Biggio would never risk his reputation and legacy, look at one of his other character traits: He's ultra-conscious of his image.
He carefully chooses every word he says publicly. He never makes any appearance or does any endorsement without carefully studying the effect it might have on his star value. He likes to be in control of everything around him that could affect how he's perceived. >>