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Question about haze on coins

Is haze on coins the beginning of toning or is it something else?

1969s WCLR-001 counterclash


  • pontiacinfpontiacinf Posts: 8,915 ✭✭
    thats a tuff one

    I have seen IKES, especially 74-s ones who get a haze first, kinda cloudy- then they work themselves into rainbow tones (brown box)

    theres also others that get a certain haze that just mutates into...

    well I shouldnt need to finish that statementimage

    Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
  • As far as I know, this "fog" is not going to turn any kind of color. I do know it is UGLY!!! I'm talking about an irregular dense white fog-like toning that may not be visible straight on but becomes opaque with the coin at a 45 degree angle to a grading lamp.

    The good news is it seems to wash away with an acetone dip which does not harm the coin, doesn't even touch the tone of the coin.

    I have no idea what causes fog to develop: none of the SBAs or Ikes that I have MS dipped to clean up a solid but grungy/ugly specimen and subsequently had holdered by PCGS have developed fog.

    I've read, and it makes sense, that whatever the cause, higher humidity is an accellerant: it pays to dehumidify your coin storage locker, safe, or safety deposit box. Rob
    Modern dollars are like children - before you know it they'll be all grown up.....

    Questions about Ikes? Go to The IKE GROUP WEB SITE

  • << <i>thats a tuff one

    I have seen IKES, especially 74-s ones who get a haze first, kinda cloudy- then they work themselves into rainbow tones (brown box)

    theres also others that get a certain haze that just mutates into...

    DIP !!

    There, I finished it for ya.
    What do you think, Mr. Bigglesworth?
  • Thanks
    1969s WCLR-001 counterclash

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