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PayPal down?

"The PayPal site is currently experiencing technical difficulties with our credit card processor. We are working to solve this problem as quickly as possible. If you would like to Send Money, please fund your payment with your PayPal balance, PayPal Credit or bank account. If you would like to use your credit card, please return to the PayPal website later to complete your transaction. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause."

followed by:

"The PayPal site is currently experiencing technical difficulties with our credit card processor. We are working to solve this problem as quickly as possible. If you would like to Send Money, please fund your payment with your PayPal balance, PayPal Credit or bank account. If you would like to use your credit card, please return to the PayPal website later to complete your transaction. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause."

Anybody else get these messages tonight?
Salute the automobile: The greatest anti-pollution device in human history!
(Just think of city streets clogged with a hundred thousand horses each generating 15 lbs of manure every day...)


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