Wondercoin..Cheapest Franklin Commems PCGS MS69 you will find..$65..!!!
I have 2 each left.
Founding Father PCGS MS69 $65
Scientist PCGS MS69 $65
Includes shipping!!
If these don't sell today I'll lower the price by $5 tomorrow. Look on ebay, they're selling for $75 to $95 including shipping.
Have one 2005 Marine Commem PCGS MS69 for $75 including shipping. sold
Wondercoin the modern market maker, these commems are cheap, please step up to the plate.
my set
Founding Father PCGS MS69 $65
Scientist PCGS MS69 $65
Includes shipping!!
If these don't sell today I'll lower the price by $5 tomorrow. Look on ebay, they're selling for $75 to $95 including shipping.
Have one 2005 Marine Commem PCGS MS69 for $75 including shipping. sold
Wondercoin the modern market maker, these commems are cheap, please step up to the plate.
my set
Right this min on ebay they are bringing $80, including shipping, with 3hrs to go!!
Those coins above, a FF closed on ebay at $90 and the Scientist $83.
Orie: Those are very fair prices! You should have little problem selling them. Please sell me your Proof Gold and Proof Platinum sets!