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image1889 23a like VAM 1889 23A like VAM1900 O VAM 15 with double whack!1900 O double whack rev
VAM coleecting has got me really excited and these coins are some of my recent finds! Please enjoy and respond with yours thoughts! I would like to submit to Leroy for his final thoughts since he is the authority on the matter. My question is how? How Much for his service? And What is the average turn around? Thanks!
Bobby D1889 23A like VAM


  • messydeskmessydesk Posts: 20,019 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My first reaction to the 1889 was that it isn't a VAM 23A. There are only a few known, and the reverses on the known 23A specimens are proof-like with no clashes. Also, the obverse is clashed even stronger than yours appears to be. The clash must have destroyed the reverse die, causing it to be replaced by a new one immediately.

    Assuming it's not a 23A, I started looking through my notes to see which one it is, and I can't find a perfect match. I was thinking perhaps VAM 7B, since the 9 seems to be higher than the rest of the date, but your clash seems stronger, with an entire 'n' present. Another forum member, Mark Kimpton (morganvamclashie), might see this thread and respond if he knows which one it is. My notes go through the end of 2005.

    If you decide to send your coin to Leroy, there is no charge beyond registered return postage. He turns the coins around quickly, probably within a day or two of receiving them. Send the coin to Leroy Van Allen, P.O. Box 196, Sidney, OH 45365. Enclose a detailed description of what you see on your coin and money for return postage.

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