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New members to the family, the chase continues

Picked up some new toned Morgans, a 1902 morgan in 66 and a 1898-s in 65. Looking for these two
dates for over 10 years to add to my collection. The 98-s has better rainbows than what shows up
in the picture and the 1902, while not very colorful is a neat piece. I have not seen an 02 with
a lot of color in all that time, so I settled on this coin until something better comes along.

Please feel free to click on My NGC link below and view my collection including the new members.
I'm down to 16 coins to complete this marathorn. I have a few other coins in Anacs and Icg holders that are not allowed.
If they were you would see a 91-cc in 65 and 87-o in 65 both ICG and a 83-s and 84-s in Au Anacs holders

Thanks for looking and please feel free to comment one way or another on what you like or do not.


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