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PCGS vs NGC for grading PEACE dollars

I did a little research with the population reports from PCGS and NGC (ANACS doesn't have pop reports available on-line) on the grading of Peace Dollars. What I wanted to discover was whether there were any trends in which TPG is selected to grade with outcomes. (NGC does have the REDFIELD and BINION hoards but impact is slight if any.) What I found out was that PCGS has more Peace dollars graded MS62 down to PrAG. PCGS and NGC are about equal at MS63. And NGC is preferred for Grades MS64 and MS65. The numbers for MS66, MS67, and MS68 are so small, the percentage is meaningless but I left them in the graph. Attached is a graph of the percentage of Peace Dollars by TPG and assigned Grade. This is a fun little research project. I suspect the interpretation is that the biggest price difference occurs around MS65 so anyone with a Peace Dollar that may grade MS64-MS66 are more likely to use NGC. All lower grades tend to be submitted to PCGS as the price difference is not very much.


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  • CoxeCoxe Posts: 11,139
    We could speculate on standards and skills between the two TPGs, but Peace dollars are soe of the hardest to grade, especially sliders and poor strikes. The higher end difference might be variance in tolerating strike and luster deficiencies. What is certain, though, is that top quality and appealing Peace dollars are pretty difficult for a 20th century coin that largely sat in storage rather than circulated. Nicely toned ones are even moreso diificult.

    What might be interesting is to look at the population increases from both services over, say, the last ten years in each grade.

    As far as Redfield goes, NGC probably doesn't have appreciably more than any of the top 3 TPGs.
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